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Join Sophie, a private investigator, as she uncovers the mysteries of Steam City.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 40% off until 11th February 2022, 2 PM UTC
low rated
richlind33: I'm not about to shit on those truckers for standing up for their human rights. Vaccine mandates are the real "communism" as far as I'm concerned. Sorry about the food situation, but governments seem completely unconcerned with the effect their policies are having on global supply chains.

So what were we arguing about?
Reaper9988: You might not defend something because you indulge in it, but you sure are quick to call something destructive because you find it offensive/don't like it.

And the world is going to hell in a handbasket ? Well ok maybe, but rape rates are down in Europe, Child molestation rates are way down in Europe, there is more exposure to the occurences though which is a good thing.
General violent crime is down, violence against women istdown.....well of course each occurence is too much but in that regard were on a good way.
Europe, sir. I'm taking about the states.
low rated
I would like to make an announcement: to all you haters out there: I decided that I will buy and recomnmend even more AO games the more you idiots and wannabe lawyers are arguing against it. Mostly because it will make you angry. So be aware that it will be your fault from this moment on if those will be sold more. Maybe ignoring such games would be the better thing to do? ;)
low rated
TheGrimLord: No. A lot of it is completely out of context with the story unless it is a plotge (nukige with a plot) or an eroge where the scene matters. In Kagura, very rarely do the sex scenes mean much of anything and they're arbitrary at best. There's very few games with meaningful sex scenes that they sell. It's all just casual sex, rape and prostitution, basically. So you don't change a thing by removing it.
I still can't fathom, why someone would do that.
Doesn't that make your game more difficult to sell on general game stores?

Are they putting it in to satisfy some niche closed community while at the same time hoping to enter general game market where they will drop the porn part and continue making "clean" games when they increase user base?

I mean, that alone makes this games very difficult to classify as porn and just trains me to avoid all anime type of games just in case. It doesn't look like a good way to build your business.
MarkoH01: I would like to make an announcement: to all you haters out there: I decided that I will buy and recomnmend even more AO games the more you idiots and wannabe lawyers are arguing against it. Mostly because it will make you angry. So be aware that it will be your fault from this moment on if those will be sold more. Maybe ignoring such games would be the better thing to do? ;)
Good thing that the entire world is just sitting there idle and waiting for your command.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by bombardier
low rated
Reaper9988: You might not defend something because you indulge in it, but you sure are quick to call something destructive because you find it offensive/don't like it.

And the world is going to hell in a handbasket ? Well ok maybe, but rape rates are down in Europe, Child molestation rates are way down in Europe, there is more exposure to the occurences though which is a good thing.
General violent crime is down, violence against women istdown.....well of course each occurence is too much but in that regard were on a good way.
TheGrimLord: Europe, sir. I'm taking about the states.
Wasn't aimed at you, if ficition causes what richind33 aledged, rape rates should be way over the top, child molesting abundant, violence in general on an all time high over here in Europe too because people consume all kinds of porn here too.
It's not though, most cases have been going down for years, the fiction is bad and makes people bad is usually just a cop out for a broken society.

I mean Germany has litterally been in the book burning age and well wouldn't say that was good times.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
Reaper9988: Well I don't mind really if they acknowledge that, I mean game stores have been peddling murder simulators for ages.
I'm ok with naming things as they are.
But it's probably gonna come down to Action and Adult games really.

And I do love me my murder simulators. <3
bombardier: If they do it like that it will be completely pointless.
Leisure Suite Larry is Adult game, and it is no way near this game.
TheGrimLord: No. A lot of it is completely out of context with the story unless it is a plotge (nukige with a plot) or an eroge where the scene matters. In Kagura, very rarely do the sex scenes mean much of anything and they're arbitrary at best. There's very few games with meaningful sex scenes that they sell. It's all just casual sex, rape and prostitution, basically. So you don't change a thing by removing it.
bombardier: For real?
Rape is like a commercial break?
Yeah, it's just kinda there. If we're talking nukige where the whole goal is sex (I have not seen one of those yet here I may add) and there's nothing but sex scenes, then that is the game. But most eroge have few sex scenes and H-Games like this only have sex scenes for the sheer hell of it. You can easily play many of these games without the sex and get a normal experience, yes, on par with Larry. I've played all those and it's quite similar. Everything is inferred or just innuendo.
low rated
richlind33: I'm not about to shit on those truckers for standing up for their human rights. Vaccine mandates are the real "communism" as far as I'm concerned. Sorry about the food situation, but governments seem completely unconcerned with the effect their policies are having on global supply chains.

So what were we arguing about?
Reaper9988: You might not defend something because you indulge in it, but you sure are quick to call something destructive because you find it offensive/don't like it.

And the world is going to hell in a handbasket ? Well ok maybe, but rape rates are down in Europe, Child molestation rates are way down in Europe, there is more exposure to the occurences though which is a good thing.
General violent crime is down, violence against women is down.....well of course each occurence is too much but in that regard were on a good way.
Is it possible that you're not offended by rape porn because you're desensitized to it?

That's the primary effect that violent imagery has on people: we become desensitized to violence. Think about that if you ever find yourself being beaten to death, and are hoping that someone comes to your aid. If they're not "offended" by what they're seeing, they probably won't do more than snap a pic or two.
low rated
Reaper9988: You might not defend something because you indulge in it, but you sure are quick to call something destructive because you find it offensive/don't like it.

And the world is going to hell in a handbasket ? Well ok maybe, but rape rates are down in Europe, Child molestation rates are way down in Europe, there is more exposure to the occurences though which is a good thing.
General violent crime is down, violence against women is down.....well of course each occurence is too much but in that regard were on a good way.
richlind33: Is it possible that you're not offended by rape porn because you're desensitized to it?

That's the primary effect that violent imagery has on people: we become desensitized to violence. Think about that if you ever find yourself being beaten to death, and are hoping that someone comes to your aid. If they're not "offended" by what they're seeing, they probably won't do more than snap a pic or two.
Huh ? I thrown guys out of bars because they didn't treat the ladies well and generally am actually way overprotective.
I can differentiate between reality and fiction though, is that a lost Art ?

I'lll admit though I prefer strong women that know what they are doing, not kids that come running crying because a guys catcalled them.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
richlind33: I'm certainly not. You claimed fiction has no effect on people. THAT is what we're arguing, unless you've changed your mind.
Reaper9988: That's semantics, there is no proven correlation between fiction and real world crimes.
If you think there is I would like some crediible evidence.
Clearly you know nothing at all re social psychology.
Post edited February 08, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
bombardier: Good thing that the entire world is just sitting there idle and waiting for your command.
Whenever I think you guys could not say anthing more dumb than you did you prove the opposite. Bravo!

Read again what I wrote and MAYBE you will understand what the words are meaning - I doubt it though. Anyway, I mean what I said, no matter if you are bright enough to understand simple sentences or not.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by MarkoH01
low rated
TheGrimLord: No. A lot of it is completely out of context with the story unless it is a plotge (nukige with a plot) or an eroge where the scene matters. In Kagura, very rarely do the sex scenes mean much of anything and they're arbitrary at best. There's very few games with meaningful sex scenes that they sell. It's all just casual sex, rape and prostitution, basically. So you don't change a thing by removing it.
bombardier: I still can't fathom, why someone would do that.
Doesn't that make your game more difficult to sell on general game stores?

Are they putting it in to satisfy some niche closed community while at the same time hoping to enter general game market where they will drop the porn part and continue making "clean" games when they increase user base?

I mean, that alone makes this games very difficult to classify as porn and just trains me to avoid all anime type of games just in case. It doesn't look like a good way to build your business.
MarkoH01: I would like to make an announcement: to all you haters out there: I decided that I will buy and recomnmend even more AO games the more you idiots and wannabe lawyers are arguing against it. Mostly because it will make you angry. So be aware that it will be your fault from this moment on if those will be sold more. Maybe ignoring such games would be the better thing to do? ;)
bombardier: Good thing that the entire world is just sitting there idle and waiting for your command.
No, people know what they are and fans usually patch them. Not everyone though. Also you probably don't need to play anime games in general because most modern ones now do deal with all the same tropes as the hentai ones. Like Senran Kagura or Akiba's Trip, for example. Even Persona characters get lewded because of the waifu trope. Anime stuff is just something some people avoid, but they sell bucket loads because the community is not small and niche and getting younger with the growing popularity of manga. All the kids are reading manga and it's available everywhere now. Demon Slayer is the big one and that does have lewded characters. It's also the biggest selling anime franchise of all time. There's definitely stacked tiddies in it and kids are watching it because it's the cool thing.

Just stick to non-anime games, the community is big enough as it is and people who don't like it never will. But I will tell you just from personal experience that more young people like it now than ever.
Post edited February 08, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
Reaper9988: That's semantics, there is no proven correlation between fiction and real world crimes.
If you think there is I would like some crediible evidence.
richlind33: Clearly you nothing at all re social psychology.
Well I'm a scientific person, supply evidence and I will check it out.
If you can't I'll just stick to the evidence I know.

I get the feeling this is very personal to you, in which case I'm sorry, but your judgement does seem very clouded.
Noone thinks rape should just be ignored, this is really only about fiction.
bombardier: I still can't fathom, why someone would do that.
Doesn't that make your game more difficult to sell on general game stores?

Are they putting it in to satisfy some niche closed community while at the same time hoping to enter general game market where they will drop the porn part and continue making "clean" games when they increase user base?

I mean, that alone makes this games very difficult to classify as porn and just trains me to avoid all anime type of games just in case. It doesn't look like a good way to build your business.

Good thing that the entire world is just sitting there idle and waiting for your command.
TheGrimLord: No, people know what they are and fans usually patch them. Not everyone though. Also you probably don't need to play anime games in general because most modern ones now do deal with all the same tropes as the hentai ones. Like Senran Kagura or Akiba's Trip, for example. Even Persona characters get lewded because of the waifu trope. Anime stuff is just something people avoid, but they sell bucket loads because the community is not small and niche and getting younger with the growing popularity of manga. All the kids are reading manga and it's available everywhere now. Demon Slayer is the big one and that does have lewded characters. It's also the biggest selling anime franchise of all time. They're definitely stacked tiddies in it and kids are watching it because it's the cool thing.

Just stick to non-anime games, the community is big enough as it is and people who don't like it never will. But I will tell you just from personal experience that more young people like it now than ever.
Talking of Senran Kagura......can we haz please GoG ?
Post edited February 08, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
JuWalk: Dude, please stop calling these... ahem... peoples communists. I don’t know what kind of communists you have there in the west, and how propaganda used to portray them, but my ancestors were communists from the USSR, and I can say with absolute certainty that they would say that these guys should be in a madhouse. Like all SJW's and the like
TheGrimLord: Well, it always starts out with punks like the mentioned above, but then as with the communists in the USSR, it gets totalitarian and punks like this get a hell of a lot of power. This really rolls into a form of fascism started by communist ideals. And yes, I have no doubt your ancestors would have kicked the actual shit out of these people just like with the wannabe neo nazis out there who would have been trampled by the SS.

But these things always begin with steps and it was Yuri Bezmenov who showed us how one thing leads to another. It's very important that the aforementioned brings up a term called "normalization" which is a huge part in the crafting of a communist nation. They determine what becomes the "new normal." Bezmenov discussed all of this in a series of lectures back in the 70's and they're quite chilling today because everything he said the KGB was trying to enforce is happening right now.
If you knew what you were talking about you'd have recognized that I OPPOSE normalization. YOU'RE the one that supports it, i.e., you think depictions of rape are perfectly normal. So you're the communist that Yuri warned you about.

MarkoH01: I would like to make an announcement: to all you haters out there: I decided that I will buy and recomnmend even more AO games the more you idiots and wannabe lawyers are arguing against it. Mostly because it will make you angry. So be aware that it will be your fault from this moment on if those will be sold more. Maybe ignoring such games would be the better thing to do? ;)
You mean rape porn? Well good for you, sir! That's sure to show 'em! o.O
Post edited February 08, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
TheGrimLord: Well, it always starts out with punks like the mentioned above, but then as with the communists in the USSR, it gets totalitarian and punks like this get a hell of a lot of power. This really rolls into a form of fascism started by communist ideals. And yes, I have no doubt your ancestors would have kicked the actual shit out of these people just like with the wannabe neo nazis out there who would have been trampled by the SS.

But these things always begin with steps and it was Yuri Bezmenov who showed us how one thing leads to another. It's very important that the aforementioned brings up a term called "normalization" which is a huge part in the crafting of a communist nation. They determine what becomes the "new normal." Bezmenov discussed all of this in a series of lectures back in the 70's and they're quite chilling today because everything he said the KGB was trying to enforce is happening right now.
richlind33: If you knew what you were talking about you'd have recognized that I OPPOSE normalization. YOU'RE the one that supports it, i.e., you think depictions of rape are perfectly normal. So you're the communist that Yuri warned you about.
Sir, this has been going on in Japan since the 1980's with Rance. It didn't just happen a year or so ago. God, these used to be adventure games in Japan because they didn't have King's Quest like we did. They had Rance. And Japan has a different impression of this than we do. They view sex differently.

I had you pegged wrong, you're not far-left, you're a far-right absolutist. Which means closer to an actual Nazi and yes wahmen and fee fees are a part of that. Absolutists are just as bad as communists.
low rated
richlind33: Is it possible that you're not offended by rape porn because you're desensitized to it?

That's the primary effect that violent imagery has on people: we become desensitized to violence. Think about that if you ever find yourself being beaten to death, and are hoping that someone comes to your aid. If they're not "offended" by what they're seeing, they probably won't do more than snap a pic or two.
Reaper9988: Huh ? I thrown guys out of bars because they didn't treat the ladies well and generally am actually way overprotective.
I can differentiate between reality and fiction though, is that a lost Art ?

I'lll admit though I prefer strong women that know what they are doing, not kids that come running crying because a guys catcalled them.
Merkel and her pals think strong boys and girls are indicative of neo-Nazism, so your type is now a minority, and it's looking worse going forward. So good luck.
low rated
Reaper9988: Huh ? I thrown guys out of bars because they didn't treat the ladies well and generally am actually way overprotective.
I can differentiate between reality and fiction though, is that a lost Art ?

I'lll admit though I prefer strong women that know what they are doing, not kids that come running crying because a guys catcalled them.
richlind33: Merkel and her pals think strong boys and girls are indicative of neo-Nazism, so your type is now a minority, and it's looking worse going forward. So good luck.
Wow, just wow......Merkel isn't even chancellor anymore.
And Merkelw asn't Germany just as Trump or Biden aren't America.
Post edited February 08, 2022 by Reaper9988