Reaper9988: That's semantics, there is no proven correlation between fiction and real world crimes.
If you think there is I would like some crediible evidence.
richlind33: Clearly you nothing at all re social psychology.
Well I'm a scientific person, supply evidence and I will check it out.
If you can't I'll just stick to the evidence I know.
I get the feeling this is very personal to you, in which case I'm sorry, but your judgement does seem very clouded.
Noone thinks rape should just be ignored, this is really only about fiction.
bombardier: I still can't fathom, why someone would do that.
Doesn't that make your game more difficult to sell on general game stores?
Are they putting it in to satisfy some niche closed community while at the same time hoping to enter general game market where they will drop the porn part and continue making "clean" games when they increase user base?
I mean, that alone makes this games very difficult to classify as porn and just trains me to avoid all anime type of games just in case. It doesn't look like a good way to build your business.
Good thing that the entire world is just sitting there idle and waiting for your command.
TheGrimLord: No, people know what they are and fans usually patch them. Not everyone though. Also you probably don't need to play anime games in general because most modern ones now do deal with all the same tropes as the hentai ones. Like Senran Kagura or Akiba's Trip, for example. Even Persona characters get lewded because of the waifu trope. Anime stuff is just something people avoid, but they sell bucket loads because the community is not small and niche and getting younger with the growing popularity of manga. All the kids are reading manga and it's available everywhere now. Demon Slayer is the big one and that does have lewded characters. It's also the biggest selling anime franchise of all time. They're definitely stacked tiddies in it and kids are watching it because it's the cool thing.
Just stick to non-anime games, the community is big enough as it is and people who don't like it never will. But I will tell you just from personal experience that more young people like it now than ever.
Talking of Senran Kagura......can we haz please GoG ?