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Join Sophie, a private investigator, as she uncovers the mysteries of Steam City.
Genre: RPG
Discount: 40% off until 11th February 2022, 2 PM UTC
low rated
bombardier: Why are you hiding the fact that this is about rape fantasies and still push to sell this on major game stores is beyond me.

This is exactly why there should be dedicated store for this, so you don't need to hide the embarrassing truth from other folks.

Why are you pushing for this games being on GoG and then trying to silence the people when they found out about your secret?
TheGrimLord: GOG isn't a major platform. Steam and Epic are. Steam is LOADED with these things. It has nothing to do with me, I don't get off to many of the scenes. Remember, I like the femdom shit and vanilla, rape just comes with the territory. You watch it, you move on. It's often done in a very unbelievable way. Quit trolling me, I see what you're doing and I was there when the texts were written.
richlind33: I don't care if you do or don't, and I'm not going anywhere, so try not to get triggered, bruh.

GOG is going to suck it up and acknowledge that they are peddling rape porn. Just you watch.
TheGrimLord: No, they won't. If that was so, they would have done it when Evenicle released. Good try throwing that back at me. The only one complaining and demanding that they change their wording is YOU. Not me. It says the same as it does on other websites. And tbh there's only like the two of you complaining minus all the people who did buy this stuff and don't give a shit what a few people on the forum think.
I just made it my mission in life to inform every single GOG customer that rape porn is being peddled here, so you can count on it being more than the two of us. : 0
Post edited February 07, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
TheGrimLord: No, they won't. If that was so, they would have done it when Evenicle released. Good try throwing that back at me. The only one complaining and demanding that they change their wording is YOU. Not me. It says the same as it does on other websites. And tbh there's only like the two of you complaining minus all the people who did buy this stuff and don't give a shit what a few people on the forum think.
Your reactions don't give an very high level of confidence about that.
Why are you lying to people about the content of the games, and why are you trying to silence us if you think it is just two of us?
low rated
richlind33: Are you suggesting that books, movies, or games, are not real, that they are fictitious?
TheGrimLord: YES. Have you been that brainwashed by commiefornia schooling that you can't tell the difference?
If they weren't real, they wouldn't exist. Try stuffing a 1000 page book of fiction in your bum and tell me that it isn't real.

PS, the blood you'll see should give you a clue, snowflake. ;p
Post edited February 07, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
richlind33: Are you suggesting that books, movies, or games, are not real, that they are fictitious?
Gersen: I am saying that fiction are... fictions and therefore not real... you know that's kind of the definition.
Art. 197 Abs 1 and Abs 5 of the Swiss penal code:
"Any person who offers, shows, passes on or makes accessible to a person under the age of 16 pornographic documents, sound or visual recordings, depictions or other items of a similar nature or pornographic performances, or broadcasts any of the same on radio or television shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty."

" Any person who consumes or who for his or her own consumption produces, imports, stores, acquires or procures or possesses via electronic media or otherwise items or performances as described in paragraph 1 above that contain sexual acts involving animals, acts of violence involving adults or non-genuine sexual acts with minors shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding one year or to a monetary penalty. If the items or performances contain genuine sexual acts with minors, the penalty is a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or a monetary penalty."

This law doesn't make a difference between fiction and non-fiction. The depiction of fictional child porn and fictional rape is indictable in your country. With your attitude you will have a problem with the law in your country.

Germany has similar laws here where there is no difference between fiction and non-fiction when it comes to rape and child porn. The same is true for the UK and Australia. Probably some Polish users here should check the laws in Poland because they are relevant for GOGcom.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by toma85
low rated
TheGrimLord: GOG isn't a major platform. Steam and Epic are. Steam is LOADED with these things.
bombardier: Actually, Steam did a much better job on this than GoG.
Steam is Free4All, yet with their filtering mechanism I have no adult content whatsoever in any of the results Steam is giving me.

People that like it are hidden behind a vale of filters, which makes them essentially as having a separate community. I don't interact with them and they don't have to pretend and lie to me about their tastes.
GoG is treating these games as any other games while also pretending to offer curated experience on their platform. They had ample of time to implement similar filtering functionality as Steam once they decided they will go with this route, yet they choose to pretend there is no potential problem.
Some managers must have been completely out of their mind to think it would not result in a backlash.
I agree that they need filters for this kind of content and have no idea why they personally haven't done that. I even thought about contacting the head guy over at Kagura on Discord and maybe seeing if they can give GOG a gentle nudge with the professional response that "customers are being harassed and insulted over buying these products and that could look very bad for your brand (including using the words they have been called here)." This could in turn pressure Kagura into saying "hey, this is disrespectful to our customers and you really should have some filters setup." Sometimes the pressure does need to be put on them and if it comes at the behest of concern from the publishers they work with, it'll be done. Kagura and it's fans do not deserve to be insulted like this because the site refuses to use content filters. This is asanine for any website selling this kind of content. Even fucking MangaGamer has a content filter for their adult games and they are mainly known as an adult game website that sells heavy stuff. But you will NOT see it on the front page, only their all ages games.

This is never going to stop until GOG does the right thing and puts up proper content filters or the publishers they work with pressure them into it. I'm tired of this day in and day out. GOG can fix all of that and it's a Monday, people are in office, exactly how long does it take to make some damn content filters. Do they need help? I'm sure I can find a guy who would do it for them since they're so busy to not even have released a new game here today.

Get the lead out. I have complained about this for weeks and it will stop all the hassle. Moderators won't even need to be here. Whoever the web guy is, pay him double to get off his bum and get to it!

TheGrimLord: GOG isn't a major platform. Steam and Epic are. Steam is LOADED with these things. It has nothing to do with me, I don't get off to many of the scenes. Remember, I like the femdom shit and vanilla, rape just comes with the territory. You watch it, you move on. It's often done in a very unbelievable way. Quit trolling me, I see what you're doing and I was there when the texts were written.

No, they won't. If that was so, they would have done it when Evenicle released. Good try throwing that back at me. The only one complaining and demanding that they change their wording is YOU. Not me. It says the same as it does on other websites. And tbh there's only like the two of you complaining minus all the people who did buy this stuff and don't give a shit what a few people on the forum think.
richlind33: I just made it my mission in life to inform every single GOG customer that rape porn is being peddled here, so you can count on it being more than the two of us. : 0

"My mission in life." Yep, you're a commie.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
TheGrimLord: GOG isn't a major platform. Steam and Epic are. Steam is LOADED with these things.
bombardier: Actually, Steam did a much better job on this than GoG.
Steam is Free4All, yet with their filtering mechanism I have no adult content whatsoever in any of the results Steam is giving me.

People that like it are hidden behind a vale of filters, which makes them essentially as having a separate community. I don't interact with them and they don't have to pretend and lie to me about their tastes.
GoG is treating these games as any other games while also pretending to offer curated experience on their platform. They had ample of time to implement similar filtering functionality as Steam once they decided they will go with this route, yet they choose to pretend there is no potential problem.
Some managers must have been completely out of their mind to think it would not result in a backlash.
First I agree, please add a Filter.
Second, and I really can't speak for that as I don't use steam anymore since like ever.
Would the adult content filter catch this game or only the unrated patch ?

It's what's happening with the German store, the game without patch can easily be seem for the unrated I needed a VPN.
I'll agree it's silly but that's how the law goes.
As said before I would add the "normal" version to the filter too, because someone will always be offended by knowing there is possible AO parts in the game.
That's fine, I might not understand it, but I can accept it, it's sadly still a touchy subject.
low rated
TheGrimLord: YES. Have you been that brainwashed by commiefornia schooling that you can't tell the difference?
richlind33: If they weren't real, they wouldn't exist. Try stuffing a 1000 page book of fiction in your bum and tell me that it isn't real.

PS, the blood you'll see should give you a clue, snowflake. ;p
That was funny. I mean, you tried. Also, a really dumb answer. We said that the content of fiction is not real. And once again, here you go threatening me, dumbass. You can stop with all the threats and trying to act edgy.
low rated
toma85: ...
In your extract there is no mention at all of fiction at all. Again if you look in the article for homicide there will be no mention of fiction either, it doesn't means that the law doesn't make a difference between fictional murder and real one.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Gersen
low rated
TheGrimLord: No, they won't. If that was so, they would have done it when Evenicle released. Good try throwing that back at me. The only one complaining and demanding that they change their wording is YOU. Not me. It says the same as it does on other websites. And tbh there's only like the two of you complaining minus all the people who did buy this stuff and don't give a shit what a few people on the forum think.
bombardier: Your reactions don't give an very high level of confidence about that.
Why are you lying to people about the content of the games, and why are you trying to silence us if you think it is just two of us?
Man come on, Dying light 2 does not spell out every way you can execute a person on the front page, neither does Manhunt.
That is what reviews are for, they are out there, if you cared you could read those and just be, not my kinda thing.
Why the outrage here ?
low rated
TheGrimLord: No, they won't. If that was so, they would have done it when Evenicle released. Good try throwing that back at me. The only one complaining and demanding that they change their wording is YOU. Not me. It says the same as it does on other websites. And tbh there's only like the two of you complaining minus all the people who did buy this stuff and don't give a shit what a few people on the forum think.
bombardier: Your reactions don't give an very high level of confidence about that.
Why are you lying to people about the content of the games, and why are you trying to silence us if you think it is just two of us?
I didn't lie about the content of the games. You can take all that stuff off and it's just lewd. But yes, uncensored a lot do feature rape and it's no big secret. Like this is the genre. Go to DLSite Japan, that's what you'll see. A lot of goblin rape these days, that's the current Japanese trend.
low rated
Gersen: I am saying that fiction are... fictions and therefore not real... you know that's kind of the definition.
toma85: Art. 197 Abs 1 and Abs 5 of the Swiss penal code:
"Any person who offers, shows, passes on or makes accessible to a person under the age of 16 pornographic documents, sound or visual recordings, depictions or other items of a similar nature or pornographic performances, or broadcasts any of the same on radio or television shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty."

" Any person who consumes or who for his or her own consumption produces, imports, stores, acquires or procures or possesses via electronic media or otherwise items or performances as described in paragraph 1 above that contain sexual acts involving animals, acts of violence involving adults or non-genuine sexual acts with minors shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding one year or to a monetary penalty. If the items or performances contain genuine sexual acts with minors, the penalty is a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or a monetary penalty."

This law doesn't make a difference between fiction and non-fiction. The depiction of fictional child porn and fictional rape is indictable in your country. With your attitude you will have a problem with the law in your country.

Germany has similar laws here where there is no difference between fiction and non-fiction when it comes to rape and child porn. The same is true for the UK and Australia. Probably some Polish users here should check the laws in Poland because they are relevant for GOGcom.
Oh I like paragraph games, don't say I started it.....

(1) 1Mit Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr bis zu zehn Jahren wird bestraft, wer

1. einen kinderpornographischen Inhalt verbreitet oder der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich macht; kinderpornographisch ist ein pornographischer Inhalt (§ 11 Absatz 3), wenn er zum Gegenstand hat:
a) sexuelle Handlungen von, an oder vor einer Person unter vierzehn Jahren (Kind),
b) die Wiedergabe eines ganz oder teilweise unbekleideten Kindes in aufreizend geschlechtsbetonter Körperhaltung oder
c) die sexuell aufreizende Wiedergabe der unbekleideten Genitalien oder des unbekleideten Gesäßes eines Kindes,
2. es unternimmt, einer anderen Person einen kinderpornographischen Inhalt, der ein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wiedergibt, zugänglich zu machen oder den Besitz daran zu verschaffen,
3. einen kinderpornographischen Inhalt, der ein tatsächliches Geschehen wiedergibt, herstellt oder
4. einen kinderpornographischen Inhalt herstellt, bezieht, liefert, vorrätig hält, anbietet, bewirbt oder es unternimmt, diesen ein- oder auszuführen, um ihn im Sinne der Nummer 1 oder der Nummer 2 zu verwenden oder einer anderen Person eine solche Verwendung zu ermöglichen, soweit die Tat nicht nach Nummer 3 mit Strafe bedroht ist.
2Gibt der kinderpornographische Inhalt in den Fällen von Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 1 und 4 kein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wieder, so ist auf Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren zu erkennen.
(2) Handelt der Täter in den Fällen des Absatzes 1 Satz 1 gewerbsmäßig oder als Mitglied einer Bande, die sich zur fortgesetzten Begehung solcher Taten verbunden hat, und gibt der Inhalt in den Fällen des Absatzes 1 Satz 1 Nummer 1, 2 und 4 ein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wieder, so ist auf Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter zwei Jahren zu erkennen.
(3) Wer es unternimmt, einen kinderpornographischen Inhalt, der ein tatsächliches oder wirklichkeitsnahes Geschehen wiedergibt, abzurufen oder sich den Besitz an einem solchen Inhalt zu verschaffen oder wer einen solchen Inhalt besitzt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft.
(4) Der Versuch ist in den Fällen des Absatzes 1 Satz 2 in Verbindung mit Satz 1 Nummer 1 strafbar.
(5) Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 2 und Absatz 3 gelten nicht für Handlungen, die ausschließlich der rechtmäßigen Erfüllung von Folgendem dienen:

1. staatlichen Aufgaben,
2. Aufgaben, die sich aus Vereinbarungen mit einer zuständigen staatlichen Stelle ergeben, oder
3. dienstlichen oder beruflichen Pflichten.
(6) Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 1, 2 und 4 und Satz 2 gilt nicht für dienstliche Handlungen im Rahmen von strafrechtlichen Ermittlungsverfahren, wenn

1. die Handlung sich auf einen kinderpornographischen Inhalt bezieht, der kein tatsächliches Geschehen wiedergibt und auch nicht unter Verwendung einer Bildaufnahme eines Kindes oder Jugendlichen hergestellt worden ist, und
2. die Aufklärung des Sachverhalts auf andere Weise aussichtslos oder wesentlich erschwert wäre.
(7) 1Gegenstände, auf die sich eine Straftat nach Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 2 oder 3 oder Absatz 3 bezieht, werden eingezogen. 2§ 74a ist anzuwenden.

3, and 6. are the interesting parts.
It's only illegal if the fiction can be mistaken for a real depiction, we can rule that out for Anime.
Possesion in the case of lifelike appearance is illegal too.
It's similar for depicted rape or sex with animals with the exception of even the real thing not being illegal to posess just the spreading would be.

You see Germany can actually distinguish between real and not real.

I'm not firm in Swiss laws but I would bet they use a different ruling for fiction.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Reaper9988
low rated
Gersen: I am saying that fiction are... fictions and therefore not real... you know that's kind of the definition.
toma85: Art. 197 Abs 1 and Abs 5 of the Swiss penal code:
"Any person who offers, shows, passes on or makes accessible to a person under the age of 16 pornographic documents, sound or visual recordings, depictions or other items of a similar nature or pornographic performances, or broadcasts any of the same on radio or television shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty."

" Any person who consumes or who for his or her own consumption produces, imports, stores, acquires or procures or possesses via electronic media or otherwise items or performances as described in paragraph 1 above that contain sexual acts involving animals, acts of violence involving adults or non-genuine sexual acts with minors shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding one year or to a monetary penalty. If the items or performances contain genuine sexual acts with minors, the penalty is a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or a monetary penalty."

This law doesn't make a difference between fiction and non-fiction. The depiction of fictional child porn and fictional rape is indictable in your country. With your attitude you will have a problem with the law in your country.

Germany has similar laws here where there is no difference between fiction and non-fiction when it comes to rape and child porn. The same is true for the UK and Australia. Probably some Polish users here should check the laws in Poland because they are relevant for GOGcom.
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Thanks, toma85.
bombardier: Actually, Steam did a much better job on this than GoG.
Steam is Free4All, yet with their filtering mechanism I have no adult content whatsoever in any of the results Steam is giving me.

People that like it are hidden behind a vale of filters, which makes them essentially as having a separate community. I don't interact with them and they don't have to pretend and lie to me about their tastes.
GoG is treating these games as any other games while also pretending to offer curated experience on their platform. They had ample of time to implement similar filtering functionality as Steam once they decided they will go with this route, yet they choose to pretend there is no potential problem.
Some managers must have been completely out of their mind to think it would not result in a backlash.
TheGrimLord: I agree that they need filters for this kind of content and have no idea why they personally haven't done that. I even thought about contacting the head guy over at Kagura on Discord and maybe seeing if they can give GOG a gentle nudge with the professional response that "customers are being harassed and insulted over buying these products and that could look very bad for your brand (including using the words they have been called here)." This could in turn pressure Kagura into saying "hey, this is disrespectful to our customers and you really should have some filters setup." Sometimes the pressure does need to be put on them and if it comes at the behest of concern from the publishers they work with, it'll be done. Kagura and it's fans do not deserve to be insulted like this because the site refuses to use content filters. This is asanine for any website selling this kind of content. Even fucking MangaGamer has a content filter for their adult games and they are mainly known as an adult game website that sells heavy stuff. But you will NOT see it on the front page, only their all ages games.

This is never going to stop until GOG does the right thing and puts up proper content filters or the publishers they work with pressure them into it. I'm tired of this day in and day out. GOG can fix all of that and it's a Monday, people are in office, exactly how long does it take to make some damn content filters. Do they need help? I'm sure I can find a guy who would do it for them since they're so busy to not even have released a new game here today.

Get the lead out. I have complained about this for weeks and it will stop all the hassle. Moderators won't even need to be here. Whoever the web guy is, pay him double to get off his bum and get to it!

richlind33: I just made it my mission in life to inform every single GOG customer that rape porn is being peddled here, so you can count on it being more than the two of us. : 0
TheGrimLord: LOL.

"My mission in life." Yep, you're a commie.
I voted for Ron Paul, so try again.

BTW, were you a friend of Jeffrey Epstein? o.O
Post edited February 07, 2022 by richlind33
low rated
Reaper9988: First I agree, please add a Filter.
Second, and I really can't speak for that as I don't use steam anymore since like ever.
Would the adult content filter catch this game or only the unrated patch ?

It's what's happening with the German store, the game without patch can easily be seem for the unrated I needed a VPN.
I'll agree it's silly but that's how the law goes.
As said before I would add the "normal" version to the filter too, because someone will always be offended by knowing there is possible AO parts in the game.
That's fine, I might not understand it, but I can accept it, it's sadly still a touchy subject.
Of course it needs to include the "normal" version.
If we are not ok with uncensored rape, why would we be ok with rape behind large pixel blocks?
These games were created uncensored, then they are created into censored versions so that they can pretend that this is actually about the game, and not about the rape. Just as TheGrimLord so aptly slipped out. It is all about the perception, not the truth.
Censoring the game is done only so that GoG managers can claim that they are not in the porn game business.
low rated
richlind33 or whoever you are, you're a phony. I call you out for your left-wing social justice politics and then you immediately as if on command retort with common "alt-right" phrases. What next, calling me a cuck, soyboy or something similar?

Additionally, you've threatened violence three times already and that will get you kicked out of the discussion. You are definitely acting and behaving like a militant communist. First you tried to appeal to my emotions. "What about the women and the misogyny, Grim? Don't you care about the women's fee fees?" and then when I say I don't, you turn the switch into threatening violence and that is a very good assumption of your character and that yes, maybe you do need some professional help.

After all, I can view this content and get the same out of it as any other shock horror movie. I don't consider it right to go do the things in these games and people in the community often make fun of them. We don't take it seriously, because we know it is not real. But you 9j the other hand freak the fuck out, cry wahmen and then start threats of violence.

That is what I might consider a product of communist brainwash. It is uncalled for. Some of the people in this community are actually left leaning and do identify as LGBT, which there are games for as well. In fact the yaoi game Dramatical Murder is the #1 seller on Jast USA right now and yes, that is for gay men and women also enjoy it. Yes it may also contain scenes of rape. Jast's second bestseller is Evenicle 2 which definitely has rape scenes. People just know and expect this content. They don't make a big deal of it. So stop it, because you don't understand the games, the context or the community.
toma85: Art. 197 Abs 1 and Abs 5 of the Swiss penal code:
"Any person who offers, shows, passes on or makes accessible to a person under the age of 16 pornographic documents, sound or visual recordings, depictions or other items of a similar nature or pornographic performances, or broadcasts any of the same on radio or television shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or to a monetary penalty."

" Any person who consumes or who for his or her own consumption produces, imports, stores, acquires or procures or possesses via electronic media or otherwise items or performances as described in paragraph 1 above that contain sexual acts involving animals, acts of violence involving adults or non-genuine sexual acts with minors shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding one year or to a monetary penalty. If the items or performances contain genuine sexual acts with minors, the penalty is a custodial sentence not exceeding three years or a monetary penalty."

This law doesn't make a difference between fiction and non-fiction. The depiction of fictional child porn and fictional rape is indictable in your country. With your attitude you will have a problem with the law in your country.

Germany has similar laws here where there is no difference between fiction and non-fiction when it comes to rape and child porn. The same is true for the UK and Australia. Probably some Polish users here should check the laws in Poland because they are relevant for GOGcom.
richlind33: The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Thanks, toma85.
TheGrimLord: I agree that they need filters for this kind of content and have no idea why they personally haven't done that. I even thought about contacting the head guy over at Kagura on Discord and maybe seeing if they can give GOG a gentle nudge with the professional response that "customers are being harassed and insulted over buying these products and that could look very bad for your brand (including using the words they have been called here)." This could in turn pressure Kagura into saying "hey, this is disrespectful to our customers and you really should have some filters setup." Sometimes the pressure does need to be put on them and if it comes at the behest of concern from the publishers they work with, it'll be done. Kagura and it's fans do not deserve to be insulted like this because the site refuses to use content filters. This is asanine for any website selling this kind of content. Even fucking MangaGamer has a content filter for their adult games and they are mainly known as an adult game website that sells heavy stuff. But you will NOT see it on the front page, only their all ages games.

This is never going to stop until GOG does the right thing and puts up proper content filters or the publishers they work with pressure them into it. I'm tired of this day in and day out. GOG can fix all of that and it's a Monday, people are in office, exactly how long does it take to make some damn content filters. Do they need help? I'm sure I can find a guy who would do it for them since they're so busy to not even have released a new game here today.

Get the lead out. I have complained about this for weeks and it will stop all the hassle. Moderators won't even need to be here. Whoever the web guy is, pay him double to get off his bum and get to it!


"My mission in life." Yep, you're a commie.
richlind33: I voted for Ron Paul, so try again.

BTW, were you a friend of Jeffrey Epstein? o.O
I don't care who you voted for.
Post edited February 07, 2022 by TheGrimLord
low rated
Reaper9988: First I agree, please add a Filter.
Second, and I really can't speak for that as I don't use steam anymore since like ever.
Would the adult content filter catch this game or only the unrated patch ?

It's what's happening with the German store, the game without patch can easily be seem for the unrated I needed a VPN.
I'll agree it's silly but that's how the law goes.
As said before I would add the "normal" version to the filter too, because someone will always be offended by knowing there is possible AO parts in the game.
That's fine, I might not understand it, but I can accept it, it's sadly still a touchy subject.
bombardier: Of course it needs to include the "normal" version.
If we are not ok with uncensored rape, why would we be ok with rape behind large pixel blocks?
These games were created uncensored, then they are created into censored versions so that they can pretend that this is actually about the game, and not about the rape. Just as TheGrimLord so aptly slipped out. It is all about the perception, not the truth.
Censoring the game is done only so that GoG managers can claim that they are not in the porn game business.
You're shifting the goal posts a lot too, first porn now just rape porn(which that game really is not anyways) ?
But hey I agree, filter it out, the topic does not lend itself well to discussion, just add anything that has an AO patch.

I also would like just a filter to pick games I never want to see on the frontpage or sales again since they just don't interest me, afaik steam offers that in a way.
One can hope,
Post edited February 07, 2022 by Reaper9988