MarkoH01: You still don't get it. This is not about the question if you or me consider achievements to be a useful thing. This is simply about different treatment.
I get it....I just don't see it as a big deal....and I also don't see
every difference between steam and gog versions as a moderate-majorly bad thing.
(i.e. I think the DRM free aspect of gog versions balances out the lack of achievements for some games, for example)
MarkoH01: Like I said (and also hyperlinked): It happened. But once again, this is not about achievements it is about telling devs to treat GOG and Steam users the same. Achievements are just ONE part in which many don't.
One or two times of it happening doesn't mean it will happen every time someone says something like "I don't think achievements should be in gog games"....also for all I know other factors could have played into those games's devs decisions on whether or not to add achievements(We are not privy to the inner workings of such decisions for the most part, after all).
And as I said, if we had to
pick between the two(them or other stuff like updates/languages/manuals/soundtracks/etc) i'd always pick the latter...
though I wouldn't be opposed to them bringing achievements here for those who want them. MarkoH01: Well, I explained why it is selfish to not fight for something others might help and which would not hurt you. If you still don't think it's selfish to not help I guess there's a lack in empathy.
It's up to people to fight for what they want to fight for.....some might see it as also selfish to think others should fight for things they don't want to or feel the desire to.
MarkoH01: Hey, you are right. Let's just raise the prizes of all games by 50% only on GOG - let's just scratch every single feature just on GOG and let's not bugfix the games anymore ... hey, we are just talking about games and there are far more important matters in the world worth fighting for. Guess what, I am talking about games and here there is nothing more important than games because ... drumwhirl ... this is a games forum and a games release thread. OMG!
Now you're just being silly...i.e. you are equating(badly) that because I state there are more important things than achievements that that must somehow mean I think we should stop working on other things for the games here.
I never said that,
just that there are other things much more important than achievements(both irl and online with concerns to gaming) that we should worry about a bit more. MarkoH01: With this attitude (no need to fight there are more important things out there) you will be screwd again and again. And a third time: it is NOT(!) about achievements but fairniss and same treatment.
As the saying goes, we should pick our "battles" carefully(to use our energies wisely/etc)....and also as I said: I don't consider it very unfair or bad treatment to not get achievements....on this we will just have to agree to disagree, I guess.
MarkoH01: And I told you that this is nonsense. It's GOG's policy and they don't pay extra for DRM-free so we should not as well. Also Steam does not pay for achievements. Do you even read my answers?
You can call it nonsense if you want, it doesn't change the fact that we still get added value in the form of drm free while the versions are not 1:1 the different features of different store's versions often make up for the loss of value from one version to another.
MarkoH01: No, I act like you don't understand that you could help others without hurting yourself.
I do understand.....I even said i'd be ok with and welcome game achievements in various places while also saying I don't think every game needs them....this seems fair I think.
MarkoH01: Oh, that is such crap. You are a doctor now as well? Hmmm... I've heard games are dangerous as well. Come on!
Games and achievements have some negative aspects, like addiction in some people....this has been proven, even if one is not a doctor.
MarkoH01: And still there's not more money involved in developing .... your arguments are lacking.
Their "ball"(games and time/money), their rules.....just because something is cheap to do doesn't mean they owe something to us....if one doesn't like something they can choose not to partake.
MarkoH01: I am focusing of COSTS and PRIZES - if both are the same the VALUE should be the same as well.
Or near 100% of the value, and as objectively speaking as possible(though this may be easier said than done as many people value different aspects a bit more or less), but agreed. I just(as I said) don't think the copies need to be 1:1 perfect/same copies for their values to be the same or similar.
MarkoH01: Why should I? I don't need achievements myself - like I said again and again ....
Because you are fighting for them seemingly without knowing or caring much about the somewhat shady reasons they were implemented or what they do to some people. It'd be akin to doing the same to defend randomized lootboxes and gacha mechanics.
If one wants to defend something they should make sure it is worth defending and they aren't defending something with a shady past without knowing it.
MarkoH01: And with this I am out. I explained everything multiple times and I don't see any reason to constantly repeat myself. So do what you like and make GOG treatment even more unfair just because there are some things unimportant for you.
And you did so civilly, even though you made or keep making some of the same logical fallacies like: Ad hominems(here for examples with this quoted bit), Argumentum ad Populum(In regards to steam/etc having achievements so gog somehow MUST have them too to be equal), Appeals to emotion(here in this bit and others), slippery slope(the bits where you tried to equate me stating my opinion as somehow likely to cause much worse to happen to games on Gog), and possibly others.
Of course you also made some decent points as well, and answered some of my questions, so thanks for that & for talking to me so far(even if we didn't see eye to eye on everything said so far). :) MarkoH01: All I wanted to say is that GOG should get the same features Steam did - including achievements, no matter if everybody needs them or not. I never planned to go into a discussion about necessity of achievements, hypothetical additional costs of DRM-free games and empathy. This has gone far too OT right now and we should end this both right ow.
Agreed....we could always make a thread on it in the future if we or anyone else wants to talk more on the matter, though, as it is a topic worthy of discussion from both sides, I think.
But you are right....I will leave this here for you and others to read and stop at this. Have a good one/holiday season(new year's/etc). :)