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Warning: adult content
Cambrey: If you watch animes then you know darn well than the character is not even close to being 18.
Also, I specifically mention a young teenager, so we are talking about a 12-14 years old kid here. The rest of your demonstration is irrelevant.
Clearly shows that you don't know much about animes at all. Most young looking girls (they do look that young mostly because of the big eyes btw) in animes are much older which is also mentioned in the story to make this perfectly clear. It is just a certain drawing style nothing less and nothing more.
Reaper9988: That aside if that chick in the pic is below 18 then I'm more worried about who allowed her to have such a big breast implant while underaged........
Her breasts do look a bit big. I'm not an expert but they look like D cup. It should be possible, but you also have to remember that the artist is unlikely to be so meticulous and very likely to exaggerate.
low rated
bombardier: Is it a game or some kind of wired jerk of material? You can’t have it both ways.
MarkoH01: Games with a story will always work in two ways - the story and the gameplay. Interactive story if you like. So if it is possible for a game to tell a horror story and evolve scary feelings why isn't a game allowed to cause erotic feelings while playing as well? You might dislike those games but they are still games - just like any other game.
Exactly. Who says you can't have gameplay and erotic material? Why can't erotic games also be fun to play? That's what I say anyway.
FrostburnPhoenix: It should be possible, but you also have to remember that the artist is unlikely to be so meticulous and very likely to exaggerate.
Which is exactly the point. It is artistic freedom and everything can be drawn ... because we are not even talking about a real woman at all. The drawn figure simply has certain female specifics that might - or might not - be attractive to some and has nothing to do with reality. There also do exist anime girls with cat ears ... do we want to call PETA as well? ;)
Setting aside the fact that digital ladies are not actual, real-world people...

I have to say, the anti-sexuals are likely anti-lady. They keep talking about bust size or looking young - but they give the impression that they never even encountered women in real life. Some girls have robust builds, others sporty, asian, freckled, or tall. There is a fair chunk of adult women who are (not) built like Jessica Rabbit. Many ladies are adults doing mature work, be it working at McDonald's, raising their family, and generally doing stuff a mature person does, regardless of figure.

Point being, the conservatives basically are not acknowledging that a woman can be a lady interested in sex, simply because they don't have properly sized bongos, exact height, or whatever caricature the anti-sexuals have in their head. They are infantizing women, by basically saying you need to "look" adult, in order to be be an adult.

It is unfortunate that fictional depictions of women have a better grasp of their figure than purported feminists. Women come in many varieties, and that fact shouldn't be rejected by those who are supposed to help ladies.

You want to truly support women? Then aid causes that improve their lives - abortion rights, subsidize "pink" supplies, fight for parental leave, vote for genuine sex education, make contraceptives readily available, offer daycare for working parents, universal healthcare, same-sex marriage benefits, and so on.

Telling ladies that they aren't women if they aren't built "right" is stupid and evil.
low rated
Sabin_Stargem: Setting aside the fact that digital ladies are not actual, real-world people...

I have to say, the anti-sexuals are likely anti-lady. They keep talking about bust size or looking young - but they give the impression that they never even encountered women in real life. Some girls have robust builds, others sporty, asian, freckled, or tall. There is a fair chunk of adult women who are (not) built like Jessica Rabbit. Many ladies are adults doing mature work, be it working at McDonald's, raising their family, and generally doing stuff a mature person does, regardless of figure.

Point being, the conservatives basically are not acknowledging that a woman can be a lady interested in sex, simply because they don't have properly sized bongos, exact height, or whatever caricature the anti-sexuals have in their head. They are infantizing women, by basically saying you need to "look" adult, in order to be be an adult.

It is unfortunate that fictional depictions of women have a better grasp of their figure than purported feminists. Women come in many varieties, and that fact shouldn't be rejected by those who are supposed to help ladies.

You want to truly support women? Then aid causes that improve their lives - abortion rights, subsidize "pink" supplies, fight for parental leave, vote for genuine sex education, make contraceptives readily available, offer daycare for working parents, universal healthcare, same-sex marriage benefits, and so on.

Telling ladies that they aren't women if they aren't built "right" is stupid and evil.
That fifth paragraph got a bit political and yeah, we really can't go into that here because it starts battles. So while I agree with you on your main point, let's leave the politics out of it. Okay?
TheGrimLord: That fifth paragraph got a bit political and yeah, we really can't go into that here because it starts battles. So while I agree with you on your main point, let's leave the politics out of it. Okay?
I cannot support that. Silence is how you never obtain rights, or lose them. Black people, women, and trans folks improved their lives by rocking the boat.

Videogames, like all forms of media, are apt to express the beliefs of their creators. The hentai games by nature say "Sex is cool". The yuri games make it clear that love between women is a great and natural thing. Economies in games can be tied to chance, intelligence, or reward hard work - which in turn, says how the creator thinks the world may operate.

There was a time that I believed entertainment was just that. But now, I feel that everyday things is what informs our beliefs about the world. Be it through forums, games, manga, or spending time with friends, we learn how to be persons. If I were silent, that by extension means that my beliefs cannot exist.

It is why I write comments on the forums - not to change the minds of Frodo and other conservatives, but to show my viewpoint to people who haven't decided their ideology. Hopefully to make them willing to support a more egalitarian and better world.

Whether they find my viewpoint useful is up to individuals, not you nor me.
TheGrimLord: That fifth paragraph got a bit political and yeah, we really can't go into that here because it starts battles. So while I agree with you on your main point, let's leave the politics out of it. Okay?
Sabin_Stargem: I cannot support that. Silence is how you never obtain rights, or lose them. Black people, women, and trans folks improved their lives by rocking the boat.
Well, unfortunately the forum rules don't allow discussing politics so the only thing you would achieve here by continuing discussing political stuff is that this thread will get closed. Your choice, of course.
low rated
Reaper9988: That aside if that chick in the pic is below 18 then I'm more worried about who allowed her to have such a big breast implant while underaged........
FrostburnPhoenix: Her breasts do look a bit big. I'm not an expert but they look like D cup. It should be possible, but you also have to remember that the artist is unlikely to be so meticulous and very likely to exaggerate.
Of course I was kidding, Anime Characters can look however the Artist wants them to look and be whatever he wants them to be, agewise and other.
But if someone thinks she looks like 12 - 14 then it'll be hard to explain how that breastsize happened
(Although not impossible, natural bodies do funny things too)
Post edited July 16, 2022 by Reaper9988
I don't know, this thread feels more like splitting hairs to me.
PookaMustard: I don't know, this thread feels more like splitting hairs to me.
I Was pretty much only posting here to correct people so that's probably why.
Sabin_Stargem: I cannot support that. Silence is how you never obtain rights, or lose them. Black people, women, and trans folks improved their lives by rocking the boat.
MarkoH01: Well, unfortunately the forum rules don't allow discussing politics so the only thing you would achieve here by continuing discussing political stuff is that this thread will get closed. Your choice, of course.
That is a very bad rule, considering that DRM-free is an inherently political position: Ordinary people can own private property that cannot be taken away without just cause.

GOG offers no advantage over Steam and other restrictive platforms if you took away the notion of ownership. Steam has the discounts, a broader social network, a lack of GOGbear antics, and a far larger catalog. Politics is what makes GOG relevant.