ChrisGamer300: Give us Timberwolf, Annihilator, Axeman, Thug and Assassin while you're at it HBS or in the expansions to come.
viperfdl: The Timberwolf is a Clan Mech.
Indeed, and the Axman is a 3040s or later development so it's not appropriate either. What I'd really like to have is:
*ComStar as an active faction, just like the pirates have become with this update. And maybe with the special quirk that if you complete a ComStar contract you can have the offer of a random LostTech item instead of salvage and/or credits.
*Now that the legal wrangling is officially over, BRING BACK THE UNSEENS! Archer, Marauder, Warhammer and Phoenix Hawk are some of the most iconic and most loved 'mechs in the game. Furthermore, I am getting a bit tired of seeing swarms and swarms of locusts: where are the stingers and wasps?
*Expanding on my previous point: I believe that the game really needs at least two different models for each weight level. Otherwise, I will know almost all that I need to do as soon as I see the weight of my enemy on the scanner. Flashpoint is a step in the right direction, as it introduces a second 90-ton 'Mech (the Cyclops) to complement the Highlander, but currently we have only 1 'mech for:
For the 95 ton class, I guess we are stuck with the Banshee as, if memory serves, you need to wait until the late 3050s before other 95T 'models are introduced. However, already the original Technical Readout 3025 mentions Lyran experiments to design a slower, but much more powerful, Banshee. That could be your second model, as changing the engine means that the speed and weapon loadout of the 'mech (and therefore its combat role) are completely different. Furthermore, there are plenty of 'mechs in the 20-to-40-ton range to pick and choose from: Thorn, Mongoose, Clint, Hermes II and Sentinel are the first that come to mind, and they are not even Unseen mechs.
*I'd really like to see a little bit more of national "styles" when facing Inner Sphere opponents. If I go against a Kurita unit, I'd expect to see mostly Dragons, Panthers and Jenners, while a Lyran one would always field at least either one Zeus, Griffin or Atlas, which would become Vindicators, Marauders and Cataphracts in the case of Liao.
*Finlly, I know this is a game of 'mech combat, but I would be happy to see a few more combat vehicle models around. Furthermore, except when facing SLDF drones or escorting convoys, and barring the occasional Striker, we only ever see tracked vehicles. Where are the quick, even if fragile, hovertanks? You can go from the 5-ton Savannah Master to the 50-ton Drillson. You could add the 40-ton Hetzer armored car, ligthly armored and slow, but sporting a huge AC/20 that can give even assault 'mechs pause. And while we are talking about assault machines, why remain confined within the limits of the 80 tons of Demolishers and Schreks? I'd like to see the 95-ton Ontos or even the ponderous Behemoth, with its two AC/10s, 4LRM-5s, 2SRM-6s, 4SRM-2s and 4 machine guns. That beast is even slower than an UrbanMech, but if it manages to catch you unawares, it can savage any 'mech with a single salvo.