Posted August 27, 2014
Gonchi: A lot of these games' prices are unchanged here. Did they only incorporate regional pricing where they can charge extra?
Do any games appear regionally priced for you? They have different prices for different nations, so you may be in one of the ones that gets "American" prices by default. IAmSinistar: Gah. Thanks. I hope we can get clarity from GOG on this. Might have to start a "Games Suddenly Regionalised" thread to get their attention.
Wurzelkraft: Please do. They didn't mention additional regional pricing anywhere or did I simply miss it? I thought this was all about a fair currency conversion (except for the known "bad boys" like AoW3, D:OS, etc.) at first but this doesn't seem to be the case. It wouldn't be a dedicated thread like this one is, which I keep maintained, but a one-off "Hey, these games are suddenly regionally priced! Comment?" one.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by IAmSinistar