Engerek01: Greetings. I have a question and didnt know where to write it. I am from Turkey and I want to buy Witcher 3 just to support Project Red. However the prices on GOG is almost twice as on Steam.
Steam: %20 discount. 71 Turkish Lira.
GOG: %20 discount 48$ = 110 Turkish lira. 40 TL more expensive.
Dont get me wrong. I am not whining. I have 149 games in my library and I bought witcher games both on Steam and on GOG just to support them even tho i dont have time to play any of these games. MY laptop cant handle Witcher 3 (6 years old Vista) but I still want to support CD Project RED.
So, What is the reason of this being more expensive? Should I still buy the game on GOG?
I think that the issue is in the gogs currency conversion system that changes game prices about once a month now since euro, dollar and rubble values are highly fluctuating and the result is in the price you get. While steams prices are fixed.