hugo360pt: The old, awesome, GOG is long dead, the more they grow, the more they will become identical to Steam, because they need to have a bigger catalogue and all the new games available day one to appeal to the Steam audience and gain market share and this brings shortcomings like regional prices/locks, more rubbish DLCs and seasons passes, etc. (sometimes they will have to abide the law, others they will follow the market already implemented nonsenses instead of fighting for what is right, etc).
And it's a matter of time until they (probably) start selling huge quantities of shovel ware like Steam, since we already have broken games like Interstate '76, Vertical Drop Heroes(Halloween version), Omerta(until recently), etc and some in alpha stage/buggy like Dead State and Caribbean.
Regarding shovel ware and region-locked, language-locked* and censored crap: I'm basically done with PC games. They aren't worth it. Canceled all hardware upgrades last year already. This was the last nail in the coffin.
Now on the hunt for good old discs again, with no connections to any online "services".
*) Yes language locking exists on Steam. Nice thing, if you actually don't speak the language, they lock you to.