Posted June 16, 2018

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2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted June 16, 2018
Sometimes items of use, sometimes skins, sometimes equipment. This is what makes it worse, because you might unlock something cool, or you might get something worthless, and most games do not adjust the odds to account for the chance of a duplicate. Most of the time when you get a duplicate it is typically exchanged for a pithy sum of ingame currency, or is outright worthless.

bong hits for beelzebub
Registered: Jan 2016
From United States
Posted June 16, 2018
The problem isn't "capitalism", it's materialism -- which is the foundation of Western philosophy -- because it has skewed our values in such a way that crude matter takes precedence over life, which is deemed to have no intrinsic value.

Mercedes G <3
Registered: Mar 2012
From Serbia
Posted June 16, 2018
His body is not ready for Lootboxes.Cheers

Get lost back to Vienna!
Registered: Dec 2013
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2023-08-14: Remember the Spaces!
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States

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Registered: Jan 2014
From United States
Posted June 17, 2018

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted June 17, 2018

Just for the records: I'll never buy a "lootboxed" game. Do you hear me, game industry?
While they're implementation isn't bad (I played it for quite a while and got a lot of heroes while never spending a penny) I'm fairly sure I saw somewhere that they made huge amounts of money from that and the Mario and Pokemon mobile games (oh, here it is
"However, a slow launch for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - which has seen a number of new changes, including the introduction of lootbox-style items - has likely had an impact on Nintendo's overall performance in the mobile sector. To give it some context, Pocket Camp netted $20 million over two months, while FEH pulled in $85 million over a similar period."
So FEH is making $40 million a month, and apparently Nintendo aren't happy with that...)
so I'd imagine like elsewhere, loot boxes are here to say.
But hey, if gullible fools buying this shit gives me more Zelda then I don't care.
Edit: And a link to some financial stuff about Nintendo;
If I'm reading that right then 29 billion yen out of 160 billion yen is turnover / profit (not sure which) from mobile games (of which I believe they have 4?), so one fifth of their entire income...
Post edited June 17, 2018 by adaliabooks

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany

go Clarice!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Russian Federation

New User
Registered: Sep 2016
From Other
Posted June 17, 2018
Oh, Fallen London? I just quit that this week after reaching 200 in every stat. Yeah, it's a grind and from my point of view, the stories can't really be enjoyed if you only get to see bits and pieces every other day/week. So it's not surprising that people pay for refills.