Posted February 02, 2015
awalterj: I already answered this in a previous post.
As a side note, Christianity is seen by many Muslims as the main competitor to Islam, hence the "latching onto" makes sense to state a point. A restaurant owner in Aswan Egypt who solicited me about religion despite me telling him that I'm not interested the least bit said the following: "The Jews have book, It's ok book. Then Christians made book. It's newer and better book. But then Muslims have book, it's newest and best book, and last book, from God."
He literally said that, and I've had quite a few RL conversations that went pretty much the same way. I told him I only believe in what I see, and I see food. And want to eat that food (which I paid him for) in peace, and had no intention to ever convert to any religion and that the very suggestion offends me. He eventually got the idea and left me alone.
Of all the religious groups that have solicited *cough* I mean tried to save my sorry soul most in real life, here's the top 3:
1.) Islam
2.) Jehovah's Witnesses
3.) LDS Church (Latter Day Saints movement)
Odd. While Islam certainly is a proselytising religion, I'd say that strain is pretty rare outside of Muslim majority countries. But I'm not sure I understand your point. I haven't at all tried (in this thread or elsewhere on GOG) to "solicit religion". As a side note, Christianity is seen by many Muslims as the main competitor to Islam, hence the "latching onto" makes sense to state a point. A restaurant owner in Aswan Egypt who solicited me about religion despite me telling him that I'm not interested the least bit said the following: "The Jews have book, It's ok book. Then Christians made book. It's newer and better book. But then Muslims have book, it's newest and best book, and last book, from God."
He literally said that, and I've had quite a few RL conversations that went pretty much the same way. I told him I only believe in what I see, and I see food. And want to eat that food (which I paid him for) in peace, and had no intention to ever convert to any religion and that the very suggestion offends me. He eventually got the idea and left me alone.
Of all the religious groups that have solicited *cough* I mean tried to save my sorry soul most in real life, here's the top 3:
1.) Islam
2.) Jehovah's Witnesses
3.) LDS Church (Latter Day Saints movement)
awalterj: I haven't seen any Hindus recently massacre 2000 civilians in Nigeria or burn 45 churches like the peaceful people in Niger just did, so Hinduism currently doesn't concern me much, sorry...
You haven't because you were looking and didn't find, or because the TV stations/news media you consume doesn't care about it as much? And then you provide me link after link of youtube videos carefully edited by MemriTV, whose single-minded goal is to show up Arabs (because somehow how arabs behave is OBVIOUSLY emblematic of how all muslims all over the world behave. An interesting comparison to make, considering how they barely make up 20% of Muslims, about the same percentage of Christians Africans make- and we all know of the homophobic laws, oppression of women, FGM, and killings done by people in Africa who claim to be Christian- yet it is never connected to Christianity. A double standard if you ask me) in an attempt to denigrate the case for Palestine, and you tell me you haven't seen? Perhaps you should look harder, and expand your sources of information from such obviously bigotted ones.
awalterj: After trying to explain logical fallacy to you 3 times in a row in previous posts, I'm afraid there is no hope any time soon.
Another example of a logical fallacy is thinking that repeating wrong things over and over somehow makes it true. awalterj: It's not being done nearly enough. I'm not seeing any imams or mosque visitors reporting terrorists among their midst to the police or talking them out of the nonsense, I've seen interviews with people who try to de-radicalize endangered young men but that should be the norm, not just happening here and there.
I'm sorry, you keep saying "I'm not seeing" or "I haven't seen". I again have to point out, perhaps that is your fault, or the fault of the media you follow, or perhaps simply the fault of the way media is set up in general. You think "People say terrorism is bad" is newsworthy enough to sell ad-space? But as you say yourself, that is no excuse, we live in the age of the internet, with easy access to so much information. awalterj: You're most welcome to prove me wrong, in fact I wish I was wrong. On the whole matter. But so far, you're not doing a very good job. If you mistake honesty for condescendence, that's unfortunate. I was under the impression that you're a grownup, surely you can handle it when some stranger says things in a way you don't like.
I'm sorry, but when people start talking down to me, as if I'm some poor ignorant brainwashed brown person, attacking my background (which again, you have no knowledge of, and besides should be irrelevant to you with regards to the statements I am making) or creating strawman arguments or statements and then putting them in my mouth, instead of addressing directly what I'm saying, I call that "condescension". I can't even address most of what you're saying, because you've invented it in your own mind and projected it on to me, and then are responding to that, when I never said any such thing, and then pretending to take the higher ground by attacking your imagined construction of my background and pooh-poohing that poor me couldn't know any better.
awalterj: If you're holing up in a defensive "I don't have to justify myself for those guys" position then you're only reinforcing stereotypes, congratulations on that.
Odd. I haven't seen you condemning the acts of brutality by Nazis against Jews. Or the incredible amount of time it took the Appenzell Innerrhoden canton to give women the right to vote on local issues. Or the systemic discrimination against the Romani people. OBVIOUSLY (roll eyes) that means you support all that, then. And no point just condeming them now in response to this post here, you'll have to be expected to condemn them every time you speak- that seems to be what you're expecting, anyhow. Klumpen0815: Wow, still wasting time with this obvious terrorism supporter even after he showed his true colours?
I gave him the benefit of the doubt long enough to show if he is either just brainwashed and confused but meaning well or one of the islamist cowards with all their dishonesty and support of sneak attacks. There's no honesty/honour to be found in those.
Terrorism supporter? Where? Benefit of the doubt? What? Who gave you the moral authority here? I'm sorry, but the only bigotry and prejudice being practised here was being done by you and your ilk. If you've already decided what I am, and how I will presumably react to whatever situation you imagine up, then there's really no point in pretending you're having a discussion with me, is there?I gave him the benefit of the doubt long enough to show if he is either just brainwashed and confused but meaning well or one of the islamist cowards with all their dishonesty and support of sneak attacks. There's no honesty/honour to be found in those.
Post edited February 02, 2015 by babark