babark: I'm sorry, you keep saying "I'm not seeing" or "I haven't seen". I again have to point out, perhaps that is your fault, or the fault of the media you follow, or perhaps simply the fault of the way media is set up in general. You think "People say terrorism is bad" is newsworthy enough to sell ad-space? But as you say yourself, that is no excuse, we live in the age of the internet, with easy access to so much information.
Overall, I've shared more articles and sources with you than you have shared with me. If you feel I'm consuming the wrong media, why not build a counter-narrative. So far, all you've pulled up was an FBI statistic to point out that Islamic terrorism isn't the foremost form of terrorism in the US - to which I replied that the US domestic situation isn't representative of the global situation, especially not considering it only has 0,8% Muslims. Most terrorism happens in Muslim countries, with Muslims being the number one victims of other Muslims, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Anyway, you think the media would report less on terror attacks like the one on Charlie Hebdo if the perpetrators were not Muslims? Or what about honor killings in Western Europe, where Muslim families kill their daughters and sisters to restore "honor", do you have any idea how much more the media would be over that crap if it was done by non-Muslims? In general, you're entirely wrong about the media (unless Fox News maybe) because our press is mostly libtarded: Muslims crimes like honor killings not only get slightly swept under the rug by the media for fear of causing "racist" offense, the perpetrators get a legal bonus for being Muslims: For example, 2 years ago in Germany an Afghan German stabbed to death his pregnant girlfriend because she didn't want to get an abortion. The court ruled that his guilt was "not particularly grave" and that he was in a "desperate situation due to cultural and religious"
Fucking bullshit, that's what that is. Things like that happens all too often and believe it or not, this is not acceptable here. In Pakistan, honor killings seem commonplace, though the number 1000 per year as written in the following article seems rather low (warning, evil biased Western media trying to distort wonderful life in Pakistan...)
Oh, and a couple days ago a young Turkish guy stabbed his girfriend in the woods and then burned her to death, with the help of a friend. Happened in Berlin, in broad daylight. Again, same reason. She was pregnant and the poor guy felt this scratched his honor. Again, all this has "nothing to do with Islam", of course...
Oh, and if you think our Western media is biased against Muslims, they aren't. As I said, they only report when something outrageous happens (which is way too often), and even then most media outlets, being liberal and all, don't make a big verbal crusade against Islam. This guy here does, just to show you the difference: (He's got more videos. You'll hate them all though. I can post more)
babark: I'm sorry, but when people start talking down to me, as if I'm some poor ignorant brainwashed brown person, attacking my background (which again, you have no knowledge of, and besides should be irrelevant to you with regards to the statements I am making) or creating strawman arguments or statements and then putting them in my mouth, instead of addressing directly what I'm saying, I call that "condescension".
I can't even address most of what you're saying, because you've invented it in your own mind and projected it on to me, and then are responding to that, when I never said any such thing, and then pretending to take the higher ground by attacking your imagined construction of my background and pooh-poohing that poor me couldn't know any better.
If you want to be understand correctly, then make yourself clear. And don't beat around the bush, engaging in obtuse apologetics, avoiding to answer clear and simple questions like this one by Klumpen way back in
this post:
"So, do you think terrorists have no right to call themselves muslims after killing the authors of Charlie Hebdo or anyone else who likes to make fun of or criticise every religion the same way?"
As for you being bullied as a "poor ignorant brainwashed brown person", I said I thought you were middle class. A poor person in Pakistan surely wouldn't own a PC nor be able to buy any games here, or speak English so well. I guess that leaves "ignorant brainwashed brown person". I do think you're somewhat ignorant and brainwashed, yes I admit it. This conclusion has come through your very own statements so don't blame me. And as for "brown", come really wanna play the race card, gratuitously out of the blue after not one person in the thread ever made any racist comments towards you (Islam is not a race). This is ridiculous. And just for your information, I'm brown, too. And poor, as in living in comparative poverty for where I am. So stick your "you guys are mean because I'm poor and brown" card right up where the sun don't shine, seriously. Next!
babark: Odd. I haven't seen you condemning the acts of brutality by Nazis against Jews. Or the incredible amount of time it took the Appenzell Innerrhoden canton to give women the right to vote on local issues. Or the systemic discrimination against the Romani people. OBVIOUSLY (roll eyes) that means you support all that, then. And no point just condeming them now in response to this post here, you'll have to be expected to condemn them every time you speak- that seems to be what you're expecting, anyhow.
Lame attempt at trying to "fire back" and deflect the topic. I'll dissect these quickly:
1.) brutalities of Nazis against Jews:
I'm not a member of the Nazi party, or related to one, or even geographically in the right place to be in any way part of this even indirectly. That being said, the number one people committing acts of intimidation and violence against Jews nowadays are Muslims. Congratulations on shooting yourself in the foot on this one.
2.) Women's right to vote in Appenzell Innerhoden:
You are too late, this topic has already been ridiculed by everyone in Switzerland (including myself) long before you ever googled it in desperate hopes of finding some dirt to fling back. Super small region too with only 15'000 people. The worst discrimination women in Switzerland are supposedly facing is that statistics say they earn 18,9% less on average, and even that is disputed. Men on the other hand have to serve in the army and when there are divorces, in general the woman gets the kids and the man has to pay, forevermore. So one can say men are being discriminated upon, as well.
Now let's compare women's discrimination in Switzerland to Pakistan...seriously, I think I can end right there. Because you're going to tell me that all the honor killings, women terribly burnt by acid and beaten every day are only fringe cases from remote villages, all distorted by Western media to somehow connect it with Islam and make poor brown people look bad.
Here are six stories from Pakistani women, can easily pull up more stuff if you like:
So, another shot in the foot and again congratulations.
3.) Discrimination of Roma people:
Invalid point, because nowher ein the world are Roma people as safe as in Switzerland. They are even accepted as an official national minority and have according rights. Despite the fact that ever year, an unknown number of Roma send maliciously send their kids out to steal and even to commit burglaries. Teenage girls aged 13 have been caught doing burglaries, and it's not isolated crime but entire gangs of Roma that specialize on various crimes and do nothing but that, quickly moving from one overly nice and rich country to the next. When they get caught, they get away with a proverbial slap on the wrist, in other words they have nothing to fear. The police will take away the loot but lets them go. It's an epidemic. Most Roma aren't a problem but those who do engage in criminal activity do so to such a degree that it's become a serious problem. And yet, the worst that will happen to a Roma is that someone calls them "dirty gypsies". It will then be on the libtard news: "Roma are now being called dirty gypsies, oh news the racism!" Seriously, that's the worst "discrimination" they have to fear, and the news doesn't report on what the Roma who get called slurs have done, often there's a backstory such as someone caught 3 Roma kids stealing in his shop and in the time until the police arrives calls the kids dirty gypsies, in such a case one can't blame the guy. At all.
Now back to Pakistan, and how it treats minorities, especially religious minorities: And an interesting lecture: Again, you shoot yourself in the foot. You
really thought you can build a case around anti-semitism, women's rights, and discrimination of minorities....? While coming from a place where those 3 things are plain awful? Come on, seriously.