Posted January 09, 2021

btw where can i see all the hungarian main champs? where is the representation? i want my games which represent me as hungarian white male
see this is what is bad with this representation thing you can always slice it up to smaller groups and find one which is not represented "enough"
I don't really care if there is no hungarian champ as main characters, I just want good enjoyable games, i cant see how this is a human desire, imho it is artificially boosted
I'm French Canadian and you don't see too many of those in games/books/movies and that's fine. My geographic identity is modest at best.
However, one's association with their gender identity and sexual preference tends to be pretty strong.
I'd be a lot more affected if there was an absence of straight men in games/movies/books compared to how I am affected by an absence of French Canadians.
If you want stronger evidence to back this claim: A lot of people move abroad and change nationality. How many people (and I'm not talking about those in the closet or discovering their identity) do you see changing their sexual preference or gender identity once it is established?
btw, I think that right now, any kind of representation of LGBTQ in games/books/movies will feel strange and forced to most straight cis-gendered people, because we are not used to it. Perhaps we should be used to it and the current state of things is a cultural shortcoming that will seem wrong to future generations who will study us (just like shortcomings in previous generations seem wrong to us when we study them).
Post edited January 09, 2021 by Magnitus