Starmaker: Gender identity is likewise a completely fictional (bullshit) concept.
toxicTom: Sorry to break it for you, but you're dead wrong here. Just because you can't imagine it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just because you are comfortable with what you are, doesn't mean everybody else is. And you're not entitled to say that they should be, that's just insane.
you're insane and a misogynist to boot. People who aren't comfortable with what they are shouldn't get to pretend they're something else and
have everyone be compelled to play along. Adults don't get to go to kindergarten. Children don't get to have "sex" with adults even if they "want" to. Short kids don't get to ride the rollercoaster. Bald people can't donate the hair they wish they had. Men don't get prenatal care. Women don't get prostate exams. People without cancer don't get chemo. People without SMA don't get Zolgensma injections. Healthy people don't get to play wheelchair basketball at the Paralympics. Unqualified people don't get to do heart surgery. You don't get to win Novel of the Year if you haven't written one, you don't get a medal for winning a marathon if you rode in a car.
People who want to be something what they aren't exist -- it's pretty much everyone except stoners. The difference between is and ought is the foundation of civilization. Some of these want to be something they can't realistically become (super-rich, a marathon runner, a Nobel prize winner). Some of those want to be something they can never be, because it'd require changing past events. And some of those wants to lie about the past and force the whole world to believe a lie - this group is evil and insane. I "can imagine" they exist. I know they exist. I've been on the interwebs for over 15 years and I've seen some shit.
Determining needs by subjective feelings is insanity. A person without legs has it worse than a person with healthy legs. If both people "need" a motorized wheelchair, the former to move and the latter to ride to school for the lulz, and you only have one, who should you give it to? What if the latter cried really loud and the former said, "well, duh", and turned to crawl home? A plain person has it worse than a beautiful person, and Lobster Girl from the early oughts (she's an adult now) has it worse still. Most people would agree it's fair for the community to pay for Lobster Girl's new face and the plain person needs to shut up. But what if the plain person told you she really wants to be a beauty queen and have a modeling career? Like really, really wants? And then another plain person gets in a screaming match with her over whose feelings are more real? "I'll eat candy and log out!" "I'll go flying and log out!" "I'll log out everyone in my school!"
There's an argument that we should be "compassionate" to the mentally ill. "Compassion" is nice, but it's stretched wider than that one gentlemen's butthole. If you're deathly afraid of cars, perhaps it can be arranged for you to live in an Amish care home, or at least to be assigned a visiting care worker. But you don't get to ban cars wherever you're going, and you don't get to be crowned Formula 1 champion while sitting huddled in a barn identifying as one.
I regret very much I didn't become a doctor. It was never in the cards, and when I realized it would be the best culturally and most useful education to have, I didn't have either the time or the money.
Would you let me perform heart surgery on your mother? One of Discord mods sexually identifies as a deer.
Does it get human rights? Can I get a hunting permit? toxicTom: In some older cultures people like that were even considered "holy", because they had the insight into "different worlds".
You're bringing in modern Western notions of holiness. Being a holy fool isn't an elevated position, it's a social ghetto for undesirables. A malformed or deviant person would be cared for by the community to placate the gods by whose will he or she was born, but would not be permitted to be a normal member.
toxicTom: They were actually more enlightened than the common "straight" bloke or wench, because they could relate to being "both".
Is Rachel Dolezal more enlightened than Maya Angelou? Claiming to be able to have a deeper understanding of being someone you aren't, especially over their objections, is a lie and an offense to the real someones.
Would it be ok if a man who's never had children infiltrated a support group for bereaved mothers and claimed to be one because he thinks he can "relate" to them?
It happened twice. Even worse, the men roleplayed stillbirths, and one of them was soliciting real human babies to "breastfeed" after his "bereavement". So relatable!
It's gotten so bad that people are getting banned for opposing rape and coercive conversion of homosexuals. Apparently, gay men discriminate against women and lesbians discriminate against men by not having sex with them, and should force themselves to submit to the opposite sex to "unlearn" their "prejudice".
This is what the q slur is. Homosexuals are smeared with the q slur to suggest sexual availability, promiscuity, perversion, and absence of personal dignity, makes them into a modern equivalent of "holy fools" who may be "celebrated" for their entertainment value but will never be full community members. A lesbian is a woman who'll tell you no. A "q" woman will let you drill her butt and bring a female friend.
Finally, it's rich of you to say people who don't lie about what they are are "comfortable" being what they are. I imagine Uyghurs don't particularly like the genocide, but identifying as Han is not a real option - in fact, and I hope you agree, forgetting their language and culture, cutting contact with family forever, and going to live in a pod at a Foxconn factory is
also genocide.
numberonehangestan: Madeline is believed to be 20+ in general with more evidence given by the fact she has a long history with anxiety & depression, drives, drinks)
Given that the lead creator was named "Matt" and renamed himself "Maddie", it's pretty clear the character is 30 and the game is an interactive version
of this comic.
numberonehangestan: Trans healthcare (e.g puberty blockers, etc) is supported by doctors and trans people benefit from it, I don't see the issue here.
It isn't.
Chemical castration for healthy children was recently banned in the UK. And while it'd be unfair to prevent adult perverts from mutilating their bodies while boob jobs and butt jobs exist,
their mental health is not helped by said mutilation.
Magnitus: If you want stronger evidence to back this claim: A lot of people move abroad and change nationality. How many people (and I'm not talking about those in the closet or discovering their identity) do you see changing their sexual preference or gender identity once it is established?
A lot of
privileged people move abroad and change nationality. The overwhelming majority of people on Earth can't do it - they won't be accepted in a better country and they would be even worse off without support networks in a country which will accept them.
And those who can still need permission from the host nationality for it. And, crucially, not being the host nationality yet,
you don't get to determine the rules under which you do or do not get accepted. If I "identify" as French-Canadian and French speaker, I'll be laughed out of the embassy.
Meanwhile, men are demanding to be accepted as women over the objections of women and have intentionally passed laws to the effect without any public discussion.
I don't understand where you're going with the second sentence here, but genderists change their sexual preferences and gender identities significantly more often. Men go straight -> gay -> "lesbian" teen girl (straight sex offender with pedo ideation), women go normal -> Sasuke -> bunny -> Cloud Strife -> Jimin from BTS -> potato.
I guarantee Matt Thorson and James Stanton will be "coming out" again as "lesbians" after they get boob jobs.
Please don't use this word to refer to the majority group. The majority of people don't have a gender identity.
Please don't use the q word to refer to homosexuals and bisexuals.
Please don't use the abbreviation "LGBT" - the T is no longer a particularly disadvantaged subset of L and G, they're now majority heterosexual.
Please don't add more letters, especially "I".
Please don't use the expression "the LGBTur08w3un78yrwuaxiwl community". There's no such community in the Anglosphere. After most Western countries legalized gay marriage, gays quit gay rights lobby groups, leaving them to be run by "q" homophobes.
(one more) Please don't refer to an individual as LGB (unless talking about firsts) or "diverse".
E.g. "Ciri is LGB" - bad. "Ciri is bisexual" - good. "Ciri is the first LGB protagonist blahblah...." - ok.