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MysterD: Yep.
And even though that launcher's getting retired, most of Bethesda's recent games will still uses Bethesda.Net's Log-In via their servers w/ your own Bethesda.Net Account.
eric5h5: Which is meaningless, as unlike what you claimed there isn't any "proprietary platform" that has to be reworked for GOG. Plenty of multiplayer games here require a third-party online account, e.g. Age of Wonders 3. As long as single-player doesn't require anything like that, not very many people care.
The additional Mods like Quake 64 and other ones require you to get them through Bethesda Log In.

Once you download it - you can get around it using command line into shortcuts, once you do the download - but it has to be done via Bethesda's Servers.

This Mod stuff like Quake 64 is extra Single Player Content, BTW - so yes, this is likely going to be an issue. This stuff should ship w/ the GOG version without needing to download via Bethesda.Net in-game and w/ an account. It should be a part of the package you download via the Installers and via Galaxy.
MysterD: This is NOT strange. As more companies use more proprietary platforms like Bethesda Launcher, Steamworks, Epic Online servers - we're going to see more of these problems of these games coming to GOG. Basically, they'd have to re-work a lot of this stuff for the GOG version for it to come here - which costs them time, money, resources, and effort.
Timboli: Well, the way I see it, is that the reworking is only removing or adjusting what they added, so shouldn't be necessary in the first place, as they already had a GOG ready version before that, no doubt minus whatever Multiplayer support is required.

I and many others don't give a toss about the MP element, and that could always be added later to the GOG version.
Quake Enhanced is a Remaster, utilizing NightDive's KEX Engine. So, this is not exactly the same build as the old Quake versions, which used old versions of Id Tech.

They'd have to disable any Bethesda Log-In junk for it to hit GOG, especially for Mod content that is SP-stuff (single-player stuff).

About Multiplayer stuff - I'm sure there's gonna be a fanbase here upset the GOG Version might not have MP, if it don't support say GOG Galaxy here....which again, could be another case where some feel the GOG Version's inferior to every other version that has Multiplayer support.
Post edited February 28, 2022 by MysterD
I don't get what you guys are saying about the thing preventing Quake Enhanced for coming to GoG, specially now that the launcher is (Thankfully) defunct.

I mean, games like Dying Light or Saints Row have online connectivity: IIRC, Saints Row 3 remaster forces you to be online to save your characters, them, Dying Light's events and special items can only be accessed while connected).

I'm more inclined to think that is either because they don't want to put the (small) man-hours on adapting to galaxy and its multiplayer service (Not like Quake Enhanced would be the only game without cross-play), which for a company so big as Bethesda looks like absurd, or they have deemed GoG's market share irrelevant and just abandoned it.
Post edited February 28, 2022 by Neurus_Ex
MysterD: Quake Enhanced is a Remaster, utilizing NightDive's KEX Engine. So, this is not exactly the same build as the old Quake versions, which used old versions of Id Tech.
What I said has nothing to do with the origins of Quake, and totally everything to do with the current build.

You develop or build or remaster a game, then you add all the superfluous stuff (Bethesda Log-In junk etc).

Before all that superfluous stuff gets added, that's the basis of your GOG version right there, rather than adding it, then having to remove it to create your GOG version.
Well, is it coming? Is the brave and virtuous gogstaff going to give us an update on the situation?
low rated
Was in quake enhanced edition project, a russian programmer involved, perhaps?
low rated

Is it coming or what? Finishing up the mythical gog build is going to end up taking longer than Grimoire's entire development cycle! 1.2 micro issues remaining.
Schrödinger's Quake
At this rate most people have probity gotten game on steam already rather then wait for the GOG version.
Post edited March 30, 2022 by discountbuyer
Or more likely at Epic, where it is regularly discounted.

I continue to resist.
Post edited March 30, 2022 by Timboli
fronzelneekburm: going to end up taking longer than Grimoire's entire development cycle...
Come back in another decade again to ask about it then. =P
Obviously it SHOULD be here and it's BS it isn't, but worth noting it's DRM free on Steam with a quick workaround and the game has been like $2 on Steam a thousand times. Again, not defending treating GOG as second class, but at least there's a relatively painless option for DRM free diehards.
discountbuyer: At this rate most people have probity gotten game on steam already rather then wait for the GOG version.
I don't "double dip" on principle, even less if the "double dip" is forced by a decision of a publisher/developer and a lie of the shop where I dip the first time.

This is more a "you lost yourself a customer" for Bethesda/ID and "I will think again before buying anything" for GoG.
Your daily reminder that gog staff lied about an upcoming update.
low rated
fronzelneekburm: Your daily reminder that gog staff lied about an upcoming update.
We might send a PM to SmollestLight to ask and/or post on her/his thread here:
Not sure much is missed since Enhanced Quake, from All I have read, is pretty buggy.