Well personally I don't mind at all if Cyberpunk is in first person and I even think it's a good idea, I mean if Witcher 4 was going to be in FP then yes I would understand the complaints, especially that the type of game (i.e. melee / sword combat) works better in third person. But for Cyberpunk, it's a futuristic setting so most probably most of the non-stealth fights will use weapons, so first person makes perfect sense and I don't see any problem with it. System Shock and Deus Ex (original) are two of my favorites games and I would never have wanted them in third person mode.
That being said if peoples don't like it and complains about it, as long as they do it "reasonably" (i.e. not using death threats or insults) I don't see a problem with it either, and calling them "
entitled crybaby" is pretty silly (to remain polite) and definitely not productive; maybe if peoples learn to accept that others might have different opinions without calling them names we would have less of those stupid "