KetobaK: I know that just are a couple of items, a mascot and some skins, but it feels like they cut you some content just because you are poor.
You say that that somebody can pre-order it if they like it and want it but it's not always true, for example, in my country we have to pay 65% of taxes in top of the price for every purchase outside our country (Argentina), I can't afford to spend that amount of money in a game just to have all the content, because I earn arround $400 per month, sometimes even less. I really want to buy the game because I tend to skip titles like this, make the game feel incomplete and as second class player, just because I don't have money in a specific time.
Kingmaker is awesome, especially the enhanced edition, I know the game won't disappoint and it worth every penny but they could easily add the bonus as an extra DLC or make a discount for those who can't reserve it, but no, they choose to be a**holes :(
Besides that, I hope you enjoy the game (I'm sure it will be awesome) and congratulations for your pre-order!!!! :)
Instead of looking at it like they cut "content" (which come on, these items mean nothing in the end) from you, you should be looking at it like they gave some extra to pre-orders / backers that you would have never gotten otherwise. These items could just be exclusive to backers, but they're also offering it to every who pre-orders the game.
Kingmaker also had backer rewards / pre-order bonuses that were exclusive, so why are you so upset about it now and calling the devs assholes? Despite that, you still say Kingmaker is awesome. Well, Wrath of the Righeous is gonna be awesome also, and if you're going to let a few insignificant items ruin that then I really feel sorry for you.
Truly I am sorry to hear about your personal situation and the problems with your country, but they are your problems. You know what? Most of the time I can't buy every little new toy I want either for various reasons, and I miss out on stuff I would have liked. That's life though, and part of being an adult.
Hopefully you'll get over it at some point, so you can have an awesome CRPG experience with Wrath of the Righteous just like you did with Kingmaker. Seems kind of silly to me to let something like this ruin it for you, but hey, do whatever you want to do.
TomNuke: ...pre-ordering has literally zero risk involved.
borisburke: Tell that to the poor saps still trying to get a refund for cyberjunk.
And who would that be? Console players? People who are way beyond their rights to a refund?
There's zero risk in pre-ordering if you have a little self control and can just not start the game up and go past that two hour mark, or open it if you're a phyiscal console game buyer.
It doesn't surprise me that people (especially "gamers") have trouble with things so easy though.
darktjm: No Linux version? Is it even planned? Kingmaker Imperial Edition was a no-brainer, but I'm not (pre-)ordering this game without native Linux support. Like other non-Linux games, I'll only buy if I'm sure it'll run well on wine, and also has a significant discount for the trouble.
Pangaea666: I really looked forward to this game too, and may even have been aware of the Kickstarter -- but not supported due to lack of Linux support. That still stands. I can't support your company when you don't support Linux. It's just the way it is.
The first game worked fantastic on Linux, so I've no idea why you chose to not support it this time.
Sorry to hear, but they must have decided it wasn't worth it, considering the number of users that actually ran Kingmaker on Linux. I mean, clearly if it was worth doing it they would have.
Have you ever considered just going with Windows? Windows 10 is a great operating system, and just a joy to use.