pbaggers: I had no idea that a new Leisure Suit Larry game was coming. (Not a pun)
Good puns never get old.
"Make Leisure Suit Larry come again!" was the Kickstarter slogan for the re-re-re-re-make of the first Larry game.
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/leisuresuitlarry/make-leisure-suit-larry-come-again That game didn't quite reach the climax, and left players unsatisfied, so it remains to be seen whether this new game will erect Larry's franchise again. (some puns may have been included)
pbaggers: Whether or not I care depends ultimately on whether or not Al Lowe was involved here. I get the feeling, just from looking at it - that he wasn't. This reeks of being yet another nostalgia-based cash in by whoever currently owns the IP.
He wasn't, and maybe it's good that way too. The world is 30 years different now, Al Lowe is 30 years older, I'm sure he could repeat the same jokes, but could he actually innovate something new? At least the completely new team may be able to do that, although they can just completely ruin everything, it can go both ways.
pbaggers: The online-dating based premise sounds stupid. Speaking from personal experience - Larry would almost certainly just be ignored and blocked by every girl he so much as says "hi" to. There wouldn't even be any potentially funny rejection or response to a faux-pas on Larry's part, just nothing.
I think there's potential there.
We don't know how he's doing it, after all. He can be using someone else's photo knowingly, or by accident. Or, he can be using that as a woman! It wouldn't be the first time that the plotline has made him disguise as a woman.
It remains to be seen. I can also imagine a very funny animated sequence where hundreds of women swipe him left on Timber.
Maybe this is a continuation for "dating habits of the era", as back in the day Larry also participated in a TV dating show.
pbaggers: Also what's with his character design? This is like the least unattractive looking take on Larry I've ever seen.
"Least unattractive" = most handsome?
I think he was pretty normal in LSL3, at least?
In any case, that character design really doesn't feel like Larry, but maybe it's better when it's all in-game.