dgnfly: The same goes for a black soldier in the Roman army. They were never legionaries but as auxiliary. Nowadays, historians are claiming that there are so many blacks that the whole of the roman world would look like how Greece did in Assassin's Creed. Even the few blacks that even got close to getting citizenship were ultra rare.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KheW7q-Bygg morolf: If I understand correctly, the black guy is supposed to be a gladiator...I suppose a Numidian or something of the sort. So yeah, it smacks a bit of politically correct tokenism, but it's not totally historically implausible.
However, the same can't be said for including some strong Amazon archer...Amazons are fictional, they weren't real, certainly didn't serve as bodyguards for late Republican Romans! They could have included some Gaulish or Germanic mercenary for historical plausibility, but instead they're going for fantasy nonsense.
I also don't like how they use the late Republican setting with real characters like Cato and Cicero, but apparently create an entirely fictional narrative with some super-villain invented for the game. I suspect the result will be just painful for anybody who knows and cares about the true history of the era.
So while I liked Expeditions: Conquistador (despite its historical inaccuracies), I think I'll pass up this one, since it seems to take a few too many liberties with the historical source material.
The whole black soldier things was also very sketchy, seeing as it never popped up till this new pandering generation.
Remember that the media was propagandizing the Cheddar Man? He was supposed to be the first black British but turned out to be a lie that the media itself spun for the sake of tokenism. They later backtracked on it cause the scientist was stating they basically had no clue what skin color he had.
The major problem is you can't know history completely, because not everything is first-hand documentation and some things are just speculations. We know most of our information on the Gauls and Germanic tribes through Caesars accounts.