mistermumbles: I swung by Best Buy earlier today and
I picked up one of these.
OneFiercePuppy: The two-power-adapter thing is confusing me. Is that one power supply for the video card and one for the rest of the system? The GTX 1070 is rated at about 150W, and the i7 lists a TDP of 65W, so the smaller of the two power supplies won'r run everything, and the larger only allows like 15W overhead for everything else. Your USB alone would eat that if it's running USB powered devices.
Man, I've really gotten old. These newfangled computers and their doohickey contraptions confuse me.
No, you're right. Assuming it's what I think (it probably is) it's not common. It's not actually new either. No one uses it because it's complicated, doesn't work well, has a high potential to cause damage to hardware, and is potentially dangerous. It's probably not especially dangerous on a pre-built, but everything else is still a given.
It's not recommended and extremely uncommon on retail computers (it is on some server units where they're built that way to increase/reduce power consumption when the load is markedly increased/decreased). I'd never build a personal computer for personal use that way. Besides the fact it's way too much work, it's really easy to mess up since you need risers and have to tie the grounds (there are adapters now e.g. Add2PSU), and if the user wasn't me (ok and me too) they would probably at minimum fry the motherboard and potentially electrocute themselves if they ever tried to upgrade the thing.
The particular PC is severely underpowered, too. You need 500w+ gold to run that card on a good PSU, recommended is 550w. The PC is (hopefully) just going to shut off whenever the GPU hits load or high ambient temps. I can't imagine the fan setup being any good at that size either.
I think it has 2x PSU because it uses one of those newer form factor cases the kids like where it's tough to fit stuff anywhere. Also it's cheaper. It looks like a micro-ATX to me judging from the keyboard size, but that's just hazarding a guess. Could be a mini-ITX. I doubt it though since it would look like a shoebox (otherwise it couldn't fit a full length card).
Admittedly, it's a neat looking case. It'll be difficult to upgrade though. Of that type, the bitfenix ones aren't bad, that's about it. They're not designed for gaming PC's, at least the non-APU variety (they actually work well for those btw).