Ancient-Red-Dragon: Gamers Gate was a backlash against a) how "games journalism" has almost universally become fake news whose sole purpose is to push liberal/SJW politics and b) most video games themselves have started also to push liberal/SJW politics within the games themselves.
Of course, the liberal/SJW media constantly spin-doctors those facts into fake news, in order unfairly to vilify anyone who disagrees with them.
GOG is not pro Gamers Gate. Instead, GOG is pro liberal/SJW politics, which is why GOG is constantly apologizing to liberals/SJWs for no good reason, even though it shouldn't be and it did nothing wrong in any of it's so-called 'offensive tweets.'
Except "a" and "b" are a dog whistle. It started because of the lack of transparency from the games "journalists" about their connections (i.e. personal relationships) to devs and publishers of games that were being reveiwed and reported on. And then the trolls on both extremes came and it was like watching rabid hyenas eat themselves