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low rated
Picchia: I don't think that's the issue. The real problem is that a mob of angry self-proclaimed progressive people rally against some random person to punish him for a fairly harmless reason.

This unfair treatment is what puts people off. And in the tech and media industry a lot of businesses bend over to such forms of mob justice.

A while ago Pewdiepie also got nailed to the wall for being a Nazi. Which is just insane.
What punishment exactly?
His couple of lines (or whatever he was doing) for the game have been cut. If he got paid for the work (not sure if he will have been given the circumstances) he will still have that money.

Maybe the devs dropped him because they disagreed with his views and didn't want to be associated with him, or maybe they did it for fear of losing sales. Whatever the reason they are entirely within their rights to so so, and punishing them for doing so is really no better than what the people calling for this Youtuber's part to be cut have done.
high rated
Picchia: I don't think that's the issue. The real problem is that a mob of angry self-proclaimed progressive people rally against some random person to punish him for a fairly harmless reason.

This unfair treatment is what puts people off. And in the tech and media industry a lot of businesses bend over to such forms of mob justice.

A while ago Pewdiepie also got nailed to the wall for being a Nazi. Which is just insane.
adaliabooks: What punishment exactly?
His couple of lines (or whatever he was doing) for the game have been cut. If he got paid for the work (not sure if he will have been given the circumstances) he will still have that money.

Maybe the devs dropped him because they disagreed with his views and didn't want to be associated with him, or maybe they did it for fear of losing sales. Whatever the reason they are entirely within their rights to so so, and punishing them for doing so is really no better than what the people calling for this Youtuber's part to be cut have done.
Not all damage is financial. In this case it's just a bit of slander and taking a project he enjoyed working on away from him. If there is any financial damage then it will be the devs who will be collateral damage of the angry mob.

I can understand the decision of the devs. And of course the devs have the right do whatever they want. But having the right to do something, does not mean you should be doing it. I don't think their decision is good for anyone, unfortunately.
low rated
*looks outside*

Okay, Sun came up today.
Looks like we all overreacted. :D

Now how about The Banner Saga? Any good?
rtcvb32: Not racist. There was an inconsistency to his words when he didn't know how to articulate himself. What he was trying to say (that's taken/considered as racist) was involving illegal immigration, and when there's too much of one culture it will effect and take over the other.

As mentioned Sargon of Akkad's video is highly recommended as he debates over JonTron's points far better than he could because he's a bad debater. I recommend playing cards or something while you listen as it is 2½ hours long.
When asked if he didn't mind immigration if they perfectly assimilated to the welcoming culture, he complained that it would still dilute the gene pool.

That wasn't taken as racist, that is pretty racist.
Post edited March 24, 2017 by fables22
low rated
tinyE: Now how about The Banner Saga? Any good?
Yeah, it's great. Just replaying it now :)
rtcvb32: Not racist. There was an inconsistency to his words when he didn't know how to articulate himself. What he was trying to say (that's taken/considered as racist) was involving illegal immigration, and when there's too much of one culture it will effect and take over the other.

As mentioned Sargon of Akkad's video is highly recommended as he debates over JonTron's points far better than he could because he's a bad debater. I recommend playing cards or something while you listen as it is 2½ hours long.
adaliabooks: You mean the way the European immigrants did to native Americans?

What I find most hilarious about the immigration debates is that it is held in countries that have no real National identity anyway. America was built on immigration, so was the UK.
This JonTron is half Iranian, yet is complaining that Mexican immigrants are going to spoil his white American culture..

It sickens me that in Ireland (my home country) they complain about immigrants coming and taking jobs etc. When not that long ago we were the immigrants, and we had to fight to be accepted, despite the fact we were white.
None of this shit is new, immigration has happened for thousands of years in various forms and the world is still turning. American culture won't be destroyed or superseded, it will change, as all cultures do and should.

As for Yooka-Laylee, it's a game. If the developers wanted to drop a voice actor because he liked Pineapple on his pizza it is entirely within their rights to do so. If you like the game, buy it. If you don't, don't. Simple as that.
Please educate yourself. This is sad.
Primo_Victoria: Please educate yourself. This is sad.
I've been looking for an excuse to post this video for awhile. Thankya.
Primo_Victoria: Please educate yourself. This is sad.
227: I've been looking for an excuse to post this video for awhile. Thankya.
posting a video =/= expressing yourself
adaliabooks: What I find most hilarious about the immigration debates is that it is held in countries that have no real National identity anyway. America was built on immigration, so was the UK.
Why stop there? Following that logic, let's go back even further and say all culture is a lie because humans originated from Africa. Culture cannot be quantified, and every country has an identity whether you see value in it or not.
tinyE: Now how about The Banner Saga? Any good?
We've got rules against derailing now! :P
Primo_Victoria: Were you looking forward to playing this game?
No, first I hear about such game (Yooka-Laylee?). Sounds like some generic puzzle-platformer-indie game, judging by the name only of course.

What was some "controversial"(?) Youtuber doing in the game anyway? Was he like the end-boss that you fight, but now he has been removed so you just shoot at the empty walls at the end?
Primo_Victoria: Does this change anything for you?
I guess not. I still need to go out today to buy some groceries. Hopefully there is some good movie on the TV today, as it is Friday. But not two or several good movies on several channels at the same time, I hate that, hard to decide what to watch and then when you watch one of them, it turns out to be trash and you should have watched the other movie instead, but then IT IS TOO LATE! You can't rewind back time.

EDIT: Ok read the article, so that is some supposedly famous(?) British(?) Youtuber(?) that was supposed to voice one character in some stupid indie platforming(?) game(?), but then he said something about Mexicans trying to claim part of USA and build a wall or something. Now people can't hear his geeky voice in the game, I guess.

I still hope there is some good movie in the TV tonight, though.
Post edited March 24, 2017 by timppu
Primo_Victoria: posting a video =/= expressing yourself
Agree 100%. Like I said, it was an excuse to post something I already wanted to post. But it's not like "educate yourself" is much of an argument either, which is kind of the point. I don't even know if I agree with you or not because your disagreement with that post could be basically anything except exactly what you were quoting.

He was mature about it. Also no, I never cared to begin with and don't really think I'll ever get this, and if you did care he had only a minor role anyways.

Look, what JonTron said was very... uh, interesting... (and very false) and he obviously showed himself to be a pretty bad debater, but I don't think he has a hateful heart or a racist mind. The guy that challenged him (I forgot his name) was a real asshole and didn't really tell him it was going to turn into a heated debate. It's all that guy ever does is debate, it's his job to stir shit up and debate people. JonTron obviously couldn't get his thoughts in order and it sounded like he recently found /pol/ or something.

It's funny that they removed him in order to distance their game from any politics, but the simple act of doing so for the reason they did pushes it squarely into the political zone. Nah, I think the real reason is they knew cutting out his small part and throwing him under the bus would generate buzz around their game right before launch.
Marioface5: I just realized I didn't actually know he even had a role in this game.
rtcvb32: Me either. Regardless one's personal political views shouldn't cause this type of backlash forcing self-censoring in order not to get attacked or have negative consequences on you.

JonTron to be honest is more or less harmless. I've seen enough of his videos to know he's playful and loves what he does, and has his own style and sense of humor (which isn't to my liking but where else will you find unique videos where they go over really bad bootleg games of Pokemon games?).
I agree. I don't like this trend at all.
low rated
adaliabooks: What I find most hilarious about the immigration debates is that it is held in countries that have no real National identity anyway. America was built on immigration, so was the UK.
markrichardb: Why stop there? Following that logic, let's go back even further and say all culture is a lie because humans originated from Africa. Culture cannot be quantified, and every country has an identity whether you see value in it or not.
I know your being sarcastic, but that is actually my point. Culture and society is not a fixed point. What makes the UK the UK now is not what made it 1000 years ago or what will make in another 1000.
But this is particularly true for countries whose population is made up by wave after wave of invaders and immigrants.
What makes someone English (or British)? Should you be able to trace your family tree back to the Normans? Except they were Vikings who settled in France. Maybe you should trace your heritage back to the Anglo-Saxons, except they were German. Or the Romans? The Celts?
Hell, even Christianity came here through immigration.
Change, new ideas, new cultures, they all make us stronger and better. People say that immigration brings terrorists, except the root cause of that terrorism, the reason there is a conflict at all is because of the intolerance (of both sides) to the beliefs and ideas of the other. It's a self perpetuating cycle.