rtcvb32: Not racist. There was an inconsistency to his words when he didn't know how to articulate himself. What he was trying to say (
that's taken/considered as racist) was involving illegal immigration, and when there's too much of one culture it will effect and take over the other.
As mentioned
Sargon of Akkad's video is highly recommended as he debates over JonTron's points far better than he could because he's a bad debater. I recommend playing cards or something while you listen as it is 2½ hours long.
adaliabooks: You mean the way the European immigrants did to native Americans?
What I find most hilarious about the immigration debates is that it is held in countries that have no real National identity anyway. America was built on immigration, so was the UK.
This JonTron is half Iranian, yet is complaining that Mexican immigrants are going to spoil his white American culture..
It sickens me that in Ireland (my home country) they complain about immigrants coming and taking jobs etc. When not that long ago we were the immigrants, and we had to fight to be accepted, despite the fact we were white.
None of this shit is new, immigration has happened for thousands of years in various forms and the world is still turning. American culture won't be destroyed or superseded, it will change, as all cultures do and should.
As for Yooka-Laylee, it's a game. If the developers wanted to drop a voice actor because he liked Pineapple on his pizza it is entirely within their rights to do so. If you like the game, buy it. If you don't, don't. Simple as that.
Please educate yourself. This is sad.