IronArcturus: I miss the times when Humble was purely DRM-free. Now it's just another Steam store.
Because, good sir, DRM-free revolution alone won't fill your wallet or make a food magically. Humble is a business, they're not some charities that feed people's ego of DRM free revolution.
As it stands, when I checked Humble's page right now, there's Ubisoft Bundle, Weekly Bundle that contains DRM free games, Android Bundle which is definitely DRM free, and Book Bundle which is DRM free as well.
And normally in a bundle, if a game has DRM free build, they'll include it as well. Not to mention various OSTs and goodies. Oh, the OSTs more often than not are FLACs.
As for the Store Part, they are indeed selling mostly Steam games, but that's because they want to make profit. Again, business makes profit, so they naturally try to sell things that earn them most profit. Why would you sell something rotten in your Store that doesn't give any good?
Moreso, Steam doesn't give a damn about their Steam keys being generated by publishers and be sent to Humble or various stores to be resold, which is so convenient for all related parties.
I really find your statement silly.