Starmaker: TW2 (okay, that's cheating)
TW2 was free.
Leroux: You can always find a game that keeps you happy and busy for longer and for less money
Yup. Dota 2 is free. Beats any paid game.
Leroux: That doesn't mean POE is not worth the asking price though.
You both think that game value is related to time vs money. But you're also arguing against yourselves that your investments were shameful because free to play games have infinite cost to time played ratios. So money to time enjoyed is not even a factor when you're already claiming you spent more money than the better options for that proposition. It's just a self defeated case out of the gate since the fact that you spend money on games at all is anomalous to your ideologies.
So if money to time/enjoyment is not a factor and you'll spend as much money as you want on what you perceive to be a fair entertainment proposition (in your cases containing games that are only subjectively fun and not enjoyed by the entirety of the gaming community), then how does that put this sale on PoE to shame?
Leroux: Wrong question, especially in a community that appreciates old games. ;)
No, you just didn't expect there to be any point to it. I wouldn't waste time asking for people to list their favorites. ;P
We buy games we think will be fun and have no valid reasons to accept the prices as true other than that we make ourselves believe this is the going rate for this shiny object that we want to want. Simple as that. And none of it puts PoE at 50% off to shame. There is no justification of putting any purchase over another one. My point is just for people to bitch less, stop rationalizing, and accept that paying anything for games is completely irrational with so many fun free ones out there. We'll buy the games anyway though because that's what we want to do and better judgement isn't strong enough to stop us. :D