falloutttt: I had to much to drink yesterday. so i'm unable to read, wright, or/and comprehend much with that bell ringing in my head.
so, ill put it simple:
on Steam it's - CDN$ 85.99 ; on GOG - CDN$ 99.39
the result: piracy because of unreasonable prices!
the end.
Try to read this when sober, then.
Can't find the Obsidian Edition (since I assume that's what you're referring to) on SteamDB to see the pricing info, and can't figure out how to get the CAD price through API at a quick glance, so I just looked at the base game. That lists a base (US) price of $49.99, while for Canada it's CDN$56.99, which converts to $43.46, so you get a regional discount for being in Canada, which discount is basically the same, percentage-wise, as the difference you list there. If you wouldn't get that discount, you should be paying about CDN$65.55. On GOG you pay $49.99, so exactly the US price, which at GOG's exchange rates, which are a little off, converts to CAD$66.29.
So, again, if you are bothered by regional pricing (and everyone damn well should be!), that's actually a point in favor of GOG there, for your particular region at least.
Meanwhile, for me over here the full price of the Obsidian Edition is $77.49, which at GOG's rates converts to CDN$102.70. Smaller difference than for most, but nevertheless a HIGHER price than the base one, and a higher one than yours as well, and when you also compare the incomes and standards of living in the two places, THIS is a very good reason to complain. The fact that you, in a wealthy country, have to actually pay the normal price and not get a discount isn't.