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zeogold: My gosh, people. This entire thread has QUICKLY degenerated into a warped mass of crap with politics and laws.


So the first thing everybody does is pop out of the woodwork just to mock and bash religion and talk about gun control laws? Seriously?
We've had enough divisive political threads that've gotten closed down just because this constant mudslinging goes on. You want to do that? Fine, you're perfectly entitled to, as it's your opinion, after all.
But does it really have to be the first thing on your mind when you see a massacre? Do you really think this is what they or their families would want?
Have some freakin' respect.
Nobody is going to listen, sadly.
I am so sorry for those persons whom probably suffered most harrowing fear the last moments of their lives.

And for those whom fight for their lives, whom should not be there.

And for those whom cry for someone they loved, and would still need.

I remain, as ever, very cold and bothered against homophobia, or any pitting of one group against some other, in law making, in religion especially in public life, and in my beloved hobby of gaming.
tinyE: People who bring up the 2nd Amendment fail to realize that when that was written, guns weighed 50 pounds, took two minutes to load, fired one shot, and were only accurate to within about ten yards.
Excluding the fact the people back then never thought better guns would come about, there existed rifles and handguns back then that allowed you to fire multiple shots. Not to mention an early Gatling type gun. You could also own cannons.

But I suppose using the above as an argument, anything beyond the printing press should be disallowed.
low rated
Some of you GOGers are bigoted as fuck, but for what it is worth I've tried to get #MuslimsForLGBT off the ground. I'm sure a few of you can appreciate it.
Sufyan: Some of you GOGers are bigoted as fuck, but for what it is worth I've tried to get #MuslimsForLGBT off the ground. I'm sure a few of you can appreciate it.
Just look south to DK - there is a female imam lead mosque. Bit like the Scandi Lutheran Church fight for women priesthood - Denmark 1963 if I correctly remember, Finland... late eighties.

I must say though, I'd rather not make this religious, but matter of values of greater society. Which is secular in Europe. Renaissance, reform, enlightenment. And especially so in the North.

If we bring religion into it, we go back to dark ages. IMO. I want to really do without!

Edit: spelling.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by TStael
tinyE: People who bring up the 2nd Amendment fail to realize that when that was written, guns weighed 50 pounds, took two minutes to load, fired one shot, and were only accurate to within about ten yards.
The intent of the 2nd Amendment was to allow people to have access to the same weapons as the military - so people could rise up and overthrow it if the country fell to tyranny.

That being said... where''s my Abrams Battle Tank and F-14 Tomcat!!!???
zeogold: My gosh, people. This entire thread has QUICKLY degenerated into a warped mass of crap with politics and laws.


So the first thing everybody does is pop out of the woodwork just to mock and bash religion and talk about gun control laws? Seriously?
We've had enough divisive political threads that've gotten closed down just because this constant mudslinging goes on. You want to do that? Fine, you're perfectly entitled to, as it's your opinion, after all.
But does it really have to be the first thing on your mind when you see a massacre? Do you really think this is what they or their families would want?
Have some freakin' respect.
While you do have a point about bashing religion, you're completely wrong about talking about gun control.

This is exactly the time that there needs to be talk about gun control. People arguing otherwise have blood on their hands as by the time things cool down enough to "show respect" for the families and victims, any hope of actually addressing the problem will have been gone.

I've had ties to 3 of the last 4 mass shootings around here. One I ran into the murderer's twin brother a bit later as we went to the same college. The next one was at a bar that my dad goes to and I'd been introduced to the murderer as well as at least one of the victims and then the next one was in a college building where I had some of my classes.

The bottom line here is that right now is the time to be talking about sensible gun controls while it's still raw. If we wait, then nothing will be done. How many more people need to die because we wanted to show respect for the families of the deceased?
low rated
such a round number
drealmer7: such a round number
Aren't there any survivors in critical condition right now? It would be something of a mercy if all the people still alive would pull through.
Sufyan: Some of you GOGers are bigoted as fuck
Sweden YES!

Sufyan: but for what it is worth I've tried to get #MuslimsForLGBT off the ground. I'm sure a few of you can appreciate it.
Personally, I'll try to get #HashtagsAgainstMassmurder off the ground. Not sure it'll do any actual good, but I'm sure I can feel much better about myself afterwards.
Je suis sick of this shit.
Sufyan: I've tried to get #MuslimsForLGBT off the ground.
Google showed nothing.
infinite9: These countries are safer than the UK and Australia that ended up with spikes in armed robbery, sexual assault, and home invasions after the left-wing subhuman mongrels implemented authoritarian gun laws. It also did not help that Tony Blair decided to mass import third world degenerates.
I don't know what you've been reading, but you might want to reconsider believing it and revise your reading list.

1. The 'left-wing subhuman mongrel' who instituted the gun control laws after the Port Arthur massacre in Australia was John Howard, a conservative politician (aka right wing) with unanimous support from all sides of government and broad popular support.
2. We have not had any such spikes in crimes. Whoever says we have is playing games with statistics, which as you should know can be cherry-picked/massaged to fit any agenda. All evidence strongly supports that the ban worked as designed.
tinyE: And so far all evidence points to the fact that had nothing to do with it.

This was a hate crime.
Bouchart: Yes, muslims hate gays.
So do christians. Should we condemn them too?
infinite9: These countries are safer than the UK and Australia that ended up with spikes in armed robbery, sexual assault, and home invasions after the left-wing subhuman mongrels implemented authoritarian gun laws. It also did not help that Tony Blair decided to mass import third world degenerates.
ncameron: I don't know what you've been reading, but you might want to reconsider believing it and revise your reading list.

1. The 'left-wing subhuman mongrel' who instituted the gun control laws after the Port Arthur massacre in Australia was John Howard, a conservative politician (aka right wing) with unanimous support from all sides of government and broad popular support.
2. We have not had any such spikes in crimes. Whoever says we have is playing games with statistics, which as you should know can be cherry-picked/massaged to fit any agenda. All evidence strongly supports that the ban worked as designed.
Same here in Canada. Our gun control is strict. We just don't have the mass murders the Americans ALWAYS do. We just DON'T. GUN CONTROL NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN THE STATES. It's pretty obvious.
Post edited June 13, 2016 by itchy01ca01