Posted October 20, 2015
Anyone find short draw distance or LOD in open world games distracting?
The only games to do it right for me are Far Cry 4, Witcher 3, Dying Light (On max) Just Cause 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, GTA 5, Sleeping Dogs, Far Cry 2 RDR and Mad Max. I may have forgotten few.
Basically there are so many open world games where the loss of detail is so obvious (looking at you Skyrim and Far Cry 3) and grass/bushes appearing on the ground and trees changing detail as you near a location. I find this approach very distracting and immersion ruining.
Developers should find subtle techniques to render detail while not ruining the immersion in for example in Witcher 3 and Far Cry 4.
Anyone else find badly done draw distance distracting?
The only games to do it right for me are Far Cry 4, Witcher 3, Dying Light (On max) Just Cause 2, Dragon Age Inquisition, GTA 5, Sleeping Dogs, Far Cry 2 RDR and Mad Max. I may have forgotten few.
Basically there are so many open world games where the loss of detail is so obvious (looking at you Skyrim and Far Cry 3) and grass/bushes appearing on the ground and trees changing detail as you near a location. I find this approach very distracting and immersion ruining.
Developers should find subtle techniques to render detail while not ruining the immersion in for example in Witcher 3 and Far Cry 4.
Anyone else find badly done draw distance distracting?