Vitek: Increased my pledge to 35$ to show my GOG appreciation. I still wonder why they offer GOG code only for 25$ and higher backers and not 20$. Can't it be just because it was already full so they offered to people only those available tiers and that 20$ will get code too?
Damuna: I think that was it. I'd grabbed a $20 pledge that became available before, but basically all of them are accounted for unless someone cancels/switches pledge. I think the statement was directed towards people who hadn't backed the project already or hadn't pledged an amount which got them a copy of the game, since it's intended to get support from people who wanted a DRM-free option. I'm pretty sure the early $20 pledgers will get the game on GOG (if they want it), though obviously I can't be certain.
tajemniczybeton: Little suggestion: Maybe create article on gog front page about it?
Damuna: This, definitely. It's already been posted on Twitter and Facebook, but a lot of GOG users have said they don't use these services.
We will be. First thing tomorrow morning.