Posted September 11, 2016

v3.0 the jokes are back... well kinda...
Laura (docbear) is a veterinarian
Adam (Agent) is a carpenter, here since the founding, bearded
Bill (Quadr) is a city guy finding his way
Craig (Wyrm) grew up here, is a mason and knows the trails
Fergie (Nacho) is a farmer, potatoes and corn apparently?
Nathan (Dess) is the town smith and a founder
Eric (Yog) is the bootlegger's brother and the prodigal son of sorts, keeps dogs... eats too many plums?
Emily (Trent) is Yog's mum. Too old to move away. Getting in shape from walking daily. Really likes the letter E? (Eric, Earl and Ed)
Marie (Bler) is something herbs, strawberry and a misterious Howard and pigs. Also bi...
Dan (Brasas) the melancholy horse keeper.
PS: Romantic. Sensitive. Paranoid. Rides hard. Searching for a soulmate.
Sean'O (Lift) is the cattle farmer
Claire (Cristi) mainly cooks
Sarah (Tammy) is an adopted villager, used to be homeless, does not remember why, outdoorsy
Justin (Stanari) the butcher, cures meats.
Jay (SirFox) woodcutter, currently has an injured hand
I think only missing two:
Emma (Ix)
Jim (Sushi)
I also collected some notes on the setting. I am convinced the lynch mechanics are as follows. If we reach a player maj (no lynch maj doesn't trigger diddly squat), we shift phase. We then have those phases about attack / defense and after some other trigger I have no clue we get the last phase for votes only almost. I assume at any point we can change the votes so that no lynch, or another lynch than the previous maj actually takes place. At which point, one of two things happen - either we fast forward via flavor to the next full moon and get the scum / PR game "night". OR we keep posting and said game night is on a strict timer. In which case we maybe could get more than one lynch during a game day.
It's kind of unusual, but it makes sense of all the pieces of flavor I think. Let's see I guess...
Overall I'm more and more listening to my brain on lynching for flips. But wondering if there's a mislynch that maybe helps town more than others. Because chance of mislynch is just huge right now... and that might be a way to cut that gordian knot of indecision. I mean, I am dismayed that the leading wagons are the one I started on Bill, the one Yogs started (by penalty mind you) on Justin, and the one Stanari's got on Eric. Not that they're much of wagons, more like a horse pulling a single cart to Nashua each...
I'll keep making notes to the Word doc now. Waiting for most of you across the pond to wake up I guess.