Posted September 08, 2016

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

New User
Registered: Aug 2016
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

New User
Registered: Aug 2016
From United States

Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted September 08, 2016

I feel like I've been insulted...
Whoa!!! We don't want him!
I have trouble understanding how I get flakes of apple in my beard. Who flakes apples?
Let's get the wolves to pay for it too.
On a side note, I have no idea what I do in this village. I was one of the founders, but I apparently don't do anything...

2) Mis-attribution quote - that wasn't me, but ...Brasas?
3) trivia note for newcomers, but Leonard and Agent are both Canadian players here. Also brothers. Leonard is not in this game, but will likely be mentioned from time to time.
4) Deep, man.
5) Crap, that was a much better joke than mine. Now I feel shame.
6) So....are you single? Interested in coming over sometime and helping out with the pigs? Maybe not at night though, at least until I know you aren't a wolf. Plus the pigs are asleep then anyway.
3. Yeah. He actually the one with the beard, IRL. Also, he's the evil twin.
5. Lol, hah. I've been using waaay too many Trump jokes lately.
6. My wife wouldn't like that. Also, that lingering smell of rotting peaches is... Unusual.

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States
Posted September 08, 2016
Are the quotewalls an effect of the post merging? Because agh.
bler144: True, but not unlike your qualifying game, if you don't resolve them early you're stuck with a POE down the stretch that's a bloody mess because it still has tmofer and speck in it.
But personally from a gameplay perspective I'd rather wake up D4 with a group that was actually invested in playing than a room full of people who might breeze in just to say they'll post later once they've read and caught up. Ask yog how that worked out in Broforce. The last point is fair, though.

But personally from a gameplay perspective I'd rather wake up D4 with a group that was actually invested in playing than a room full of people who might breeze in just to say they'll post later once they've read and caught up.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted September 08, 2016
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce that "Events" are a thing in this game.
Get your butts RP-ing, and lets see what other events we can trigger.
We've got a wood cutter, right? Do we have a carpenter?
Can I get a couple of volunteers to inspect the Main Lodge with me? Lets seal that puppy up and plan to hole up there each night. We'll settle the animals in their pens or whatever as best we can, maybe we can barricade them in a couple of houses, and hope for the best. No offense, Sean, but better them than us. Maybe Eric's dogs can help guard them?
We can have half a dozen of us take shifts during the night to keep watch. That should keep any backstabbers honest.
Yes, we're supposed to get vote counts at some sort of pre-determined intervals. The verdict is still out on whether they'll be frequent enough to keep track of things.
Post merges cause edit markers. Quote walls are likely because the player in question is posting on their phone or something, which makes parsing the unnecessary parts much more difficult. Trent and Agent both suffer from phonepostitis.
Get your butts RP-ing, and lets see what other events we can trigger.
We've got a wood cutter, right? Do we have a carpenter?
Can I get a couple of volunteers to inspect the Main Lodge with me? Lets seal that puppy up and plan to hole up there each night. We'll settle the animals in their pens or whatever as best we can, maybe we can barricade them in a couple of houses, and hope for the best. No offense, Sean, but better them than us. Maybe Eric's dogs can help guard them?
We can have half a dozen of us take shifts during the night to keep watch. That should keep any backstabbers honest.
Yes, we're supposed to get vote counts at some sort of pre-determined intervals. The verdict is still out on whether they'll be frequent enough to keep track of things.
Post merges cause edit markers. Quote walls are likely because the player in question is posting on their phone or something, which makes parsing the unnecessary parts much more difficult. Trent and Agent both suffer from phonepostitis.

killed yogsloth
Registered: Aug 2016
From United States
Posted September 08, 2016
I enter.
Yes, it is I, the nightmare of the most grotesque monstrosities that have ever existed, conqueror of men and gods alike. Yes, I am that dark thing formed by your sick and twisted paranoid minds that somehow needed things more terrifying than drought! The Plague! Sexism!
Indeed, I ENTER. For, you see... the advantages of a nightmare such as me are vast and endless. The advantages are so numerous that even the people who give a crap about math have not been able to invent a number high enough to count my advantages!
They try, they get to like 100,000 or however many numbers those dumb people get at in the 1700s or 1600s or whenever the hell they are and they grab each other! And they go "WHAT IS NEXT????". Yes, like children they grab each other! And ask what is next because they DO NOT KNOW.
Ah, yes, my advantages are great. For those of you who have not soiled yourselves yet from fear or retreated to Nashua along with those other weak-kneed wussies (my own loved ones not counted among their number, my loved ones are visiting their Grandma in Nashua for unrelated reasons), let me terrify you further with my advantages.
I grow your potatoes. All of your potatoes, they are grown by these gnarled hands. And your corn. Have you ever tried to cook dinner without potatoes and corn? Well, step out of line and my god will you cook dinner without potatoes and corn, and you will SUFFER, you will suffer terribly from malnutrition and you will STARVE because it's not dinner without potatoes and corn. And I would know, being that I fled from Ireland because of the lack of potatoes and why I created my massive potato empire the second I stepped in to conquer this town.
Yes, and my advantages are my WOLF FRIENDS. Have you read Dancing with Wolves?. Of course you haven't, it hasn't been invented yet because my WOLF FRIENDS and I have yet to come to your houses and RIP OUT YOUR THROATS and DECORATE WALLS WITH YOUR BLOOD and SING HEAVY METAL SONGS TO YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHERS AND YOUR CHILDREN.
Oh. Oh dear.
Nasty, nasty cough that.
As I was saying, me and my COW FRIENDS will come to your house and... we will come... to your house and... feed you! My cow friends will throw themselves into your fireplace and cook themselves! So we can have burgers and potatoes and corn and we can all be FULL FRIENDS who do not starve and who have fun times together! Ha. Ha. Ha. Friendship is exciting!
Yes, it is I, the nightmare of the most grotesque monstrosities that have ever existed, conqueror of men and gods alike. Yes, I am that dark thing formed by your sick and twisted paranoid minds that somehow needed things more terrifying than drought! The Plague! Sexism!
Indeed, I ENTER. For, you see... the advantages of a nightmare such as me are vast and endless. The advantages are so numerous that even the people who give a crap about math have not been able to invent a number high enough to count my advantages!
They try, they get to like 100,000 or however many numbers those dumb people get at in the 1700s or 1600s or whenever the hell they are and they grab each other! And they go "WHAT IS NEXT????". Yes, like children they grab each other! And ask what is next because they DO NOT KNOW.
Ah, yes, my advantages are great. For those of you who have not soiled yourselves yet from fear or retreated to Nashua along with those other weak-kneed wussies (my own loved ones not counted among their number, my loved ones are visiting their Grandma in Nashua for unrelated reasons), let me terrify you further with my advantages.
I grow your potatoes. All of your potatoes, they are grown by these gnarled hands. And your corn. Have you ever tried to cook dinner without potatoes and corn? Well, step out of line and my god will you cook dinner without potatoes and corn, and you will SUFFER, you will suffer terribly from malnutrition and you will STARVE because it's not dinner without potatoes and corn. And I would know, being that I fled from Ireland because of the lack of potatoes and why I created my massive potato empire the second I stepped in to conquer this town.
Yes, and my advantages are my WOLF FRIENDS. Have you read Dancing with Wolves?. Of course you haven't, it hasn't been invented yet because my WOLF FRIENDS and I have yet to come to your houses and RIP OUT YOUR THROATS and DECORATE WALLS WITH YOUR BLOOD and SING HEAVY METAL SONGS TO YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHERS AND YOUR CHILDREN.
Oh. Oh dear.
Nasty, nasty cough that.
As I was saying, me and my COW FRIENDS will come to your house and... we will come... to your house and... feed you! My cow friends will throw themselves into your fireplace and cook themselves! So we can have burgers and potatoes and corn and we can all be FULL FRIENDS who do not starve and who have fun times together! Ha. Ha. Ha. Friendship is exciting!

Registered: Sep 2016
From United States
Posted September 08, 2016
PPE: oh my god @ above
Bookwyrm627: Post merges cause edit markers. Quote walls are likely because the player in question is posting on their phone or something, which makes parsing the unnecessary parts much more difficult. Trent and Agent both suffer from phonepostitis. I mean on a more abstract level. No double posting = pack more in a single post = explosive quotewalls (by which I refer to multiple quotes in one post, not huge unsnipped quotes, which are admittedly difficult to avoid).
Now that I think about it that was a silly thought lol jk
Bookwyrm627: Can I get a couple of volunteers to inspect the Main Lodge with me? Lets seal that puppy up and plan to hole up there each night. We'll settle the animals in their pens or whatever as best we can, maybe we can barricade them in a couple of houses, and hope for the best. No offense, Sean, but better them than us. Maybe Eric's dogs can help guard them?
We can have half a dozen of us take shifts during the night to keep watch. That should keep any backstabbers honest. I'll come, if you like. Though- has anyone looked around the area where Julie was, er, attacked? That might be profitable.

Now that I think about it that was a silly thought lol jk

We can have half a dozen of us take shifts during the night to keep watch. That should keep any backstabbers honest.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted September 08, 2016

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted September 08, 2016

Yes, and my advantages are my WOLF FRIENDS. Have you read Dancing with Wolves?. Of course you haven't, it hasn't been invented yet because my WOLF FRIENDS and I have yet to come to your houses and RIP OUT YOUR THROATS and DECORATE WALLS WITH YOUR BLOOD and SING HEAVY METAL SONGS TO YOUR SIGNIFICANT OTHERS AND YOUR CHILDREN.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

killed yogsloth
Registered: Aug 2016
From United States
Posted September 08, 2016
Now, first of all, some brass tax stuff; yogsloth, I see you extending a "Live Through Day 1 Free!" olive branch to us new players already and I'm not interested in it. It cheapens the experience for me (if players are giving me artificial room, they are more likely to treat me as the "new guy" and less likely to actually engage what I'm saying), and it will cheapen the experience for you when all of your houses are plundered and you are all crushed like so many grapes at the Jamestown Grape Stomp Festival.
Second of all, ketchup!
QuadrAlien's 16 stands out to me in a bit of an odd way; I'm assuming RP is pretty standard here from yogsloth making a lot more sense as a person if he's constantly roleplaying someone else, so this seems like a weird reaction from someone familiar with that although it's definitely more unexpected than it is wolfy.
To the "No Lynch" idea in 44 by Brasas... Even though Drealmer is famous for advocating no lynch, do you really think that he'd design a game where people would get rewarded for town to No Lynch just because it's something he would like to do? I like that you are at least throwing out an idea that you know will probably get you heat.
To Lift's 76, what makes this game different to where proposing a No Lynch is fine and dandy? Why is proposing a No Lynch scummy in the first place?
Bler, why wouldn't you vote in 92? You didn't like cristi's opening, are you one of those people who waits to the last possible second to get moving?
I like QuadrAlien's real opening in 97, although I don't understand why docbear's is any different from the other two that I saw floating around that were underwhelming but can't remember at this moment because of how underwhelming they were.
Am completely lost what to do with 98 based on other people not reacting to it the way I normally would.
I take offense to Yogsloth's 109 and its assertion that we are "doing stuff" in this thread.
I'm impressed with calling lurkers "the vitreous strands in your eye".
Good on you, Bler.
I don't have any specific posts to call out of Stenari's, but I like the general vibe in that it feels like they're trying to question things and make things happen and yet nothing is really biting and still they are pushing through anyways.
Please bump me, want to make a couple more posts but also want to sleep soon.
Second of all, ketchup!
QuadrAlien's 16 stands out to me in a bit of an odd way; I'm assuming RP is pretty standard here from yogsloth making a lot more sense as a person if he's constantly roleplaying someone else, so this seems like a weird reaction from someone familiar with that although it's definitely more unexpected than it is wolfy.
To the "No Lynch" idea in 44 by Brasas... Even though Drealmer is famous for advocating no lynch, do you really think that he'd design a game where people would get rewarded for town to No Lynch just because it's something he would like to do? I like that you are at least throwing out an idea that you know will probably get you heat.
To Lift's 76, what makes this game different to where proposing a No Lynch is fine and dandy? Why is proposing a No Lynch scummy in the first place?
Bler, why wouldn't you vote in 92? You didn't like cristi's opening, are you one of those people who waits to the last possible second to get moving?
I like QuadrAlien's real opening in 97, although I don't understand why docbear's is any different from the other two that I saw floating around that were underwhelming but can't remember at this moment because of how underwhelming they were.
Am completely lost what to do with 98 based on other people not reacting to it the way I normally would.
I take offense to Yogsloth's 109 and its assertion that we are "doing stuff" in this thread.
I'm impressed with calling lurkers "the vitreous strands in your eye".
Good on you, Bler.
I don't have any specific posts to call out of Stenari's, but I like the general vibe in that it feels like they're trying to question things and make things happen and yet nothing is really biting and still they are pushing through anyways.
Please bump me, want to make a couple more posts but also want to sleep soon.