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Lifthrasil: In summary: the fact that the Dessimu train started on just his lurkyness combined with the speed that it took off makes me rather suspect that he isn't scum but that it is scum pushing his train.
Speed?! Speed!? We're in freaking sundown with no idea how long it lasts. And even then he went from L-8 (0v) to L-4 (4v) over the course of like 16 hours. It would be fast at the start of D1, but in context of supposedly finalizing WTF we're doing, imo the speed wasn't indicative of anything. If anything yesterday felt painfully slow.

If we go into "evening" without a solid option, the chances of building a "good" wagon go even lower.

Another scenario you skip over here is town!babs and town!dess, and scum aren't doing much to push either wagon in that world. As my post count above showed, as of last night three players hadn't posted in over 36 hours. Maybe they weren't here when the time came to "hammer" (I haven't checked that) or maybe they're more cautious than usual because even the "hammer" there doesn't end the day, just moves us into "evening."

Lifthrasil: 3.) babark is town --> we combine that with the fact that he wasn't hammered for so long, which means that several scum were on his failed train. Maybe not all, maybe one wasn't on and didn't dare to hammer out of fear of pooling all scum too close together. But still, if babark is town, there were surely some scum on his train --> We get to reduce the pool of suspects and take a close look at those who were on the train when it was at L-1 --> very valuable information gain = good for town.
First bold: This is possible, but with the gamestate and the quirks of the game rules I'm not even sure this is "likely."
Second bold: Great, there's at least 1 scum on an 8 person wagon. Maybe 2. Let's assume 2. Is 2/8 better or worse than the general assumption of 1/4 scum in a typical setup?

Unless Stan is mafia, up until yesterday there's pretty much zero reason for scum to put in much effort, much less put more than 2 on the wagon, to finish off babs. Just let inertia do it. Say Tammy is mafia. Does she finish off babs, or play to her meta and look townie for not finishing him off and let some frustrated townie do it?

Honestly I voted Dess primarily to see if that would bring people out of the woodwork to finish off babs, but secondarily because as town OMG this day has to end and, as above, I think things get worse if we go into evening with nothing more or less gelled.

Dessimu: I am good to be poked with a hot iron, but I am bad to be lynched.
So you'd be into that?

RWarehall: Lift actually made a few interesting points. I almost forgot you were playing in this game though...not quite like you.
He lurked even more heavily in the academy game as town, as previously noted. As much as I'm busy attacking many of his points, I don't find the activity level particularly indicative.

[refresh note - took me so long writing this at work that he already popped in to make the same point 40 min ago]

So there, I spent most of the post going at him, but for post-qualifying purposes I'm defending Lift.

But going back to being a bit paranoid, and probably too clever, it doesn't escape my notice that Ix and Lift already looked like potential buddies, and both came out to make a push for doc/babs after dess started moving. I mean, it's unlikely they'd be quite that obvious, right? But...

babark: ...but isn't claiming (I'm assuming you mean a PR) exactly what scum would do at that point? And even if it is an actual claim, isn't that basically just an invitation to get killed at night?
Like..Ix survived a lynch (probably?) by claiming. Wouldn't that paint a huge target on his back for the night? And if he's still alive tomorrow, wouldn't that basically mean he's probably scum?

Also, I wasn't sure about Dessimu. What is the reason to be suspicious? Someone mentioned lurking, but the timestamp says Dess was last here 6 hours ago.
1) It's just customary for people to claim at L-1, regardless of alignment. It was odd that Ix claimed at L-4. Drealmer thinks the custom should be L-2, but he's pretty much alone in that.
2) WIFOM, man. (Wait, who let Hijack login to my account to post?)
3) It's not just the frequency of Dess' posts (though on that score he's second-last, only ahead of Quad) it's the absolute lack of doing anything, other than sounding super cheery!

Think I actually like the Dess wagon more now than I did when I voted. If babs is mafia he deserves an Emmy. Have to do work today, so ...gonna try to stay off-line for a few hours.

For what it's worth, gut instinct:
scum!babs + town!dess I'd look first at Tammy
scum!babs + scum!dess probably Lift
town!babs + scum!dess almost definitely Lift
town!babs + town!dess....Nacho or maybe trent.
Dessimu's posts indicate more than just emptiness.
Bookwyrm627: Dessimu's posts indicate more than just emptiness.
That post may look odd to some, but I'm going to defend flubbucket here. This sort of non-committal, ambiguous post is pretty typical for him.
I've got it babark 6, Dessimu 4. Is that right? I'd post a vote count but that seems to be one of those things that gets you unusual admonishments.

If babark is Scum, Bookwyrm totally is, btw.

I'm back onto babark. I think I'll stay here.


vote count / votecount / vote-count

7 villagers want to kill Laura Jennings [babark] -- William (QuadrAlien), Claire (cristigale), Emma (Ixamyakxim), Adam (RWarehall), Sean (Lifthrasil), ), Emily (trentonlf), Eric (yogsloth),

3 villagers want to kill Nathaniel (Nathan) Smith [Dessimu] -- Sarah (TammyTown), Marie (bler144), Dan (Brasas),

2 villagers wants to kill Sean O'Donnell (Sean-O!) [Lifthrasil] -- Fergus (Nachomamma8), Justin (Stanari),

2 villagers want to kill Adam Johnson [RWarehall] -- Laura (babark), Craig (Bookwrym627),

1 villager wants to kill Eric Barton [yogsloth] -- Nathan (Dessimu),

if your vote is not displayed to be where you want it, say so, and I'll correct it
Post edited September 22, 2016 by drealmer7
OK, whatever.


babark is scum because he won't claim. Or something.
Errr....this seems really pointless, but then....
Don't lynch me, I/doc am the doctor!
babark: Errr....this seems really pointless, but then....
Don't lynch me, I/doc am the doctor!
F the rules, now THAT is funny!

Can we lynch RW now? Or one of the other people who want to kill a town power role?

Doctors are for wimps


i mean could be
Bookwyrm627: F the rules, now THAT is funny!

Can we lynch RW now? Or one of the other people who want to kill a town power role?
This has been an all-around bang-up D1.

I'm laughing now, but man. Brutal.

FWIW, just as doc dropping with a scum role made sense, it occurred to me at some point around #1221 yesterday that doc with a PR made sense too, as much as my immediate reaction to his non-claim was to assume he didn't have one, his questions about why a claim were necessary started to fit.

I mean, i guess I'm being a bit hasty in assuming that this isn't a last ditch attempt to draw out an actual town PR, but the town PR pieces actually fit better for me. I think scum!babs in his position goes for something more like Ix's.

@Wyrm - What's your read on Lift? Overall and his reasoning for getting on the babswagon?

Since we're on ...some sort of deadline I'm a bit tempted to vote for Nacho. His last post is #1082 - 3 days ago (4 day marker is at #1071) and if he's possibly going to kick the can anyway, I'd rather have the flip.
bler144: @Wyrm - What's your read on Lift? Overall and his reasoning for getting on the babswagon?

Since we're on ...some sort of deadline I'm a bit tempted to vote for Nacho. His last post is #1082 - 3 days ago (4 day marker is at #1071) and if he's possibly going to kick the can anyway, I'd rather have the flip.
I have Lift leaning roughly town, and barring something major he's off the menu for me for Today. The babswagon in general is a clusterfuck, and I'll take No Lynch before joining that wagon. Same story for Dessimu's wagon, in case you were wondering.

I'd be fine lynching Nacho.
Bookwyrm627: in case you were wondering.
I wasn't, really. Thus the not asking. ;)

As noted the main reason I was on Dess was just on the theory that we might learn something more from having a 2nd wagon regardless of how it played out (less so if both town).

And with the claim, that ship probably sailed for good. Still, even then it would've been tough to determine if votes were coming onto babs "b/c of dess" unless we also had dess' flip in the future.

Since you mention it, emotionally I'd just like to no lynch and call it a day (and maybe runaway and pretend I never played this game) but man that would be a brutal defeat. D1 summary at this point:

1) two PR claims and scum presumably know if one/both are false or likely true.
2) townie killed by vig. Or maaaaaaybe super DaySK.
3) ??? alignment/role modkilled
4) second player now potentially in play for modkill

If Fox wasn't anti-town, and/or Ix isn't bluffing, this was just an all-around drubbing.

unvote dessimu
vote Nachomamma8

"Vote Nacho! It's kinda like No Lynch - but with a flip!"
WTF is going on here, this is not a role madness game. Either someone is lying their ass off or we have the worst possible luck.

Unvote babark

I'm not voting dess again today or babark, hopefully we have some time as I need to think on this.

Vote babark

Vote babark

Vote babark
trentonlf: snip
The only evidence for that on the table is Sushi's flip, unless Drealmer has commented on it somewhere that I missed.

Important side note - we need more players named after food, imo. Stanari will henceforth be "Flanari" for example. Yamsloth? trentonloaf? babka?

We could certainly ask babark to clarify if he has any modifiers as a way to compare/contrast the existing claims, and town players could certainly take into account other information, but that's basically the road to D1 full claim.

I went back through, though, and if he had a positive/negative response to Ix's claim specifically I'm not seeing it, just a comment on how Ix's claim pertains to RW's attack on babark? So...that's probably informative enough for the present.

yogsloth: throwspapersintheairandstormsout.jpg

Vote babark

Vote babark

Vote babark
You nut, you. If it wasn't for your prior post I might almost think this was your method of counter-claiming.