Posted September 22, 2016

If we go into "evening" without a solid option, the chances of building a "good" wagon go even lower.
Another scenario you skip over here is town!babs and town!dess, and scum aren't doing much to push either wagon in that world. As my post count above showed, as of last night three players hadn't posted in over 36 hours. Maybe they weren't here when the time came to "hammer" (I haven't checked that) or maybe they're more cautious than usual because even the "hammer" there doesn't end the day, just moves us into "evening."

Second bold: Great, there's at least 1 scum on an 8 person wagon. Maybe 2. Let's assume 2. Is 2/8 better or worse than the general assumption of 1/4 scum in a typical setup?
Unless Stan is mafia, up until yesterday there's pretty much zero reason for scum to put in much effort, much less put more than 2 on the wagon, to finish off babs. Just let inertia do it. Say Tammy is mafia. Does she finish off babs, or play to her meta and look townie for not finishing him off and let some frustrated townie do it?
Honestly I voted Dess primarily to see if that would bring people out of the woodwork to finish off babs, but secondarily because as town OMG this day has to end and, as above, I think things get worse if we go into evening with nothing more or less gelled.
So you'd be into that?

[refresh note - took me so long writing this at work that he already popped in to make the same point 40 min ago]
So there, I spent most of the post going at him, but for post-qualifying purposes I'm defending Lift.
But going back to being a bit paranoid, and probably too clever, it doesn't escape my notice that Ix and Lift already looked like potential buddies, and both came out to make a push for doc/babs after dess started moving. I mean, it's unlikely they'd be quite that obvious, right? But...

Like..Ix survived a lynch (probably?) by claiming. Wouldn't that paint a huge target on his back for the night? And if he's still alive tomorrow, wouldn't that basically mean he's probably scum?
Also, I wasn't sure about Dessimu. What is the reason to be suspicious? Someone mentioned lurking, but the timestamp says Dess was last here 6 hours ago.
2) WIFOM, man. (Wait, who let Hijack login to my account to post?)
3) It's not just the frequency of Dess' posts (though on that score he's second-last, only ahead of Quad) it's the absolute lack of doing anything, other than sounding super cheery!
Think I actually like the Dess wagon more now than I did when I voted. If babs is mafia he deserves an Emmy. Have to do work today, so ...gonna try to stay off-line for a few hours.
For what it's worth, gut instinct:
scum!babs + town!dess I'd look first at Tammy
scum!babs + scum!dess probably Lift
town!babs + scum!dess almost definitely Lift
town!babs + town!dess....Nacho or maybe trent.