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low rated
dgnfly: If you had a brain you'd know it doesn't apply to everybody most people generalize cause the majority of people do look away. I'm not gonna be specific because your sense of political correctness wants it or you get offended it seems pretty easy.
mirumu: My "sense of political correctness" is that it is a harmful cancer, but so are generalizations typically.

dgnfly: Why are you actually telling me all of this? seeing as my point is to call out the hypocrisy that people have looked away for years and excused censorship because it wasn't something they cared about. The west has become nothing more than China when it comes to freedom of speech or expression.
mirumu: I don't think the west is that far gone yet personally, but it does feel that way at times. There has been hypocrisy for sure, but if you want to find those people it seems counter-intuitive to go looking amongst those are are actually complaining about something.
People who worry about Generalization are people that are insecure or else you'd know on what side of the debate you stand. Specification just makes the person feel that he isn't attacked or gives them the sense that they are a better class when it comes to a certain debate or argument. Generalization is ok especially when it comes to the IDeological side of things these days cause we still are far too much of a tribalist society.

Actually, every user can vote with their wallet and like the thread, the creator said people love selling nice words when they proclaim actions. I have yet to see any outrage about when artists are censored online or even anime or any other subject other than what progressives deemed worthy for their ideology but when it comes to their side doing it they look away. U.S politics are the biggest example of this with the censorship by Big tech.
high rated
True, I don't actually care about Devotion... However, I do care about doing the right thing and not caving to oppression and I also care a little bit about the sovereignty of Taiwan and the general safety of people in nations across eastern Asia... I do care about those things...
high rated
mirumu: I got rid of my Battle.Net account at the time. Haven't bought a thing from them since, and never will.
Bought Diablo here because my old cd got damaged during time and because an ebay seller swindled me when I was trying to acquire another. But have deleted my battlenet and Hearthstone account I've had since beta, before Blitzchung debacle though. Too many disasters from Blizzard I could not support.
high rated
dgnfly: Keep fighting the fake fight fantasy boy...
Keep fighting the strawman. You've done nothing but once again prove my previous assessment of you correct. An assessment based on your objective behavior here I might add. Funny how instead of seeing this case of censorship as an opportunity to push other anti-censorship issues as well, both on GOG and gaming sphere in general, your first instinct is to instead attack everyone caring about this issue.

If I was paranoid like you, I'd probably assume some hidden agenda or a divide and conquer strategy to deflect blame away from GOG, but I think we're about done here. We both know you can do nothing but repeatedly assume other people's stances on everything ranging from censorship issues to their political leanings and who they voted for, despite lack of evidence and arguments to the contrary. Or you go on yet another unproductive whataboutist ramble. All of which accomplishes nothing but diverting the censorship issue, that you at the very least claim to care about.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by hera35
dgnfly: People who worry about Generalization are people that are insecure or else you'd know on what side of the debate you stand. Specification just makes the person feel that he isn't attacked or gives them the sense that they are a better class when it comes to a certain debate or argument. Generalization is ok especially when it comes to the IDeological side of things these days cause we still are far too much of a tribalist society.

Actually, every user can vote with their wallet and like the thread, the creator said people love selling nice words when they proclaim actions. I have yet to see any outrage about when artists are censored online or even anime or any other subject other than what progressives deemed worthy for their ideology but when it comes to their side doing it they look away. U.S politics are the biggest example of this with the censorship by Big tech.
I'm not sure how you aren't seeing that outrage, because I've been seeing it everywhere, but whatever.

I know perfectly well which side of the debate I strand on, but all I'm seeing here is a ton of projection and metal gymnastics. The tribalism though....there's something we can agree on.
mirumu: I'm not sure how you aren't seeing that outrage, because I've been seeing it everywhere, but whatever.

I know perfectly well which side of the debate I strand on, but all I'm seeing here is a ton of projection and metal gymnastics. The tribalism though....there's something we can agree on.
dgnfly is a contrarian bootlicking douche, plain and simple.
low rated
dgnfly: Keep fighting the fake fight fantasy boy...
hera35: Keep fighting the strawman. You've done nothing but once again prove my previous assessment of you correct. An assessment based on your objective behavior here I might add. Funny how instead of seeing this case of censorship as an opportunity to push other anti-censorship issues as well, both on GOG and gaming sphere in general, your first instinct is to instead attack everyone caring about this issue.

If I was paranoid like you, I'd probably assume some hidden agenda or a divide and conquer strategy to deflect blame away from GOG, but I think we're about done here. We both know you can do nothing but repeatedly assume other people's stances on everything ranging from censorship issues to their political leanings and who they voted for, despite lack of evidence and arguments to the contrary. Or you go on yet another unproductive whataboutist ramble. All of which accomplishes nothing but diverting the censorship issue, that you at the very least claim to care about.
Keep crying person who think he actually achieved something by crying about china while most likely just voting for year for governments that went in bed with them. Here you can get you child like gold star for pretending you did anything at all against censorship while only coming here and crying when China did something while being nowhere all those year when games were rejected because of Muh... progressive agenda.

You really are retarded aren't you? You still don't get it and are making your own assumption like a moron that I'm defending GOG? totatlly shows how stupid you actually are and that you could have cared less if the game was rejected if it was western censorship. Like i said where were you al those year that GOG rejected other games for their agenda?

To busy being a nobody somewhere pretending you did something useful most likely thinking you the brave social justice warrior. Dude you delusional. The OP of this thread is just right about you people and now your triggered for being called out.
dgnfly: People who worry about Generalization are people that are insecure or else you'd know on what side of the debate you stand. Specification just makes the person feel that he isn't attacked or gives them the sense that they are a better class when it comes to a certain debate or argument. Generalization is ok especially when it comes to the IDeological side of things these days cause we still are far too much of a tribalist society.

Actually, every user can vote with their wallet and like the thread, the creator said people love selling nice words when they proclaim actions. I have yet to see any outrage about when artists are censored online or even anime or any other subject other than what progressives deemed worthy for their ideology but when it comes to their side doing it they look away. U.S politics are the biggest example of this with the censorship by Big tech.
mirumu: I'm not sure how you aren't seeing that outrage, because I've been seeing it everywhere, but whatever.

I know perfectly well which side of the debate I strand on, but all I'm seeing here is a ton of projection and metal gymnastics. The tribalism though....there's something we can agree on.
I think your forgetting something. Only a few Youtubers are calling it out and they have zero power while most users still consume censored content even though they claim to be doing something. Even that claiming to do something is like a child like badge for wanting acknowledgement. Just look at this thread after a while somebody pops out then goes through his so called SJW list that they did something about it like a 4yo that wants a badge.

IT isn't really mental projection if you take into account that up till now there has been nothing really done about the censorship in anime and it is now even enforced in japan to protect those sensitive snowflakes over at the west. Its more that the majority care little if the west censors for their progressive agenda. Sure didn't see many of you here come forward when GOG refused to release another game over the years?

Only now most come out of the woodwork which could only indicate 2 things, either they just pissed because of Cyberpunk or they now because of the Corona virus started to care what China is doing.

Here is another part of why they pretend to care. Why aren't they at CDPR over the censored nudity in the game which was promised during development? most likely because they only care for censorship if it falls in line with their progressivism.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by dgnfly
low rated
Ah the so tolerant anti-censorship people cant stop clicking - on every post.
You are clearly the good guys :D
BluesyMoo: Well said. It will not end here.
Yeshu: So are you gonna do anything about it or continue your crusade as a brave keyboard warrior?
Ah you poor young kids. No appreciate for history. Probably why you keep trying to line everyone else up to suffer it's repetition in your willful ignorance. The Crusades were a defensive action carried out against foreign invasion and the ongoing harassment of innocent merchants by belligerent foreign powers on purely ideological grounds. It was a time where many nations, historical enemies in most cases, banded together in defense of the innocent and towards mutual defense.

It in many ways, may have been medeival Europe's finest hour. And a rare exception in a longstanding pattern of mutual dickery the likes of which has plagued humanity from the beginning.

You keep claiming the people taking up the cause are supposedly pro censorship SJW's a claim near as I can tell, utterly without any basis whatsoever, and pretty questionable even on the people who I've had interactions with in the past who might be possibles, but let's pretend for one second you're telling the truth.

Why would I attempt to sway them from a clear understanding of the implications of allowing this to go unopposed that you have yet to even consider? Why should I condemn someone, who I legitimately disagree with on a great many points when they get it right? When they put more thought into what could happen to *them* to their games, to the books, the music, the movies, the magazines, the schools, and so much more if this continued campaign of harassment is not opposed?

Should I not acknowledge the fact that common ground, recognition of a common threat has occured? Should I not recognize that in at least one specific area, they are not my enemy? That they may even have genuinely good intentions, and are even using the appropriate methodology to redress the way CD Projekt has wronged so many out of misguided fear of a dying terrorist regime?

Oh tell me great scholar who's peach fuzz hasn't even come in yet, who lacks the doubts, the scars, and the knowledge only a lifetime of experience can offer but declares yourself psychic expert of the world before you've yet to see how it actually works content in your illusion of knowledge above all others, given the war, a war this corpse of a terrorist state you persist in defending, why shouldn't I defend my nighbor?

Why should I let them be victimized, because others are scared, or as short sighted as you? Certainly there's plenty of moral reason not to, but you're missing the pragmatic. Once you give up something to a thief or other criminal you could've defended, you send the message, it'll be even easier to get something larger the next time.

All your way is accomplishing is setting up for a much larger, uglier fight. One you won't [get to conveniently avoid and pretend you're somehow taking a moral stand with your inaction.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Gandalf, Captain of the Maltese Falcon
low rated
Yeshu: So are you gonna do anything about it or continue your crusade as a brave keyboard warrior?
Doomjedi: Ah you poor young kids. No appreciate for history. Probably why you keep trying to line everyone else up to suffer it's repetition in your willful ignorance. The Crusades were a defensive action carried out against foreign invasion and the ongoing harassment of innocent merchants by belligerent foreign powers on purely ideological grounds. It was a time where many nations, historical enemies in most cases, banded together in defense of the innocent and towards mutual defense.

It in many ways, may have been medeival Europe's finest hour. And a rare exception in a longstanding pattern of mutual dickery the likes of which has plagued humanity from the beginning.

You keep claiming the people taking up the cause are supposedly pro censorship SJW's a claim near as I can tell, utterly without any basis whatsoever, and pretty questionable even on the people who I've had interactions with in the past who might be possibles, but let's pretend for one second you're telling the truth.

Why would I attempt to sway them from a clear understanding of the implications of allowing this to go unopposed that you have yet to even consider? Why should I condemn someone, who I legitimately disagree with on a great many points when they get it right? When they put more thought into what could happen to *them* to their games, to the books, the music, the movies, the magazines, the schools, and so much more if this continued campaign of harassment is not opposed?

Should I not acknowledge the fact that common ground, recognition of a common threat has occured? Should I not recognize that in at least one specific area, they are not my enemy? That they may even have genuinely good intentions, and are even using the appropriate methodology to redress the way CD Projekt has wronged so many out of misguided fear of a dying terrorist regime?

Oh tell me great scholar who's peach fuzz hasn't even come in yet, who lacks the doubts, the scars, and the knowledge only a lifetime of experience can offer but declares yourself psychic expert of the world before you've yet to see how it actually works content in your illusion of knowledge above all others, given the war, a war this corpse of a terrorist state you persist in defending, why shouldn't I defend my nighbor?

Why should I let them be victimized, because others are scared, or as short sighted as you? Certainly there's plenty of moral reason not to, but you're missing the pragmatic. Once you give up something to a thief or other criminal you could've defended, you send the message, it'll be even easier to get something larger the next time.

All your way is accomplishing is setting up for a much larger, uglier fight. One you won't [get to conveniently avoid and pretend you're somehow taking a moral stand with your inaction.
Come back in two weeks when, unless you already forget about the drama.
high rated
My favorite argument so far is: "Well, if you hate China so much why do you buy Chinese cars and phones"

Guys, I think I speak for everyone when I say I don't mind trading with China.
I wouldn't even know or care about their politics normally, who am I to criticize another nation's government, I am just some insignificant NPC on this planet.

Problem is that Winnie's insecurities for some reason tend to end up affecting what computer games I can buy.
Like ffs guys, you say we are whiners, this dude sheds a tear and all companies in Europe and USA apparently freak out and try to baby him.

If you really want to defend Winnie and tell us that WE are causing drama, just tell the man to not complain to American and European companies about his chinese problems and to keep it all in-house instead.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by Nible1
low rated
drk84x: "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Gandalf, Captain of the Maltese Falcon
Thank you captain Picard....

You are aware that most of these losers that now felt offended by being called out are only crying here because its China? they care little for actual freedoms other then the ones they cherry picked. Hence why Like the OP come back in a few weeks they'll be gone and when GOG does another game rejection they'll be nowhere to be found cause they already have their EGO stroked and have this delusion that they did something great with their pointless banter.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by dgnfly
high rated
dgnfly: Hence why Like the OP come back in a few weeks they'll be gone and when GOG does another game rejection they'll be nowhere to be found cause they already have their EGO stroked and have this delusion that they did something great with their pointless banter.
Or maybe next time we won't be nowhere to be found because we no longer pay attention to the site or the forum. Maybe we will be nowhere to be found because we just don't buy games here anymore.

But go on, keep telling yourself we are not serious about it. I can assure you I am.
high rated
drk84x: "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Gandalf, Captain of the Maltese Falcon
dgnfly: Thank you captain Picard....

You are aware that most of these losers that now felt offended by being called out are only crying here because its China? they care little for actual freedoms other then the ones they cherry picked. Hence why Like the OP come back in a few weeks they'll be gone and when GOG does another game rejection they'll be nowhere to be found cause they already have their EGO stroked and have this delusion that they did something great with their pointless banter.
No other country's politics so far has had GOG pull a game from the store.
I think that might be the reason why you don't see users on GOG forums "cry about them" lol.

And for the record, saying that others are just "stroking their own egos" while calling everyone stupid and generally acting like an attack dog makes you sound like that stereotypical narcissistic friendless nerd sitting in the back of the class.

You can argue boycotts don't work and that people are overreacting, that's fine.
Just the way you go about it makes it seem like you are just in it to ... Stroke your own ego.