OdanUrr: My clocks are fine, take it up with Google/Steam. =P
budejovice: (Are people arguing with the "pdt"? PDT is not used in the US, so it's not a valid time. pdst is what we came off of. pdt should be understood as pst not pdst.)
Yes it is. The
official abbreviations for the four time zones in the 48 contiguous U.S. states are as follows (with the DST variant in parentheses following the Standard Time version): EST (EDT), CST (CDT), MST (MDT), PST (PDT). "PDST", "EDST", etc. have never (that I can remember or find evidence of, anyway) been used as common abbreviations. Certainly not in my adult life, anyway (and I'm 36). DST by itself, however,
is the common abbreviation for Daylight Saving (
not 'Savings') Time in general, so maybe that's what you were thinking of. That, or West Coasters really
do speak a different language from the rest of us. =P