JakobFel: I wasn't referring to wait times but my guess is that you either didn't submit a new reply or ask a blue about it.
My reply is the latest on the ticket from January 1st. I replied the same day I got the response, January 24th.
No, I didn't message a staff member at any point. That's not how support is supposed to work. If everyone forms this habit for any issue, it won't be long before this avenue will be just as overloaded as regular support.
JakobFel: And I concur with BreOl72, those aren't critical issues and they sound like issues that'd be on the developers' end, rather than GOG's, at least in part. It's no surprise GOG support responded in that way for an issue like that.
Non-critical doesn't mean it's okay to never fix the problem. And it's never okay to make people wait weeks or even months for a response. There's no way to receive tech support in any meaningful sense, waiting weeks between replies. It's outrageous that they still have the "Stellar support 24/7" lie boldly plastered onto every store page.
• Those were just a couple of examples of known longstanding issues. They respond the same way -- "I'll pass this on" -- to virtually everything, including website issues. One of my tickets was closed that way on November 28th. The incorrect part of a game's description in the store hasn't been corrected even now.
• Other known issues include the store not correctly marking content as owned. There was at least one exhaustive thread about this, but I can't find it now. One notable example is Witcher 3 GOTY, which doesn't mark the base game or any DLC as owned.
• The
Community Wishlist is full of spam dating as far back as 2015 -- just search for
http in the Features category.
• The wishlist filters are a completely broken mess. I reported this on February 18, 2021 and I'm sure they were well aware but didn't care long before that.
And the list goes on and on.