Jinxtah: I was working towards getting 10 games, and had even been buying games I didn't really want or wasn't in a hurry to get for discounts I didn't really think much of just so I could get that mystery game, but as I checked the front page now I see you've apparently "run out".
So my question is this: Will it get refilled, or is that it?
I'm guessing that this is a shortcoming of the promo that they didn't consider fully when implementing it. They may have documented it but many people (myself included) never noticed there was a limit on that, and while it didn't affect me it certainly will affect some people who didn't notice the limit. It's ok to put limits on things like this, but if it is not clearly communicated to people in an unambiguous way it is no doubt going to upset some people eventually. I think a much better way to have handled it would be to put a counter on the page that showed a "remaining free games" countdown. That would ultimately serve two purposes; one, to clearly communicate to everyone how many free games were left in the total free game pool, and two, as the free game availability count decreased to encourage people who wanted to take advantage of it to buy more games more quickly.
Either way though I think this time around the free game methodology is a step backwards from some of the methods they've used previously. The purpose is ultimately to draw in more people to the sale, and to reward people for their patronage, but the current mechanic will have mixed success with either of those goals, and now it certainly will have an effect that is negative. Would have been better to not even offer any freebies IMHO than negative vibes from people who now feel bad about it. In the end, not all marketing gimmicks result in a positive experience for everyone though either. :)