snowkatt: i dunno about that really
gamers seem to be all too willing to forgive and forget past transgressions when a new shiny is dangled in front of their face
see gearbox softwarre's dubious practises
or the disasters with lego hobbit
pc arkham knight
or the glitch in arkham origins
or how everybody "forgot" microsoft's 2013 E3 presentation of the xbox one
or how piss poor ass creed unity was
or how underwhelming watch dogs was
or diablo 3's online only drm and rah
or simcity 2013 and its drm and limited game world and options
or sims 4 being empty and a frame work for dlc
and most of that is forgotten the moment something new comes out
the xbox one isnt on the same level as the ps4 but its doing better then the wii U
I notice that most or all of the games you mentioned are from big publishers who already have sketchy reputation, so fortunately I would never buy those games anyway. Also those games sucks anyway.