bluethief: My advice is: always be humble. Even when things go your way, stay humble. Don't let the success get into your head. Treat people with respect and if they helped get to where you are now, always be thankful and share your success with them.
Indeed. Hardships test character. Success may be an even harder test of character. So many fail spectacularly. Do not be like them. Also remember that any day life might turn the table on you. Be humble. Be grateful. Measure progress against your former self. Take care of the ones you love. Try to learn to love everyone in a way.Take care of yourself as you would take care of a dear friend: with good advice, compassionate but not complacent. All that will actually make you stronger.
When you learn about the self contradictions about one person or organization, you are starting to understand them for real.
Know yourself. Taking into account all of the above.
Do the right thing, for you, not because you expect anything in return.
If you dare, or when there is nothing left, make your own rules and follow them. Make them good rules.
Be careful when giving advice. In general, do not.
Fact of life: More often than not, no good deed will remain unpunished. That is another reason to do good things anonymously sometimes.
Enough for now, but it is still Thursday