jsidhu762: Nintendo has a reputation for making solid hardware. There's a couple exceptions but generally speaking they make durable stuff.
With that said, nothing is invincible. I have a friend who works at a cell phone store, and every day at least one customer would come in and say "I don't know what happened"... and you can see plain as day the phone was used to shield someone from Godzilla's atomic breath. The Switch's controller would certainly become victim to a few of these customers.
They have a reputation as well for the rise of broken Nintendo 3Ds's in which left sticks were broken for playing Kid Icarus or Smash 4 with how people broke their buttons as well while playing For Glory. it's little but it's still there, so I will agree on nothing is invincible, sometimes it takes a push for the customer to destroy a product (and considering the gameplay of the previously mentioned game, I am surprised some broke their 3DS and not their wrists, but there is a youtuber who had that happened to him by choosing to play that game)
It will all be shown through time, I expect this console to be compatible with some WiiU hardware or it's gonna have to rely on Nintendo DS and 3DS software, it's a lot, but considering how much weight they are putting into micro chips with their storage size I expect them to have some optinoal hardware to play previous's generation of games as well.
Btw I hope your friend doesn't deal with people with a Galaxy Note 7...