Exceptional entries so far!! This is what I was looking for! Thank you everyone for sharing! Keep them coming! I was in the prime of my gaming life when Myst was released, and I eventually tried it/played it partway through but could never get into it. There seemed to be almost no story and what story there was seemed contrived (you've been thrown into a mystical world!) Some of the puzzles were tantalizing to my brain, but I ultimately found a lot of them annoying more than rewarding. Yes, I could figure them out if I spent the time on them, but nothing motivated me to want to focus on them to keep going through the game and they mostly bored me and I ultimately stopped playing. I realize that it is just a matter of differing interest in puzzle-types, and have nothing against puzzle-intensive games, they are great for the game and I understand the enjoyment they give to people. I think the only game-within-game puzzle-game I like is 7th Guest, but that is probably because we got it when it was released and it was novel and I love haunted house/creepy stuff. Uru is a game that I've played a bit of and have enjoyed, though, but I've never tried the Riven games or anything else of the series. Thanks for sharing your passion and perspective!
Lifthrasil: My favourite adventure game is still Monkey Island. If you really have to be sold on that classic, I don't know. It has very funny humour, nice puzzles, which sometimes require twisted logic, but never get unfair. The entire setting, atmosphere and music is great, ranging from quiet and dreamlike to silly and funny. Many nice characters to interact with and a lovable, clumsy protagonist. This game is with good reason deemed one of the best adventure games of all time.
Excellent to finally understand your name and avatar! I'm glad he's full-color now too! What magical accident occurred? Baarrrrbarians are my melee character of choice almost always if I go that route.
As for Monkey Island, I tried the demo of Curse back when it was released and it just never appealed to me for multiple reasons (art style, protagonist, too silly, etc.) I'm sure they're probably great adventure games, but there is no appeal for me/it isn't my taste. Maybe edit your entry with a bit more passion about it to really try and change my mind to give them a try! If not, no worries entry accepted and I appreciate your sharing very much!!!
Treasure: Atlantis Evolution. and this is as far as I got, because I got stuck on a stealth section where I had to infiltrate the abode of the gods - I always got spotted...
The Fifth Disciple.
P.S. Both games are in the gog wishlist (as a matter of fact, I myself made the entry for the Fifth Disciple after competing the game, as it didn't exist before), so feel free to vote for them!
Yes, if you do care to edit in more about your username at some point, that'd be swell! No worries though!
Atlantis Evolution - I wonder, is there a way to find a crystal and tape it to your head to make it appear like you are one of the obeying masses? Perhaps get one from someone who is part of the resistance that has removed theirs? Unfinished games because I get stuck is maddening to me! Of course, you could always try a walkthrough for tips!
Fifth Disciple - The unique gameplay style appeals to me very much, I always like to try something unique and innovative and unusual!
Voting for both games and I'd love to try them both some day! Thanks for sharing!!!
Dessimu: it's a pleasure to read all the stories!
WOW! Great name story! I love it!
While the style of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is not what I had in mind when I said "adventure," I certainly can't discount it as an entry! First of all, I didn't specify point and click adventure, secondly, ADVENTURE is in the title, and, lastly, it certainly sounds like a grand adventure! I'm not much into aRPGs unless there is a good story and fun gameplay with good characters, this sounds like it has all of that (I gave them a good look-over once I read your passionate entry, before when they were released here I kind of went "eh, another aRPG" and didn't look further) and so you've got my interest up on it! I'd love to try the 1st one some day and see if I like it (it seem like I will!) Added to my wishlist!!
Ah hah! Mister-yo! I am not sure if I specifically asked you about it one day, or if I made up my mind on my own. But when I first saw your name I very much pondered whether I should be saying "mister-yo" or "mistery-o" in my head when reading it. I went back and forth for some time, and, eventually landed on "mister-yo" being what you had intended. Thanks for clearing it up for others who may have been on the fence too!
As for I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. I shamefully must say that while it interests me greatly and I have it in my library of games, I have not played it more than a small portion. I played with each of the characters trying to decide who to progress with first, and then, life distractions and bunches of games that I have to (not HAVE to, but have to, frikken english language!) play and I've not gotten back to it or given it the time it deserves. It is already pretty high in my to-play list, but now I have moved it up in the queue even further. Dark, disturbing, well-written, good execution, with meaning and depth, I definitely need to get playing this game. It's a good thing I have been inspiring by your "more playing less spending" thread (not that I need to do less spending, but more playing, certainly) and playing more games these past few months than I had been previously. Thanks for your entry!!!
OneFiercePuppy: ... just because it has my favorite opening scene of any game I've ever played. Full Throttle, a game where you play a biker, opens with you punching the lid off a dumpster and crawling out of it. It really set the tone for the whole game, and is enough reason to remember the game, right there.
I bought and played Noctropolis back when it was new (or newish, it's been like 20 years, I don't recall exactly), had the CD and manual and all, but I've long since lost it. I'd like to play it again.
Thanks very much for the name story! Great to hear! The menial tasks remind me of Cool Hand Luke (if you've never seen it, you should!)
Full Throttle is one of my favorite adventure games of all time! I watched that intro scene over and over when it was released, it enthralled me to no end: the reflection on his sunglasses, the glow of his cigar, the feeling of his awesomeness and power, interrupted by his crash...such a great beginning to a game and great game overall. I love the color-palette, the music, the biker theme, and general bad-assery of it all. To this day, for serious, when I think of asphalt, I think of Maureen! I just can't help it. I am wary for the day it releases here, as I've heard they are rebastarding it, and I am not fond of that if it doesn't feel/look like the original experience. I've never played Grim Fandango except for a demo for it back when it was released, and was always anticipating its release here. However, even though you can switch to the old mode/textures, they've changed the music, and I just can't get down with that. Hopefully they leave Full Throttle in tact with its original everything and I will be able to get it and play it again some day after it releases here, but I remain skeptical.
The slim-box version of Noctropolis I had had nothing in it except a jewel case, I'm glad to have the original manual and other content from here now that it has released here!
Hmmmmrrr...well...I just gave my thoughts on the rebastard version of Grim Fandango above^, but I appreciate you sharing, certainly! DAMN I want to play that game! Why did they muss with it so much?! (I know I know...that is rhetorical.)
Also, you don't have to pick just one! If you want to express some passion about others, please do so (either edit your post or create a new post, it doesn't matter!)
Sneaky! I LOVE Phantom of the Opera. I wish I could have seen it on Broadway back in the early-mid 90s more than anything, but I'd love to see a production of it still, if I ever get a chance! The music, the story, the darkness, the tormented Phantom, I love it all and is an absolute favorite thing of mine!
The pervy nature of LSL never did appeal to me, but thank you for expressing your passion for it and sharing some things about it, easter eggs, scratch and sniff, and ability to edit in yourself is fun and unique! Cool! How big
IS your dildo collection, anyway?