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things go *bump* in the city of night
Thank you drealmer7. That's a game I never stopped to look at, but after your presentation I want to play Noctropolis!. Maybe you should get a job at a publishing company, you know how to "sell" a game!
My username was chosen by my friends, during the 1st year in university. I had the custom to walk quietly and I usually surprised them when I appeared bofore them. One time, I was waiting for them at our usual meeting point and they were late, so I was just browsing the nearby store fronts. When I saw them coming, I went to the other side of the street and walked with them for a couple of minutes before they realised I was with them.
Unfortunately, "Phantom" was not available when I made my yahoo email back in 1997, so I chose "Phandom" as a second best. I use it at every site I register, gog, steam, eshops etc. I started using the icon form "Phantom of the Opera" a couple years later, after I saw the theatre show for the first time. I love that show and I immediately sympathised the character of the Phantom. I've watched many performances of this show and I loved every one of them. I recommend it to everyone, it has a touching story and the best music!

One of my favourite adventure games is "Leisure Suit Larry - Love for sail!". I got it as a gift from a magazine back in 1999 and it was the game that made me love the Leisure Suit Larry games. This short guy with a big attitude really makes you want to see how he will manage to achieve his "goals" or burn in the process. The graphics were ok for the time it came out, but I loved the cartoonish style of the game and the speech actors, especially Larry sounded like a whiny opportunist with a clogged nose, exactly what he looked like.
Did I mention there were easter eggs all around the game? (these easter eggs made the game get an M rating) Or that you collected dildos hidden in every scene of the game? Or that many names of NPCs were parodies of real actor names?
Lastly, this game introduced a way to use a third sense when playing it. The "CyberSniff 2000"! A sheet of numbered scratch-and-sniff squares on paper, corresponding to the number displayed on the screen at a certain location, so that the player could get a scent of what the area the player was in smelled like.
Want more? You can edit certain game files and you can appear inside the game, replacing selected voice dialogs and a digitized photo.
Exceptional entries so far!! This is what I was looking for! Thank you everyone for sharing! Keep them coming!
zeogold: Myst!
I was in the prime of my gaming life when Myst was released, and I eventually tried it/played it partway through but could never get into it. There seemed to be almost no story and what story there was seemed contrived (you've been thrown into a mystical world!) Some of the puzzles were tantalizing to my brain, but I ultimately found a lot of them annoying more than rewarding. Yes, I could figure them out if I spent the time on them, but nothing motivated me to want to focus on them to keep going through the game and they mostly bored me and I ultimately stopped playing. I realize that it is just a matter of differing interest in puzzle-types, and have nothing against puzzle-intensive games, they are great for the game and I understand the enjoyment they give to people. I think the only game-within-game puzzle-game I like is 7th Guest, but that is probably because we got it when it was released and it was novel and I love haunted house/creepy stuff. Uru is a game that I've played a bit of and have enjoyed, though, but I've never tried the Riven games or anything else of the series. Thanks for sharing your passion and perspective!
Lifthrasil: My favourite adventure game is still Monkey Island. If you really have to be sold on that classic, I don't know. It has very funny humour, nice puzzles, which sometimes require twisted logic, but never get unfair. The entire setting, atmosphere and music is great, ranging from quiet and dreamlike to silly and funny. Many nice characters to interact with and a lovable, clumsy protagonist. This game is with good reason deemed one of the best adventure games of all time.
Excellent to finally understand your name and avatar! I'm glad he's full-color now too! What magical accident occurred? Baarrrrbarians are my melee character of choice almost always if I go that route.

As for Monkey Island, I tried the demo of Curse back when it was released and it just never appealed to me for multiple reasons (art style, protagonist, too silly, etc.) I'm sure they're probably great adventure games, but there is no appeal for me/it isn't my taste. Maybe edit your entry with a bit more passion about it to really try and change my mind to give them a try! If not, no worries entry accepted and I appreciate your sharing very much!!!

Treasure: Atlantis Evolution. and this is as far as I got, because I got stuck on a stealth section where I had to infiltrate the abode of the gods - I always got spotted...

The Fifth Disciple.

P.S. Both games are in the gog wishlist (as a matter of fact, I myself made the entry for the Fifth Disciple after competing the game, as it didn't exist before), so feel free to vote for them!
Yes, if you do care to edit in more about your username at some point, that'd be swell! No worries though!

Atlantis Evolution - I wonder, is there a way to find a crystal and tape it to your head to make it appear like you are one of the obeying masses? Perhaps get one from someone who is part of the resistance that has removed theirs? Unfinished games because I get stuck is maddening to me! Of course, you could always try a walkthrough for tips!

Fifth Disciple - The unique gameplay style appeals to me very much, I always like to try something unique and innovative and unusual!

Voting for both games and I'd love to try them both some day! Thanks for sharing!!!

Dessimu: it's a pleasure to read all the stories!
WOW! Great name story! I love it!

While the style of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is not what I had in mind when I said "adventure," I certainly can't discount it as an entry! First of all, I didn't specify point and click adventure, secondly, ADVENTURE is in the title, and, lastly, it certainly sounds like a grand adventure! I'm not much into aRPGs unless there is a good story and fun gameplay with good characters, this sounds like it has all of that (I gave them a good look-over once I read your passionate entry, before when they were released here I kind of went "eh, another aRPG" and didn't look further) and so you've got my interest up on it! I'd love to try the 1st one some day and see if I like it (it seem like I will!) Added to my wishlist!!

misteryo: ...
Ah hah! Mister-yo! I am not sure if I specifically asked you about it one day, or if I made up my mind on my own. But when I first saw your name I very much pondered whether I should be saying "mister-yo" or "mistery-o" in my head when reading it. I went back and forth for some time, and, eventually landed on "mister-yo" being what you had intended. Thanks for clearing it up for others who may have been on the fence too!

As for I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. I shamefully must say that while it interests me greatly and I have it in my library of games, I have not played it more than a small portion. I played with each of the characters trying to decide who to progress with first, and then, life distractions and bunches of games that I have to (not HAVE to, but have to, frikken english language!) play and I've not gotten back to it or given it the time it deserves. It is already pretty high in my to-play list, but now I have moved it up in the queue even further. Dark, disturbing, well-written, good execution, with meaning and depth, I definitely need to get playing this game. It's a good thing I have been inspiring by your "more playing less spending" thread (not that I need to do less spending, but more playing, certainly) and playing more games these past few months than I had been previously. Thanks for your entry!!!

OneFiercePuppy: ... just because it has my favorite opening scene of any game I've ever played. Full Throttle, a game where you play a biker, opens with you punching the lid off a dumpster and crawling out of it. It really set the tone for the whole game, and is enough reason to remember the game, right there.

I bought and played Noctropolis back when it was new (or newish, it's been like 20 years, I don't recall exactly), had the CD and manual and all, but I've long since lost it. I'd like to play it again.
Thanks very much for the name story! Great to hear! The menial tasks remind me of Cool Hand Luke (if you've never seen it, you should!)

Full Throttle is one of my favorite adventure games of all time! I watched that intro scene over and over when it was released, it enthralled me to no end: the reflection on his sunglasses, the glow of his cigar, the feeling of his awesomeness and power, interrupted by his crash...such a great beginning to a game and great game overall. I love the color-palette, the music, the biker theme, and general bad-assery of it all. To this day, for serious, when I think of asphalt, I think of Maureen! I just can't help it. I am wary for the day it releases here, as I've heard they are rebastarding it, and I am not fond of that if it doesn't feel/look like the original experience. I've never played Grim Fandango except for a demo for it back when it was released, and was always anticipating its release here. However, even though you can switch to the old mode/textures, they've changed the music, and I just can't get down with that. Hopefully they leave Full Throttle in tact with its original everything and I will be able to get it and play it again some day after it releases here, but I remain skeptical.

The slim-box version of Noctropolis I had had nothing in it except a jewel case, I'm glad to have the original manual and other content from here now that it has released here!

hummer010: ...
Hmmmmrrr...well...I just gave my thoughts on the rebastard version of Grim Fandango above^, but I appreciate you sharing, certainly! DAMN I want to play that game! Why did they muss with it so much?! (I know I know...that is rhetorical.)

Also, you don't have to pick just one! If you want to express some passion about others, please do so (either edit your post or create a new post, it doesn't matter!)

phandom: ...
Sneaky! I LOVE Phantom of the Opera. I wish I could have seen it on Broadway back in the early-mid 90s more than anything, but I'd love to see a production of it still, if I ever get a chance! The music, the story, the darkness, the tormented Phantom, I love it all and is an absolute favorite thing of mine!

The pervy nature of LSL never did appeal to me, but thank you for expressing your passion for it and sharing some things about it, easter eggs, scratch and sniff, and ability to edit in yourself is fun and unique! Cool! How big IS your dildo collection, anyway?
I have actually never heard of the game before, but it looks interesting :D I want to play Noctropolis!

I needed a cool username when I signed up for Travian. I was a teenager at the time, maybe 15 years old, and I did something no one else on my age did, I drank coffee :P Everyone knew about it, even the teachers at school, and sometimes they would bring an extra cup of coffee when class started, for me :D The coffee-drinking became my image, my identity. Of course, I never knew what all the fuss was about, has no one ever seen a teenager drink coffee? :P After a while, some of my friends "joined the coffee-crew", and we would often make a batch of coffee after school and play Halo. But, back to Travian, I signed up for it and needed a username. I didn't think long about it, I just wrote Random Coffee there, and was done. Had I been 18 years old at the time, it would probably be Random Beer, who knows? :P I don't play Travian anymore, but I've been using the name on other services ever since. Now that I'm an old man, I find the username slightly silly, but I'll keep it anyway :P

My favourite adventure-game would have to be Beyond Good & Evil. I've lost count over how many times I've finished it. I love everything about it. The style of the graphics, the soundtrack, the gameplay, the characters, the story, and so on. What else is there to say? It's an epic adventure from start to finish :D The most memorable part of the game was exploring the inside of the volcano for the first time. It starts out in an abandoned mine, but starts to get very interesting as you get deeper inside the caves :D Also, an important part of the game is photography. You take pictures of new species, and get rewards when the roll of film is full of pictures of new species. This adds another incentive to explore more. If you're exploring the inside of a volcano, or in a secret government laboratory, or cruising on the sea with the hovercraft, you will always find new species if you look for them :) The other gameplay-mechanics are also perfect, the combat, the controls on the hovercraft, the stealth, it all feels very polished. The story is also very interesting, and once you start playing, you'll be hooked, you'll keep playing to uncover more of the mystery :D
I want to play Noctropolis!

The origin of my user name is actually pretty similar to Lifthrasil's. Yezemin was the name of a The Dark Eye character of mine (the first one to survive more than one session, actually). She was a Tulamidya, they're more or less the Arabs in that world so I chose an Arabic name for her. I had a blast playing her. She was an elementalist mage and at one point burned down an entire city because I thought it would be a good idea to summon a fire elemental. The summoning part worked great, the controlling it part...not so much. I decided to use the name as my nick after some friends convinced me that it wouldn't be a good idea to use my real name on the internet (which I still do in some places regardless). The character sheet was lying next to my PC and I remembered that my brother used his characters name as a nick, too. Ever since I've used it almost anywhere I go online.

For an adventure game I really like I'm afraid I'll also have to go with a real classic: Blade Runner. That game just oozes atmosphere. I literally got goosebumps when I first played it. And the story is so so good. Especially if you like the movie (which I love). I was blown away by the fact it had multiple endings. And when I first realized it was non-linear and actually changed from playthrough to playthrough I was completely flummoxed. Some characters would be in completely different places, or not there at all or would score different results on the Voight-Kampff test. Oh, the Voight-Kampff test! I actually reloaded saves just to do it over and over again, I had so much fun with it. Another feature I really loved about the game was zooming in on the video footage. Illogical as hell but really cool. Sadly I probably won't be able to replay it anytime soon since the licence seems to be in limbo and I can't get my discs to run anymore.

Another game I feel at least deserves a mention is Discworld Noir. I always hear people say how great the first two Discworlds are, but honestly, for me, the third one is the best in the series. And the reason for that is again the atmosphere. It just feels so...well, noir. And it's a lot more down-to-earth than the other two games. As much down-to-earth anything Discworld can be, at least. It also has that neat scent mechanic that I won't go into too much here to not spoil anything for those who don't know the game yet (It is tied to one of the major plot twists.).

I also recently finished Stasis which is another game that just oozes atmosphere. Felt very reminiscent of Alien to me.

I'm just such a sucker for atmosphere, if you couldn't tell. :P
I'd like to reply to some of your reply, and I just now saw this reply of yours (different time zones), so my replying now would end up bumping this thread, even though I had absolutely no intention to "bump". Hopefully, you'll forgive this accidental bumping and won't enter my dreams or something...

Treasure: Atlantis Evolution. and this is as far as I got, because I got stuck on a stealth section where I had to infiltrate the abode of the gods - I always got spotted...

The Fifth Disciple.
P.S. Both games are in the gog wishlist (as a matter of fact, I myself made the entry for the Fifth Disciple after competing the game, as it didn't exist before), so feel free to vote for them!
drealmer7: Yes, if you do care to edit in more about your username at some point, that'd be swell! No worries though!
After some searching in my previous posts, it turns out I was confused precisely by the fact that the previous times I wrote about my username it was in conjuction with the question of my first purchases on gog, and, as a matter of fact, in most of these I had written less about my username than what I wrote here (and more about the other topic-only in one I wrote pretty much what I wrote here as well). In short, here is the most I've written just about my username, which is rather normal considering that, as I did already mention, the choice of it was semi-random and circumstance-based (especially given that I got stuck with the platforming of Treasure Adventure Game itself pretty early on...). So sorry for getting your hopes up regarding this matter... As a sidenote though, you might be interested to learn that if it weren't for the fact I keep a browser bookmark history of my forum posts, I wouldn't be able to find my old posts very easily with gog's system, and not even with google search, given that my username is also a common noun (quite a lot of instances of the relevant search give as a result the debacle about the "treasure" bonus of Victor Vran, even though I didn't participate at all in that discussion, just because it has many instances of the noun "treasure"...

drealmer7: Atlantis Evolution - I wonder, is there a way to find a crystal and tape it to your head to make it appear like you are one of the obeying masses? Perhaps get one from someone who is part of the resistance that has removed theirs? Unfinished games because I get stuck is maddening to me! Of course, you could always try a walkthrough for tips!
I don't exactly recall right now, but I do think the members of the resistance had somehow removed their own cystals (and one of them was an ex-guard). As for consulting a walkthrough, well, at the time when I played this game, we (me and my parents) didn't practically have an internet connection in our house (wifi wasn't around yet) -my parents used to connect their laptops directly with the telephone line (so I heard [url=]this classic sound[/url] quite a few times), and later on used a modem. My own pc however wasn't placed anywhere near a telephone line, so I wasn't connected to the internet unless I used another pc -indeed once that I did that, I copied a walkthrough in a txt file and took it to my pc via a 500 mb usb stick. However, the walkthrough I had chosen didn't explain adequately how to get past the stealth section so I got stuck there.... I tried a few months ago to install the game via the cds on my current pc, but the installer hanged. In short, when I could play the game, I didn't really have much of a walkthrough, and now that I have a more constant internet connection and a ton of walkthroughs on my fingertips, I can't install the game itself... As a sidenote, Groupees once gave a digital version of it as a bonus in one of the bundles I bought, but people in this forum in the relevant thread said the files were kind of corrupted initially. I might still try to download that version someday and see if it works, because I'm not sure if I can count on gog bringing it here...

drealmer7: Fifth Disciple - The unique gameplay style appeals to me very much, I always like to try something unique and innovative and unusual!
Voting for both games and I'd love to try them both some day! Thanks for sharing!!!
Glad you liked its concept and thanks for voting! As I said a few lines above, I'm not very confident that gog will bring these games here (and especially The Fifth Disciple -they can totally use their "it's too niche" argument on it, given the number of votes it currently has- it must be really obscure or something!), but voting for them doesn't hurt anybody, especially givne the gog has brought games with fewer votes than Atlantis Evolution here, if I recall correctly (and also, the rest of the Atlantis games are already here, so gog should probably feel compelled to complete the series at some point...). In short, I'm more confident about Atlantis Evolution coming here, but still - I guess time will show -after all many people only a few years ago thought that e.g. the LucasArts games would never come here...

P.S. Talking about LucasArts games, I also don't like the kind of remake treatment Grim Fandango has gotten, although in my case, it's because I can't wrap my head around how come it needs so high system requirements (4 gbs of ram!!!) -I generally tend to consider developers that think everybody has like 8gbs of ram at least inconsiderate and don't like to support such kind of people...
I'm going to enter more people's dreams over the next few nights and give them an uncontrollable urge to enter this giveaway!
Your disruption of my dreams has convinced me to tell you my tale, but not enough to make me enter.

The slithery dee is a character from an old rhyme that rises out of the sea and chases and eats the narrators friends, with the narrator managing to hide, before returning to the sea. However the narrator realizes he has lost sight of it and is subsequently eaten. I always loved this rhyme because he never describes the monster which makes it far more intimidating and relentless in my opinion. I wanted a nickname without numbers such as iamgreat1689 so when flipping through my mental catalogued I remembered the rhyme. It is my username for most of my private accounts. The original rhyme the slithery dee only has 2 E's in the name. The reason mine has three was because the first website I used it for said theslitherydee was already taken so I added an E. I figured it would be a nightmare to keep track of which accounts had two E's where available and which had three so I used 3 for all of them.
drealmer7: ...
Sneaky! I LOVE Phantom of the Opera. I wish I could have seen it on Broadway back in the early-mid 90s more than anything, but I'd love to see a production of it still, if I ever get a chance! The music, the story, the darkness, the tormented Phantom, I love it all and is an absolute favorite thing of mine!

The pervy nature of LSL never did appeal to me, but thank you for expressing your passion for it and sharing some things about it, easter eggs, scratch and sniff, and ability to edit in yourself is fun and unique! Cool! How big IS your dildo collection, anyway?
Here's a video I like: Sarah Brightman with SURPRISE guest star live at Royal Albert Hall 1998. I find it astonishing that every single performance I've seen is top class, be it theatre, movie or concert!

Pervy? Leisure Suit Larry? It's funny to say this but for a game where the main protagonist is constantly trying to get laid, it's not what you'll remember it for. It's a classic adventure game with lots of fun.
Finding dildos in this game is like the game "Find Waldo".
drealmer7: I love dark themes. I love the darkness. I love B-quality if done with heart.
Dark themes? B-quality production? My good sir, you should come join us in playing Forum Mafia! Though admittedly these days I observe more than I play.

1) I want to win the lottery! (don't suppose you could arrange that)
2) The origins of bler144 are top secret, I'm afraid. Even I don't have clearance.
3) Dammit, I had something for this.
drealmer7: It felt good. It felt right. It felt like it should belong to me.
Drealmer, you're a surprisingly good writer of internet forums posts. I laughed when I got to this point, surpisingly still interested in your tale, reading every word instead of just skimming your really long post. This lined seemed quite quotable, so I quickly did what I thought you should do with a quotable quote, and I quoted it.
Post edited February 04, 2016 by vulchor
So, alright, I'm in I think. I don't really join giveaways any more, and I still end up getting games given to me from people nominating me. I still have a little pile of gift codes I've collected for a future giveaway. But this one looks fun, and I like that you opened up about your online self and are asking us to as well. So what the hell.

1. "I want to play Noctropolis!" And I really do, not only because you tantalized me with your post about it, but because I like games with live action video in them just like some of my favorites from the golden era of PC gaming, such as Phantasmagoria. I'll end up getting this game and playing it probably sometime this year if I don't win your namesake copy, because it looks awesomely cheesy. I love the screenshot of the vampire-looking guy on a table, smaller than the salt shakers, with giant champagne flutes filled with a blood-red liquid and all sorts of odd, nightmarish entities like an eyeball and fish-head and maggots! There is no way this game can be bad.

2. "Vulchor" is a creative spelling of "Vulture", which I guess is my spirit animal from over a decade ago when I used to smoke a lot of pot and my friends and I were talking about spirit animals. I've always loved vultures, probably ever since I saw them at the Detroit Zoo, probably around the same age I first saw the Jungle Book Disney movie with the singing Beatles vultures. Besides that, they're the largest of all birds of prey, they are very identifiable when they are flying above impossible to ignore, I think they got kind of bad rap with a negative connotation attached to them, kind of like crows and ravens too, for eating dead things. Dead things have to be eaten. Meat shouldn't ever go to waste. Beyond all of that, I have a slouch and the top of my spine is slightly misshapen from a mild birth defect, so my neck kind of looks like vulture's. I honestly think this was a subconscious thing as most of my life I was very sensitive and self conscious about it, and maybe choosing this as an online handle almost ten years ago was a way for me to come to terms with my slight deformity and be comfortable and at peace with myself.

3. Jesus, this could be a thread along with a GOG mix all on its own. I'm too opinionated for my own, and everyone's, good. I'm working right now, so I'll have to keep it brief, as it's 2:22 am and I should be getting home to my wife and son soon. Also, I want to get at least a mission in on XCOM tonight to brush up for the release of XCOM 2 (damn you Firaxis, why don't you ever release any games that don't require Steam anymore!)

Full Throttle is hands down my favorite adventure game of all time (GOG, are you listening?). It's not as funny as Day of the Tentacle or Maniac Mansion. Not as original as Grim Fandango. The main character is not as charming as Guybrush Threepwood (can you tell yet that I love Lucasarts adventures?). So why is it my favorite? It was the cool LA adventure game. Sci-fi post-apocalyptic cartoony-Mad-Max biker cool. This was brilliant for a kid growing up in Detroit, surrounded by a culture of gasoline in the Motor City. My dad even worked for General Motors. This game had engines in it. In a way it was partially a mirror of the slow decline of my city, which in many parts looks like a war has been fought in it. The death of American manufacturing and what corporate greed does to a community when it refuses to pay back all its taken. In Full Throttle, engine driven vehicles are being replaced with hover cars, and the main antagonist is a corrupt corporate suit who wants to take over the last motorcycle manufacturer so he can sell out. To top it all off with my personal connection to this game, the tough take-no-shit mechanic shit Maureen, who saves the main character after he's sabotaged while trying to ensure that his biker-bros don't sell out, is a member of a biker gang called the Vultures.
hummer010: When I was maybe 13 or 14, I used the phrase "hummer" to refer to a certain sexual activity while talking to some friends on my hockey team. None of the other guys had heard of that euphemism, so I had to explain it. Like most team sports, in hockey nicknames are very common. For the next 8ish years, I was known as hummer. This event predated the hummer vehicle by 5 or 6 years, so it has nothing to do that hummer. The "010" part came from yahoo. At some point I was signing up for a yahoo account, and hummer was already taken. Yahoo suggested hummer010 as an alternative. There you have it.
Ever listen to the Smashing Pumpkins song Hummer? Love that song. Also, it's funny that your hockey mates didn't know what a hummer was.
drealmer7: I'm going to enter more people's dreams over the next few nights and give them an uncontrollable urge to enter this giveaway!
so youre reponsible for the one about the talking toilet that vomited up spaghetti ?
Thanks for showing me this thread yourself. :)

I want to play Noctropolis for sure!

My username was an ironic reaction to a German gothic board (not about the game) I was on 10 years ago where people chose ridiculously dark nicknames and took themselves way too seriously all the time and everybody mentioned all the time how special they are.
Since "Klumpen" is mostly taken anywhere but there, I just added a few numbers like most people do with taken nicknames and chose the German synonym for "average / nothing special", which is a number anyway (Nullachtfuffzehn, 08/15) and enforced the initial intention, unrelated to the army weapon MG 08/15 from which this number originates and got its meaning from.
A Klumpen is an unitentifiable and awkwardly shaped lump of any matter and probably the origin of the word "lump". The word does not only exist in German but also in Scandinavian languages too as it seems, at least in Norwegian.

My favourite p'n'c adventure game is probably "Broken Sword" (!).
I got it in a games compilation 20 years ago. It was in SVGA (wohoo), the German version has great voice acting, I like drawn stuff, the controls are intuitive and superior to many later adventures and it's a nice crime thriller with a bit of mysticism and is neither unrealistically free of any gore nor has too much of it. I've finished it quite often, it's one of the few adventure games that have a good replay value.
Post edited February 04, 2016 by Klumpen0815