timppu: Odd. Appears to me that has changed then, since the version I downloaded. The game goes straight to StarCraft, if I launch StarCraft.exe. The Launcher.exe doesn't, it seems to connect to the internets and stuff.
My game version is (latest), I know for a fact that original 16-bit colored version could run without Battle.net client and internet connection. I have no idea if it was the case with the updated Remastered version, but it doesn't work for me at the moment.
timppu: Have you tried to run it on a system where there is no Battle.net client installed? If you just copy the game files to another PC and there launch StarCraft.exe?
I can't do it at the moment and if you check the attached screens you'll see that it probably would not change anything. I've relocated StarCraft.exe file and noticed that it was hardcoded to link to the client dll and launcher executable.
timppu: EDIT. It does seem the installation is different, as I don't have such "x86" and "x86_64" subdirectories at all, below the main StarCraft installation directory. Both the StarCraft.exe and StarCraft_Launcher.exe are there in the same directory. Oh well, good thing I backed it up then...
As an extra I included my game folder arrangement. Oddly enough is that when I first tried to change Battle.net launcher to >Exit the Battle.net App completely< On game launch the game was not working, but it works just fine now.