Breja: I was jsut about to start a thread about it :)
It looks... ok? I'm not really sure what to make of it, but I think it does look better than Episode VII did. I like the look of the characters more. I don't know who they got to play Mon Mothma but she looks almost identical, to me at least, so props for that too. I'm not going to be overly optimistic about any new Star Wars movie after Blandness Awakens, but this at least didn't look outright bad. Not that we've seen much so far.
So I can come out and say Fuck Force Awakens now?
Because fuck that movie :P
I hated most of the new charcaters between the hammy overacting and the inferior plot that tries to be like A New Hope and the bullshit moments like our Main Female Protagnist somehow succeeded in a Jedi Mind Trick.
And the villain sadly is a bitch and I hated his costume design, it looked increadibly plain looking and he looks nothing like a Son to Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher.
This guy in the old expanded universe did: And the soundtrack oh my how utterly forgettable. John Williams lost his luster because he was phoning it in.
The prequals had better music than this movie.