hummer010: I already own the EE version on Steam, and I enjoyed playing it again, although I haven't put as much time into it as I'd like to. I haven't dabbled with the workshop stuff yet. I decided to buy it on Steam for two reasons:
1.) Workshop
2.) Beamdog's releases have always run without the Steam client.
I know everyone likes to hate on Beamdog, but I've really enjoyed all the previous EE versions. The hate has always bugged me a bit. Beamdog releases their games DRM-Free (including on Steam - lot's of games that are DRM-free on GOG still use CEG on Steam - not Beamdog). Beamdog supports all three platforms that GOG supports. And Beamdog generally keeps their games up to date on GOG. Surely there are other companies more worthy of the hatred?
It's not hate so much as envy. A business model where you buy an ip, sell it for years making lots of cash, then re-release exactly the same product, with a name change, for more than you were selling the original. It's gotta be one of the great cons of the decade. the only better scam is always online mass data capture by the big companies.
Will have to see if any ip is coming up for sale soon, have some savings doing nothing in the bank, might get into "enhancement" myself, Loom, £30 a pop anyone?