Nicole28: You are claiming backwards upside down that GOG is responsible for the take-down of the Diamond edition
(wow, GOG suddenly own the rights to beamdog now, just because beamdog sold a game here!), except GOG is responsible for nothing. Only the product creator/IP holder/publisher/ have the right to decide whether their products will go on or off for sale at the store. GOG does not interfere
(and cannot) with any general product decisions. I don't even know how you can say something like that with a straight face, if you aren't new to gaming.
Dark_Ansem: Because, unlike you, I have more than a bit of basic knowledge of how the law works. I couldn't care less about you downvoting me.
Despite the attempt at some haughty authoritative tone, it's clear you actually understand almost nothing about IP law, and
Nicole28's post was actually correct. BeamDog were caught out changing their story multiple times before first claiming GOG then later Hasbro 'forced' them to remove the original versions. And not even their legal team, but rather amateurish sh*t-stirring conspiratorial based community posts which have since been quietly deleted... When someone contacted Hasbro directly they happily clarified the legal IP position once and for all -
Hasbro in no way, shape or form is preventing NWN:DE from being sold, and BeamDog's new NWN:EE release does not nullify their earlier acquired distribution rights for NWN:DE. The decision to remove the NWN:DE version from various online stores is 100% BeamDog's. That's from the people who sold BeamDog the right to sell / "enhance" NWN in the first place. So your "basic legal knowledge" beliefs are irrelevant when it's already established fact by both GOG & Hasbro - it's 100% up to BeamDog what to sell / pull from sale and Hasbro cannot retroactively demand a game not be sold simply because the new owners released a glorified v1.80 patch, doubled the price and called it an "Enhanced Edition".
Neither does GOG force any developer / publisher to pull their old games versions just because they make a new HD / "Enhanced" re-release. That's why you still have the choice of buying Avernum Complete Saga (2000) vs Avernum 1-3 HD (2012, 2015, 2018), or Shadow Warrior Classic vs Redux, or Leisure Suit Larry Original (1987) vs Reloaded (2013), etc. Others, eg, Day of The Tentacle may choose to remove the originals, however
that decision to remove / leave the older version up when releasing a new "HD" one is entirely up to the publishers and isn't done / not done due to "GOG threats".
If you want to buy NWN:EE personally, then fine go ahead. Just stop acting like an obvious troll continuing to recirculate the long disproven lies & conspiracy theories about GOG / Hasbro "threatening" BeamDog into not selling classic versions when the real legal facts are the exact opposite - it's 100% BeamDog's decision that's pulling non-EE versions from sale on GOG / Steam as standalone classic editions for very obvious reasons regarding how absurd the new $40 NWN:EE Deluxe looks side by side vs $10 DE discounted -80% to $2 in sale pricing disparities for what's basically a glorified v1.80 patch and 4x minor "DLC" (of which the best one
was made completely free in 2006 to everyone anyway)...