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codefenix: Translation (according to Bing): Welcome! no Russian subtitles, what kind should be! tell me, please
That was not quite an accurate translation, because the Google Translator says it means:

"welcome! No Russian subtitles, how to be like should be !! Prompt,"

I actually agree with the guy. There definitely should be no Russian subtitles, no matter how you want to be. Teleprompters may be needed.
Зачем ты всю веселуху испортил? На этой фразочке они бы ещё долго гугл мучили :-)
Alm888: None taken!

I simply do not understand from where they (Americans) have gotten this awful spelling. From Poland, maybe, or Germany. Seems German to me and, as was mentioned before, we are in the English sub-forum, not German.
Colour, color? Civilisation, Civilization? Salami, Pepperoni? Bier, Budweiser?
So one more screw up who cares, so long it is the REAL stuff ;)
What's a good site to learn the russian language?
clarry: What's a good site to learn the russian language?
YouTube dash cam videos, that's where I go for all my Russian.
Alm888: Зачем ты всю веселуху испортил? На этой фразочке они бы ещё долго гугл мучили :-)
Да не все мой перевод увидели, а некоторые, наверное, посчитали, что там очередной промпт. И да, сейчас у них есть ещё две фразы для перевода, товарисч. Хе-хе-хе... :)
clarry: What's a good site to learn the russian language?
Kleetus: YouTube dash cam videos, that's where I go for all my Russian.
Learning russian from that video is like learning english by Tarantino's movies. You will be really good at swearing, but otherwise your skill will be very basic at best.
Post edited November 02, 2016 by Andrey82
borman1: приветствую! нет русских субтитров, как быть, вроде должны быть!! подскажите, плз
Вы не сказали, о какой игре идёт речь. И как вы её устанавливали? Скачали установщик с сайта GOG или через Galaxy?
low rated
Andrey82: .
I would like to visit the Kremlin and wash Mr Putin's feet.
Andrey82: ...товарисч...
Использование олбанскаго йазыка падонкафф -- гриазный прийом, аднака!

Andrey82: Learning russian from that video is like learning english by Tarantino's movies. You will be really good at swearing, but otherwise your skill will be very basic at best.
That's the plan, I believe.

Kleetus: I would like to visit the Kremlin and wash Mr Putin's feet.
Watch out for his bear! He can be nasty if not drunk! Better prepare balalaika full of vodka beforehand, trust me.
Post edited November 02, 2016 by Alm888
I'd go to a Putin concert.
clarry: What's a good site to learn the russian language?
Well there's but I wouldn't trust a website which insists a syllable that's spelled CV can have a medial in it. Get a proper textbook and some children's books, dual-language if you can find any. Also, go to St. Petersburg (lol exchange rate). A stay here probably costs less than a videogame.
clarry: What's a good site to learn the russian language? Or similar place near to where you live.
low rated
Starmaker: .
You must be my lucky star,

'Cos you shine on me, wherever you are,

I just think of you and I start to glow,

And I need your light, and baby you know.
borman1: приветствую! нет русских субтитров, как быть, вроде должны быть!! подскажите, плз
With a goat maybe, but certainly not with a melon. Unless it's cold outside.
...Russians are allowed on the internet?
Whoa. What is the world coming to? Next thing you know, there'll be Chinese guys allowed on the internet, making jokes about Norman Bates or something!
Post edited November 03, 2016 by zeogold