Posted July 09, 2019
Sooo I hate most movies, ever. They're too long, I get too antsy, I hate blood, suspense, horror, and I just can't be assed.
Still! I've agreed with my friends to host a movie nite too. There's a big bunch of us and we all 'host' a nite with a movie (doesn't have to be a favorite). Entertain. Be adults (...). Serve things. You know teh drill. The group is getting larger and larger as it's all getting planned and I fear I'm going to be watching a movie most days (or weekends) for the rest of my freakin' life. This is my own personal hell.
Can anybody recommend an interestin' movie? We're not allowed to Google (etc) other people's recommendations, so it's all a bit in the dark unless you've already seen it. I guess that's the point. Unless it's Disney or Pixar I've heard of nothing, ever.
So far I'm waaay down teh list, at least. I know for a fact we have... uuuh... *looks*:
The Lion King (original)
Citizen Kane (?)
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (?)
The Burning (?)
Clue (?)
Amadeus (?)
Legend (?)
Memento (?)
Labyrinth (:D!)
Poop, that's already alot, without countin' teh 'mystery surprise' ones.
tbh I kind of lost why I made this thread...
Still! I've agreed with my friends to host a movie nite too. There's a big bunch of us and we all 'host' a nite with a movie (doesn't have to be a favorite). Entertain. Be adults (...). Serve things. You know teh drill. The group is getting larger and larger as it's all getting planned and I fear I'm going to be watching a movie most days (or weekends) for the rest of my freakin' life. This is my own personal hell.
Can anybody recommend an interestin' movie? We're not allowed to Google (etc) other people's recommendations, so it's all a bit in the dark unless you've already seen it. I guess that's the point. Unless it's Disney or Pixar I've heard of nothing, ever.
So far I'm waaay down teh list, at least. I know for a fact we have... uuuh... *looks*:
The Lion King (original)
Citizen Kane (?)
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (?)
The Burning (?)
Clue (?)
Amadeus (?)
Legend (?)
Memento (?)
Labyrinth (:D!)
Poop, that's already alot, without countin' teh 'mystery surprise' ones.
tbh I kind of lost why I made this thread...