Posted December 18, 2015

But about the Morrowind looting, which ends up quite satisfying indeed (IMO), but may indeed take bit of patience to fully empower.
So here goes:
Always be equipped with Divine / Almvisi intervention - and spell from mysticism (I think) "mark" / "recall." This could be a piece of jewelry, scroll or learned spell.
The intervention spells will take you to nearest temple / shrine, normally equals "bigger town + traders".
Having marked the spot you are looting in, you will teleport back. And repeat as needed.
As the loot does not disappear, I tended just to dump my pickings from a given location - and sell more of them next time passing by after the merchant had replenished money. Gnisis temple entrance always has mountains of my loot!
And "feather" in alchemy..? Alchemy system in Morrrowind is one of the best ever, highly vital for hard encounters, and always tends to be in my major skills.
I admit that building up your CHAR into the state were looting is a joy takes bit of effort, but I find it all the more satisfying.
In the Skyrim, I see myself resorting into quick travel because I have a definite dislike of superfluous horse riding, where it is but a gimmick. I am not saying take it away, but leave the intervention etc spells, and good alchemy for the rest of us, pray!