Draek: but then my gaming PC went the way of the dodo before I could actually take it :(
That does suck a bit.
Vythonaut: For me is a coincidence; these days I don't have much free time for gaming, let alone installing various games and loading stored savegame files which is something I've done in the previous contests.
I have a ton of screenshots saved and usually sift through them when a new contest starts, so I kinda figured that was a common thing.
Vythonaut: (in my hundreds of hours I spend, I don't think I found a memorable NPC -- maybe it's because I haven't played the main storyline yet..).
That's just because Skyrim doesn't have any memorable NPCs. Dragon Yoda maybe, but other than that. Nah.
ZeroDrm: Darkling. Though Johnny Powell is entertaining as well.
Ah. Incidentally, I was gonna mention the Darkling first but. He's almost a player character, considering you can throw him around and ... Huh. I don't wanna spoil anything in case you haven't reached the point I'm thinking of right now.